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Dengue fever CIA’s bio attack on Pak suspected

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Dengue fever
CIA’s bio attack on Pak suspected
Cuba suffered scourge in 1981
Akhtar Jamal

Islamabad—Fears are growing in Pakistan that the spread of dengue fever also known as break-bone fever may have been caused by some kind of biological experiment or deliberate release of virus by foreign elements.

Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) representatives have called on security agencies to investigate fears of deliberate spread of dengue virus in Pakistan. According to a report, the PMA members and experts have demanded in-depth investigation over mysterious spread of Dengue virus in Punjab.

Dengue fever is an infectious tropical disease caused by the dengue virus and the disease has caused alarming situation in Lahore and other Punjab cities. Lately the disease has spread to other cities of Pakistan and has killed over 100 people affecting thousands. According to experts the virus has four different types; infection with one type usually gives lifelong immunity to that type, but only short-term immunity to the others. Subsequent infection with a different type increases the risk of severe complications.

As per Internet info, in the spring and summer of 1981, Cuba experienced a severe hemorrhagic dengue fever epidemic. Between May and October 1981, the island nation had 158 dengue-related deaths with about 75,000 reported infection cases. At the height of the epidemic, over 10,000 people (per day) were found infected and 116,150 were hospitalized. At the same time during 1981 outbreak, covert biological warfare attacks on Cuba’s residents and crops were believed to have been conducted against the island by CIA contractors and military airplane flyovers. Particularly harmful to the nation was a severe outbreak of swine flu that Fidel Castro attributed to the CIA. American researcher William H. Schaap, an editor of Covert Action magazine, claims the Cuba dengue outbreak was the result of CIA activities.

In 1982, the then Soviet media reported that the CIA sent operatives into Afghanistan from Pakistan to launch a dengue epidemic. The Soviets at the time claimed the operatives were posing as malaria workers, but, instead, were releasing dengue-infected mosquitoes. The CIA denied the charges. In 1985 and 1986, authorities in Nicaragua accused the CIA of creating a massive outbreak of dengue fever that infected thousands in that country. CIA officials denied any involvement, but Army researchers admitted that intensive work with arthropod vectors for offensive biological warfare objectives had been conducted at Fort Detrick in the early 1980s, having first started in the early 1950s. American Fort Detrick researchers reported that huge colonies of mosquitoes infected with not only dengue virus, but also yellow fever, were maintained at the Frederick, Maryland (U.S.), installation, as well as hordes of flies carrying cholera and anthrax and thousands of ticks filled with Colorado fever and relapsing fever.

It is significant to note that in early 2011, American CIA sponsored a fake vaccination drive in Abbottabad city of Pakistan to get DNA samples of Osama bin Laden, developing aversion to the real and much needed polio vaccination programme in Pakistan.

Bilogical attack on Afghanistan: Britain and the US have been accused of a biological attack on Afghanistan’s poppy fields in an attempt to defeat the Afghani resistance, destroy wheat and fruit trees and blight the opium crop. The British daily “Telegraph” reported in May 2010 that “poppy plants (in Afghanistan) have been suffering a mysterious disease that leaves them yellow and withered and slashes the yield of opium resin, which is sold and processed into heroin. The worst-affected farmers said the scale of the infection was unprecedented. Yields have dropped by 90 per cent in some fields.

Some have claimed the British and Americans are responsible for the plague, but they strongly denied involvement. The blight was first noticed a month ago and linked to an infestation of aphids in wheat and fruit trees. It has since been found in four provinces across the south.

These biological attacks on the Afghani people brings to memory the American biological war against the Vietnamese people in the 1960s and 1970s.

Jean-Luc Lemahieu, the head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in Afghanistan was quoted as saying: ‘’We are at this moment not sure if it is a fungus or some insect. Spraying has been forbidden in very clear words by the President of Afghanistan. Hence, awaiting the results from our lab tests.’’
CIA’s bio attack on Pak suspected
I really dunno what to say .... :coffee:
Genetically mutated mosquitoes anyone ?

I am not commenting on this particular allegation, but I used to work with a Russian guy who bragged that his dad poisened village water supplies upstream in Afghanistan.
Stop making none sense conspiracy theory. Dengue is here because of our own short comings. We used to import second hand tires filled with mosquito larvae from East Asia and these specific mosquitoes came to Pakistan in 1990's and have now spread. Then the Dengue virus came and now we are in it for the long haul. The truth is that this disease is now going to become a part of our life for ever just like it is in other Dengue countries. Once a disease like Malaria or Dengue becomes endemic it becomes very difficult to get rid of. It becomes part of the community. With the level of our municipality cleaning and our very dirty cities these mosquitoes are going to just love Pakistan. The strange thing, is that we have not appealed for technical help from WHO which is the right of Pakistan to do. Neither we have appealed to US which can help with technology to combat this.
they hire zardari as a prsedent and its enugh for them lolz dengue will kill us because we never clean our city .lolz CIA .

bte why INDIANS are here trolling CIA is not indian agency he never say RAW ?are you guys get wired in hate of pakistan that you take US side for trolling ?:rolleyes:
they hire zardari as a prsedent and its enugh for them lolz dengue will kill us because we never clean our city .lolz CIA .

bte why INDIANS are here trolling CIA is not indian agency he never say RAW ?are you guys get wired in hate of pakistan that you take US side for trolling ?:rolleyes:

Its hilarious, isn't it?
they hire zardari as a prsedent and its enugh for them lolz dengue will kill us because we never clean our city .lolz CIA .

bte why INDIANS are here trolling CIA is not indian agency he never say RAW ?are you guys get wired in hate of pakistan that you take US side for trolling ?:rolleyes:

Just look at the sheer stupidity of the thread !!

Even if RAW was mentioned instead of CIA, my response would have been the same as above :azn:
Its hilarious, isn't it?

yes it is but use of smilies cheap comment for your next door just because of 12000km away is more stupid idea .USA will not your border state but pakistan forever is here wit you .

---------- Post added at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 PM ----------

Just look at the sheer stupidity of the thread !!

Even if RAW was mentioned instead of CIA, my response would have been the same as above :azn:

if it was stupid then what we call your post .trust me if i have power i ban each and every member that use smilies and jokes then reply on topic .then again my bad lolz
Oh no Pak observer again.
I am expecting that they will soon publish that Obama killed Osama who was his brother because they had an ongoing legal battle over a 300 sq.ft apartment in Dharavi.:rofl:

And Guess who killed Osama,Navy Seals?
WRONG.It was Paris Hilton.

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