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Featured Delhi Muslims fear they will never see justice for religious riot atrocities

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indian muslims wont want to break off. most of these are descendants of losers that hated the idea of Pakistan. they believed that they wont be targeted in India by the majority hindus. all the indian muslims want is for their identity as both an indian and a muslim to be respected. but when you have laws like cow slaughter laws, triple talaq, cant buy houses in this locality or that, Babri masjid, love jihad propaganda, etc, then hindutva will not only awaken the hindus, it will also awaken the indian muslims, and that is when they will start to congregate into some states and form majorities so that anti-muslim laws cant be passed there and they can live there without harassment. only in an extreme scenario would they want to break off. like i said to you a dozen times already, in Pakistan we dont have anti-hinduism laws. any hindu can practice all aspects of his faith here, even though we were built for Islam and we are called the Islamic republic of Pakistan. India calls itself secular, but clearly isnt. the indian muslim was sold a pipe dream of secular state, and now they are realising it was always meant to become a hindu rashtra openly.
I dont care what reason led to Indian muslims choosing India over Pak, whether it was ideological, logistical or political, they are Indians now.

I already explained on beef. Islam does not say that you SHOULD eat beef. I dont like any official ban on beef (and many states in India do allow beef), but it is common sense to take care of the sentiments of the majority around you. The same reason why it is common sense to not openly drink alcohol / eat pork during Ramzan in Pakistan, or roam around in bikins in rural South Asia.

Triple talaq is banned in Pak too, so what is your issue on that.
Law allows anyone to buy property anywhere (some zones are protected for people of only that region, but no religion bar).
Babri masjid - I agree with you on that. The way the entire episode transpired is regretful and it weakend Indian unity.
Love jihad propaganda - This is again for domestic vote bank politics of BJP.

Barring few irritations, Muslims are equal citizens of India. Not like Pakistan, where constitutionally non-Muslims are discriminated against for highest offices (cant be PM, President, Army Chief etc).

India is in danger of becoming a Hindu Pakistan and all Indians need to work hard to avoid that possibility.
it didnt start in Operation Searchlight. it started many years ago when India was deliberately interfering with the internal affairs of East Pakistan. like the Agartala Conspiracy. India was the first to use such tactics. like i said, agreements mean something when India wants it to (Kashmir), and it means nothing when India decides it doesnt (Junagarh, partition land agreement).

see? do as i see, not as i do. India invaded Junagarh when the ruler joined Pakistan, and India also invaded Kashmir when the ruler joined India. waah. Pakistan accepted the plebiscite in Junagarh even though we were supposed to carry it out, because we knew what they were going to pick anyway so we accepted them joining India. whereas India was doing demographic change in Kashmir through their dealings with the ruler before Pakistan and India invaded Kashmir. always using dirty tactics. India did the same in East Pakistan, long before all this bullshit about refugee situation and Operation Searchlight.
Lets not talk about conspiracy theories. They are mere theories. Fact is that your action led to mass influx of refugees in India which forced India to intervene. Mujibur Rahman had won your national elections in a transparent election, no conspiracy there. But west Pakistani leaders could not swallow that which led to him demanding more autonomy for East Pak, which led to you launching a killing spree of Hindus and intellectuals. Dont blame India for West Pakistani leaders' greed for power.

Already explained Junagarh and Kashmir. You are wasting time by asking same questions. If Pakistan had any objection after India conducted plebiscite in Junagarh and merged it, you should have approached UN. You did not and accepted it, so you cant raise that matter now.
Again, for J&K, you did not go to UN if you felt cheated, you sent your irregular forces in. India only entered Kashmir once we got legal papers signed, so that is not an invasion. And India went to UN for a peaceful resolution. It was Pakistan who had to follow UN resolution and withdraw its forces. But Pak was happy then with the land grab and did not follow UN resolution. And now it hypocritically blames India.

your analysis of the Pakistani involvement in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is hilarious. using irregular forces didnt have much backlash in Pakistan after the Soviets were defeated. it was only after the US invasion that a backlash came because Pakistan allowed the US to get to Afghanistan (a landlocked country) through Pakistan, and i feel sympathy for the Afghans. this was something we should never have done. the common Pakistanis and Afghans took out their anger on Pakistan who they felt was also supporting the US invasion of Afghanistan. this is what the real problem was, not the Pakistan fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Pakistan only wants its rights. we dont fight India or anyone else without reason. we let India have more partition land than the agreement said. we let India have Junagarh because it made sense the hindu population would rather be with India. the only time we had an issue that we fought for was Kashmir, and even then India wont let it go. this is because india is an imperialistic little shit, like all indians are open trolls and closet imperialists that talk big things like peace and all kinds of other bullshit. in conclusion, since you see no reason for Pakistan to be aggrieved with India since 1947, yet still remain at PDF to "debate" it just shows you are a typical indian, a troll, an obsessed little indian loser.

