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Democrats to maintain pressure on Pakistan if Clinton wins

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Democrats to maintain pressure on Pakistan if Clinton wins
WASHINGTON: The new Democratic administration “will continue to push for an Afghan-led peace process and press Pakistan to deny all terrorists sanctuary on its soil,” says the Democratic Party’s election manifesto released this weekend.

The manifesto, which is called the “party platform” in the United States, shows that the Hillary Clinton administration, if elected, would continue President Barack Obama’s foreign policies, particularly in South Asia.

The 2016 US presidential election is scheduled for Nov 8 and so far Democrats appear ahead of their Republican rivals in the race for the White House.

The manifesto shows that the next Democratic administration, besides pushing Pakistan to do more in the war against terror, would also seek a close strategic partnership with India. Like its predecessor, it will continue to support the government in Kabul, especially in its disputes with Islamabad.

The Republicans have not yet released their election manifesto but recent statements by their presumptive candidate, Donald Trump, indicate that he would advocate applying even more pressure on Pakistan to combat Afghan Taliban hiding inside the country.

In Afghanistan, Democrats will continue to work with the Nato-led coalition of partners to “bolster the democratically-elected government as it assumes a primary role in tackling terrorism, forges a more secure future for the country, and safeguards advances, like securing women’s rights”.

They would also support President Obama’s decision to maintain a limited troop presence in Afghanistan and “ensure that it never again serves as a haven for terrorists to plan and launch attacks on our homeland”.

INDIA: Democrats pledged to continue to invest in a long-term strategic partnership with India, which the manifesto describes as “the world’s largest democracy, a nation of great diversity, and an important Pacific power”.

IS: Democrats vowed to root out the militant Islamic State (IS) group. They also vowed to bring together the Syrian opposition, international community, and US regional allies to reach a negotiated political transition that ends President Bashar Assad’s rule in Syria.

MUSLIMS: The Democratic manifesto rejected Donald Trump’s vilification of Muslims, because it “violates the religious freedom that is the bedrock of our country”.

They noted that Mr Trump’s rhetoric feeds into IS’ nefarious narrative, and alienates people and countries that are crucial to defeating terrorism.

Published in Dawn, July 4th, 2016

Democrats to maintain pressure on Pakistan if Clinton wins
WASHINGTON: The new Democratic administration “will continue to push for an Afghan-led peace process and press Pakistan to deny all terrorists sanctuary on its soil,” says the Democratic Party’s election manifesto released this weekend.

The manifesto, which is called the “party platform” in the United States, shows that the Hillary Clinton administration, if elected, would continue President Barack Obama’s foreign policies, particularly in South Asia.

The 2016 US presidential election is scheduled for Nov 8 and so far Democrats appear ahead of their Republican rivals in the race for the White House.

The manifesto shows that the next Democratic administration, besides pushing Pakistan to do more in the war against terror, would also seek a close strategic partnership with India. Like its predecessor, it will continue to support the government in Kabul, especially in its disputes with Islamabad.

The Republicans have not yet released their election manifesto but recent statements by their presumptive candidate, Donald Trump, indicate that he would advocate applying even more pressure on Pakistan to combat Afghan Taliban hiding inside the country.

In Afghanistan, Democrats will continue to work with the Nato-led coalition of partners to “bolster the democratically-elected government as it assumes a primary role in tackling terrorism, forges a more secure future for the country, and safeguards advances, like securing women’s rights”.

They would also support President Obama’s decision to maintain a limited troop presence in Afghanistan and “ensure that it never again serves as a haven for terrorists to plan and launch attacks on our homeland”.

INDIA: Democrats pledged to continue to invest in a long-term strategic partnership with India, which the manifesto describes as “the world’s largest democracy, a nation of great diversity, and an important Pacific power”.

IS: Democrats vowed to root out the militant Islamic State (IS) group. They also vowed to bring together the Syrian opposition, international community, and US regional allies to reach a negotiated political transition that ends President Bashar Assad’s rule in Syria.

MUSLIMS: The Democratic manifesto rejected Donald Trump’s vilification of Muslims, because it “violates the religious freedom that is the bedrock of our country”.

They noted that Mr Trump’s rhetoric feeds into IS’ nefarious narrative, and alienates people and countries that are crucial to defeating terrorism.