Raising and using irregular forces poisoned the minds of ordinary Pakistanis. The mindset became extremist and intolerant. After the Soviets were defeated, these trained irregular but unruly forces then were pushed in Kashmir to force a change. When that did not work and international community tightened screws on Pak to rein in these terrorists, they wreaked havoc inside Pakistan itself.

What land agreement are you talking about. British (Radcliff) decided who gets what land. Neither India nor Pakistan had any say in that. You got disproportionally more and fertile land, but nothing can make Pak happy.

You cannot decide whether you want Indians on PDF or not. If you dont want, that PDF should clearly state that or ban them. If you cant or wont do that, then shut your trap. I see how scared you are of me that you are almost pleading with me to go away.
I already explained on beef. Islam does not say that you SHOULD eat beef. I dont like any official ban on beef (and many states in India do allow beef), but it is common sense to take care of the sentiments of the majority around you. The same reason why it is common sense to not openly drink alcohol / eat pork during Ramzan in Pakistan, or roam around in bikins in rural South Asia.

difference is no one is stopping non-muslims from eating pork, drinking alcohol, and wearing bikini in their homes. in India, muslims arent even allowed to eat beef in their homes. india always used to be a hindu rashtra state, now its just come into the open. Pakistan doesnt ban hindus from practicing their religion to the fullest.

Law allows anyone to buy property anywhere (some zones are protected for people of only that region, but no religion bar).

even indian muslim celebrities arent allowed to buy land here and there because they are muslim, and the law stays silent.

Love jihad propaganda - This is again for domestic vote bank politics of BJP.

yeah. but they are targeting indian muslims, not pakistani muslims. more of this and eventually indian muslims will migrate and form a majority in some states.

Barring few irritations

lol. few irritations. oh, so minor. tiny little irritations. if Pakistan banned bells, nayrals, bindi, mangal sutra, diyas, holi colour dust, etc then we will see how much you cry. hypocrite.

Muslims are equal citizens of India.

yeah. where they cant practice parts of their faith. equal citizens, and constant propaganda is done targeting them (not muslims of Pakistan, Bangladesh, or anywhere else).

Not like Pakistan, where constitutionally non-Muslims are discriminated against for highest offices (cant be PM, President, Army Chief etc).

differences are, we never claimed to be a secular state, and we dont tell hindus what they can/cant practice of their faith. at least we are up front and honest, that we are islamic republic, and you can practice hinduism without an issue, the state wont interfere in your affairs. whereas India claims to be secular to the whole world, allows the uncle tom among the muslims to become rich, as long as they cant practice parts of islam and have to face constant propaganda against them. but ohhh, thats all ok, its only vote bank politics. pathetic.

India is in danger of becoming a Hindu Pakistan and all Indians need to work hard to avoid that possibility.

already is. always was. finally its exposed for the world to see. nothing wrong with being a hindu pakistan, but at least be honest about it so that muslims that live there know what they are signing up for if they choose to live there.
difference is no one is stopping non-muslims from eating pork, drinking alcohol, and wearing bikini in their homes. in India, muslims arent even allowed to eat beef in their homes. india always used to be a hindu rashtra state, now its just come into the open. Pakistan doesnt ban hindus from practicing their religion to the fullest.

even indian muslim celebrities arent allowed to buy land here and there because they are muslim, and the law stays silent.

yeah. but they are targeting indian muslims, not pakistani muslims. more of this and eventually indian muslims will migrate and form a majority in some states.

lol. few irritations. oh, so minor. tiny little irritations. if Pakistan banned bells, nayrals, bindi, mangal sutra, diyas, holi colour dust, etc then we will see how much you cry. hypocrite.

yeah. where they cant practice parts of their faith. equal citizens, and constant propaganda is done targeting them (not muslims of Pakistan, Bangladesh, or anywhere else).

differences are, we never claimed to be a secular state, and we dont tell hindus what they can/cant practice of their faith. at least we are up front and honest, that we are islamic republic, and you can practice hinduism without an issue, the state wont interfere in your affairs. whereas India claims to be secular to the whole world, allows the uncle tom among the muslims to become rich, as long as they cant practice parts of islam and have to face constant propaganda against them. but ohhh, thats all ok, its only vote bank politics. pathetic.

already is. always was. finally its exposed for the world to see. nothing wrong with being a hindu pakistan, but at least be honest about it so that muslims that live there know what they are signing up for if they choose to live there.

I am not going to defend for the sake of defence. I agree that many of the above issues are plaguing India, but given Pakistan's record against its minorities, it is the last country to have any moral right to advise us.

You see what image and respect Pakistan has in the world .. zilch. Hence everything is wrong in being a Hindu Pakistan.
Lets not talk about conspiracy theories. They are mere theories.

yeah. conspiracy theories that multiple members of said conspiracy admitted were true and that all the charges read out to them in court were true. but sure, conspiracy theories. india is never wrong, Pakistan is always wrong.

Already explained Junagarh and Kashmir. You are wasting time by asking same questions. If Pakistan had any objection after India conducted plebiscite in Junagarh and merged it, you should have approached UN. You did not and accepted it, so you cant raise that matter now.

why approach the UN for Junagarh? the people wanted India, their happiness is more important than a patch of land. India values the land, but not the people. Pakistan valued the people over the land.

Raising and using irregular forces poisoned the minds of ordinary Pakistanis. The mindset became extremist and intolerant. After the Soviets were defeated, these trained irregular but unruly forces then were pushed in Kashmir to force a change. When that did not work and international community tightened screws on Pak to rein in these terrorists, they wreaked havoc inside Pakistan itself.

the mujahideen of the Afghan war did nothing to Pakistan until the US invaded, then they rightfully had a reason to be aggrieved. we should never have let the americans into afghanistan and backstabbed them. as for the international community not punishing india regarding kashmir, the world revolves around money. india is a bigger economy and trading partner of the West. but as the West grows weaker, and China and the new bloc grow stronger, India's time of riding roughshod over every neighbour is coming to end eventually.

What land agreement are you talking about.

go read about it

You cannot decide whether you want Indians on PDF or not.

you are right. i can just call you what you are. a dishonest troll, who acts like an intellectual. blames all its neighbours for every issue, but never accept any responsibility. then comes to talk about peace and justice. typical indian.

If you dont want, that PDF should clearly state that or ban them.

does every house have a sign that you arent welcome? or do you just enter and do whatever you want? you are indian, so obviously the latter. uninvited guest. typical indian.

I see how scared you are of me that you are almost pleading with me to go away.

oh yeah. i am so scared. so scared. you are never going to go away. you can be here for decades like every other indian troll that is on here. but so can i, no matter how much i get banned. so we will see each other for years to come and i will always insult you, but never ask you to leave. samaj gaye? typical indian.
I am not going to defend for the sake of defence. I agree that many of the above issues are plaguing India, but given Pakistan's record against its minorities, it is the last country to have any moral right to advise us.

You see what image and respect Pakistan has in the world .. zilch. Hence everything is wrong in being a Hindu Pakistan.

our track record with minorities is better than india. hindus arent told what they cant practice, and we are openly an islamic republic, so we arent deceiving anyone. deceit is for india and indians, its your national sport. world respect China more than India. but China respects no religion, communists never do. so China is better than India? great logic.
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yeah. conspiracy theories that multiple members of said conspiracy admitted were true and that all the charges read out to them in court were true. but sure, conspiracy theories. india is never wrong, Pakistan is always wrong.
conspiracy or not, he won the election fair and square. Conveniently ignored replying on that.

why approach the UN for Junagarh? the people wanted India, their happiness is more important than a patch of land. India values the land, but not the people. Pakistan valued the people over the land.
If Pakistan valued people over land, why did it not withdrew its forces as per UN resolution to allow for plebiscite?

the mujahideen of the Afghan war did nothing to Pakistan until the US invaded, then they rightfully had a reason to be aggrieved. we should never have let the americans into afghanistan and backstabbed them. as for the international community not punishing india regarding kashmir, the world revolves around money. india is a bigger economy and trading partner of the West. but as the West grows weaker, and China and the new bloc grow stronger, India's time of riding roughshod over every neighbour is coming to end eventually.
You can believe what you want to believe.

you are right. i can just call you what you are. a dishonest troll, who acts like an intellectual. blames all its neighbours for every issue, but never accept any responsibility. then comes to talk about peace and justice. typical indian.

does every house have a sign that you arent welcome? or do you just enter and do whatever you want? you are indian, so obviously the latter. uninvited guest. typical indian.

oh yeah. i am so scared. so scared. you are never going to go away. you can be here for decades like every other indian troll that is on here. but so can i, no matter how much i get banned. so we will see each other for years to come and i will always insult you, but never ask you to leave. samaj gaye? typical indian.
Whatever floats your boat man. Be happy.

our track record with minorities is better than india. hindus arent told what they cant practice, and we are openly an islamic republic, so we arent deceiving anyone. deceit is for india and indians, its your national sport. world respect China more than India. but China respects no religion, communists never do. so China is better than India? great logic.
Yes. Pakistan is the land of milk and honey for the minorities. Pakistani Hindus are so happy there. Indian Muslims are migrating to Pakistan in record numbers and requesting Pakistani citizenship.