Published in Dawn, July 4th, 2016

What both of these Assholes forget is that they will apply pressure with What exactly? Morons needs a reality check that US has played its cards already. No F-16s, no CSF funding, the other funding is decreased as we speak so what they exactly going to pressure us with? Propaganda or their state department?
Like i said in other threads, it time for Pakistan to change its reactive foreign policy and turn it into more assertive one. A snub to US is in order every now and than. Shoot down any drone that enters Pakistani territory. Obama is weak he wouldnt do anything but the right message will be sent across other players not to carry on with this bigotry and hypocrisy or Pakistan will respond in kind.
The point being here is that Democrats will continue to build pressure on Pakistan for supporting terrorism and Republican Trump almost hate Pakistan..i.e. Pakistan is f**ked:omghaha:

Let these *** holes come to white house first. The reality will be drawn upon them as did on Obama.
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As much as you want that is not the case Idiot. Let these *** holes come to white house first. The reality will be drawn upon them as did on Obama. Now go and wank on some other thread wanker.

@Horus @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster

Look at the language of this asshole. Would you care to keep these retards in check?
Sorry about that..deleted the post
America is going to loose every leverage over pakistan soon.
No f16 , No funds no say
no carrot no stick simple
But they have UNO.......U for United States and NO for rest....lollllllllzzz
United States influence on Pakistan is decreasing day by day, so I would be looking forward to Clinton administration's attempts at "pressuring" us if they actually manage to win.

BTW I am rooting for Trump as president, that's a four years of comedy just right there. :D
America is going to loose every leverage over pakistan soon.
No f16 , No funds no say
no carrot no stick simple
it would be repeat of 90s...than they would scratch their heads offer another carrot and our leader ship will say"yes" yet again..well may be not(highly unlikely), lets wait for 2018 election
There is the reason why America's pressure tactics pushed Pakistan further away to China and now Russia. America needs to realize its tactical pressure-game is backfiring. Pakistan has options whereas USA is getting alienated regarding its policy on Middle East and Asia.
Democrats to maintain pressure on Pakistan if Clinton wins
WASHINGTON: The new Democratic administration “will continue to push for an Afghan-led peace process and press Pakistan to deny all terrorists sanctuary on its soil,” says the Democratic Party’s election manifesto released this weekend.

The manifesto, which is called the “party platform” in the United States, shows that the Hillary Clinton administration, if elected, would continue President Barack Obama’s foreign policies, particularly in South Asia.

The 2016 US presidential election is scheduled for Nov 8 and so far Democrats appear ahead of their Republican rivals in the race for the White House.

The manifesto shows that the next Democratic administration, besides pushing Pakistan to do more in the war against terror, would also seek a close strategic partnership with India. Like its predecessor, it will continue to support the government in Kabul, especially in its disputes with Islamabad.

The Republicans have not yet released their election manifesto but recent statements by their presumptive candidate, Donald Trump, indicate that he would advocate applying even more pressure on Pakistan to combat Afghan Taliban hiding inside the country.

In Afghanistan, Democrats will continue to work with the Nato-led coalition of partners to “bolster the democratically-elected government as it assumes a primary role in tackling terrorism, forges a more secure future for the country, and safeguards advances, like securing women’s rights”.

They would also support President Obama’s decision to maintain a limited troop presence in Afghanistan and “ensure that it never again serves as a haven for terrorists to plan and launch attacks on our homeland”.

INDIA: Democrats pledged to continue to invest in a long-term strategic partnership with India, which the manifesto describes as “the world’s largest democracy, a nation of great diversity, and an important Pacific power”.

IS: Democrats vowed to root out the militant Islamic State (IS) group. They also vowed to bring together the Syrian opposition, international community, and US regional allies to reach a negotiated political transition that ends President Bashar Assad’s rule in Syria.

MUSLIMS: The Democratic manifesto rejected Donald Trump’s vilification of Muslims, because it “violates the religious freedom that is the bedrock of our country”.

They noted that Mr Trump’s rhetoric feeds into IS’ nefarious narrative, and alienates people and countries that are crucial to defeating terrorism.

Published in Dawn, July 4th, 2016


The US government is able to continue its Pakistan bashing because Pakistan allows it. There are ways for intelligent people to resist this kind of thuggish behaviour without declaring war. Perhaps Pakistani leaders should attend lectures of Mahtir Muhammad.
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The US government is able to continues its Pakistan bashing because Pakistan allows it. There are ways for intelligent people to resist this kind of thuggish behaviour without declaring war. Perhaps Pakistani leaders should attend lectures of Mahtir Muhammad.

Pakistan is the important factor in Asia. Of course, USA will not stop bashing Pakistan. In fact, that is the sign USA actually respects Pakistan for opponent if we are to look at all the perspective. USA cannot mention other nations that have no bearing on the real world except India which is purported to keep Pakistan in check. USA will continue to bash Pakistan as long as Pakistan succeeds in combating terrorism as Nuclear-nation. The day Pakistan is Nuclear-free, that is the day USA will stop bashing or caring about Pakistan. USA will never stop bashing China and Russia for the same reasons. :D
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