China commands absolute respect. No one believes corona originated in Wuhan, China. No one believes China restricts freedom of information. China allows all multinational companies to do business without restriction (Google, FB etc), and does not do corporate espionage.
riots are
mostly started by muslims in india , but muslims get more loss because of majority of hindus .
Your lucky we have not sent a lashkar raised from the MQM in Karachi led by Altaf of London. Trust me Delhi would have fallen by now. Pakistan establishment has taken pity on you guys.
Your lucky we have not sent a lashkar raised from the MQM in Karachi led by Altaf of London. Trust me Delhi would have fallen by now. Pakistan establishment has taken pity on you guys.

we will give delhi happily to such lashkar .
altaf bhai is true indian muslim with indian DNA ,he is not arab turk musalman or muslim league . muslims of indian DNA will never harm india .
It’s sad that India committed genocide and the butcher was rewarded with being prime minister. India is messed up.
It’s sad that India committed genocide and the butcher was rewarded with being prime minister. India is messed up.

If you commit a rape or other violent crime, Indian Hindus award you with a place in the parliament like the 116 lucky Indian Hindu rapists and criminal MPAs happily deciding India's laws.
If you lead a gang of rapists and thugs, Indian Hindus award with you with a position as chief minister of India's largest state.
If you lead an entire state on an orgy of rape and murder, Indian Hindus will decide to make you their prime minister and let you lead them into the future. What a tolerant, vibrant and progressive community!
"ideological influence, and failed science programs". this is the best the mighty Soviets and their so called mighty communism had to shows, while their own people were starving to death, and they had mass murderers like Stalin and Mao, your idols.

defeated the Soviets, and saved Pakistan.

we are common muslim men and women. i already said i dont agree nor support Al Qaeda, or Taliban or any other strawman you want to throw at me. but you on the other hand love Stalin and Mao, killers of millions more than any Taliban or Al Qaeda have ever done. the fighting in Syria was initially not West-provided. it was fueled on killing of civilians and anti-islamic rhetoric of the Syrian regime while they were doing so. i still remember the video at the start of the conflict which turned it into a war where Syrian soldiers (cunts like you) were buring a muslim boy alive and telling him to say "there is no God but bashar al assad", but he kept saying "there is no God but Allah" and he died, buried alive. meanwhile, go kiss Stalin, Mao and Assad's *** a little more.

i never said Islam was just about prayer. everyone knows its the complete way of life, from prayer to law to politics. everything. dont need communism, **** communism. dont need communists, **** communists. go worship Stalin and Mao.

only a fool would do that, or a traitor. Zia was neither, Alhamdulillah.

your dreams have no proofs, no divine commands. its stems from godlessness and vain mind of human fools. people that couldnt even finish poverty, hunger and injustice in their own lands and they talk about their "vision" for the world.

Islam on the other hand has numerous proofs for it being the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. the source of this truth tells us how to pray, how to do our politics and everything else. a complete way of life.

1. I never said I admire Stalin.

2. You remind me of @Zarvan from five years ago. But Zarvan was always polite. Zarvan has since mellowed down. Maybe you too will mellow down in five years.
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If you commit a rape or other violent crime, Indian Hindus award you with a place in the parliament like the 116 lucky Indian Hindu rapists and criminal MPAs happily deciding India's laws.
If you lead a gang of rapists and thugs, Indian Hindus award with you with a position as chief minister of India's largest state.
If you lead an entire state on an orgy of rape and murder, Indian Hindus will decide to make you their prime minister and let you lead them into the future. What a tolerant, vibrant and progressive community!
Our Prime Minister Sri Modi Ji is from what is categorized as a backward caste.

our President is a Dalit

muslims dominate the movie scene

Afghan Rashid Khan is our favourite cricketer

India is a loving place full of loving people

we love Pakistan too, mashallah.. cease fire ho gai, cotton khreedne ki bhi baat ho ri..

we love biriyani

inshallah soon our companies will set up shop all over Pakistan

which Royal Enfield will you buy from your future local Hindu Baniya run dealership, and there'll be plenty of showrooms all over Pakistan:


imagine the future, breakfast at haldirams, and there will be plenty of Haldirams all over the place too.. Peshawar to Krachi, Pnjab to Bluchistan..


aman ki asha <3
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