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Defense Budget Hiked to 2.3 Lakh Crore

Interim budget was presented just 4 months back, You can't expect a miracle in revenue generation in these four years, can you?

I never expected that they will fix all the deal now directy, in fact I knew it would take time. But a budget is not a short term measure, nor did they started just a month ago to plan for it.
The point is, with the promises BJP made and the expectations THEY raised during the elections, it is disappointing to see them following only what UPA planned. You can't honestly tell me, that you didn't expected a raise to at least 15% based on the claims that were made, or just to show that they want to change more than the UPA isn't it? The media and many BJP supporters even expected 20 to 25%, which I found unrealistic from the start, but such a mini raise was simply not expected.

Also, Mr. Jaitley rightly said that he couldn't have done anything drastic or could reverse major policy decisions of the last govt. since it would have affected market sentiments & affected India's International standing. He din't have much room to maneuver.

Of course he can't, which only shows that the former government wasn't as stupid as the BJP said and that the promises they made in the opposition were simply unrealistic. But then again, a raise to 15% instead of 12% is not that of a big move, if I'm not wrong just $1 billion more.

Now please don't see my argument in a BJP vs. Congress debate, I am just debating on ECONOMICS of this budget.

And still you started with an excuse for the BJP. ;)

This isn't our news paper...is this?


And this is the view on Kargil war you own General Singh in saying:
Gen VK Singh praises Pervez Musharraf's courage for crossing LoC before 1999 Kargil operation

Read more at: Gen VK Singh praises Pervez Musharraf's courage for crossing LoC before 1999 Kargil operation : North, News - India Today

And the Peak "5252" which is still under Pak Army...Now let me no if you need Pain killer>?
1.) You FAILED to take you objectives in 1965: Jammu and Kashmir! And in fact, you even ended up fighting for Lahore when India counterattacked before the ceasefire was negotiated.
While India succeeded in defending J&K.

Whether you won battle XYZ does not matter in the bigger picture. And besides, the mentioned tank battle was inconclusive, Pak troops halted the Indian counterattack on Pakistani soil (which already shows that the initial Pak advance failed) and pushed them back. The battle never came to a conclusion because of the ceasefire.

Just because some random newspaper journalist says what you want to hear, its not necessarily true.

The same guy mentions that the biggest tank battle happened on the North Africa during WW2, which is plain wrong. The biggest tank battle took place at Kursk on the Eastern Front months after the African campaign

2.) VK Singh and Musharraf are (were) both officers.
Its not uncommon that they show signs of respect to each other.

In fact, similar things happened several times during the history of Indo Pak conflicts.
Minorities like Jews,Buddhists, Parsies , Sikhs and Christians ??
jews are not miniority as per indian constituion ...
only 5 above 4 + mulsim

1.) You FAILED to take you objectives in 1965: Jammu and Kashmir! And in fact, you even ended up fighting for Lahore when India counterattacked before the ceasefire was negotiated.
While India succeeded in defending J&K.

Whether you won battle XYZ does not matter in the bigger picture. And besides, the mentioned tank battle was inconclusive, Pak troops halted the Indian counterattack on Pakistani soil (which already shows that the initial Pak advance failed) and pushed them back. The battle never came to a conclusion because of the ceasefire.

Just because some random newspaper journalist says what you want to hear, its not necessarily true.

The same guy mentions that the biggest tank battle happened on the North Africa during WW2, which is plain wrong. The biggest tank battle took place at Kursk on the Eastern Front months after the African campaign
2.) VK Singh and Musharraf are (were) both officers. Its not uncommon that they show signs of respect to each other.

In fact, similar things happened several times during the history of Indo Pak conflicts.
now they belive one of the paper form world journalisam
but most of the time inclduing for 1965 .. will not belive them as
western proporgeda or conspiracy agisant pak ...
but why newspaer reporting liek this ..
1st time saw like that
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Lol, why? What were your expactation for the defence budget btw?

Ya you are right..........was expecting atleast 10% rise from the earlier amount, around 2.4 lk crore :(

MODI IS EVIL :angry:
I never expected that they will fix all the deal now directy, in fact I knew it would take time. But a budget is not a short term measure, nor did they started just a month ago to plan for it.
The point is, with the promises BJP made and the expectations THEY raised during the elections, it is disappointing to see them following only what UPA planned. You can't honestly tell me, that you didn't expected a raise to at least 15% based on the claims that were made, or just to show that they want to change more than the UPA isn't it? The media and many BJP supporters even expected 20 to 25%, which I found unrealistic from the start, but such a mini raise was simply not expected.

Of course he can't, which only shows that the former government wasn't as stupid as the BJP said and that the promises they made in the opposition were simply unrealistic. But then again, a raise to 15% instead of 12% is not that of a big move, if I'm not wrong just $1 billion more.

And still you started with an excuse for the BJP. ;)

The former government that you seem to speak highly off has left a fiscal deficit so terrible that there is very little anyone can do. The figures have been dressed up & the BJP government is desperately left trying to fix matters without opening the fiscal position to further scrutiny which might simply guarantee a ratings downgrade & a complete lack of belief in any future figures put out by the GoI. We are in a big pickle and unless we drastically cut spending this year, are going to be in a bigger one next year.
Ya you are right..........was expecting atleast 10% rise from the earlier amount, around 2.4 lk crore :(

MODI IS EVIL :angry:

That's what you said, I only wanted to hear what you really thought and not if you agree with me or not.

The former government that you seem to speak highly off has left a fiscal deficit so terrible that there is very little anyone can do. The figures have been dressed up & the BJP government is desperately left trying to fix matters without opening the fiscal position to further scrutiny which might simply guarantee a ratings downgrade & a complete lack of belief in any future figures put out by the GoI. We are in a big pickle and unless we drastically cut spending this year, are going to be in a bigger one next year.

I am not speaking high of them, but want to show that not everything was as bad as the BJP made it look like. The simple fact that they now are following so many things that the UPA set up, is even showing that the UPA had right ways. There is no denying that the fiscal deficit is a problem, but it's too simple to point at the UPA now and say we can't do anything. Everybody knew where the fiscal deficit is, the BJP has access to the financial facts of the government even when they were in opposition, so they knew what was possible and what wasn't. Therefore rasising expectations beyond a realistic limit then and now just offer such a mini raise can't be blamed on the former government, but on the own policies and statements.
India voted for the BJP and with a clear mandate, to give solutions and make "changes", not to just show what the former government said earlier too and to say they can't do anything. And as you can see, they didn't cut anything to fight the deficit (they even give tax reductions!!!), but the increase of the defence budget is not even close to what was expected by their statements. As I said earlier, I am happy that they limited FDI to 49%, but am disappointed about the raise of the defence budget. I find it interesting to see the budget raise for indigenous companies / labs, but hope there will be a needed change in accountability towards them too.
I am disappointed with the budget.

Subsidies should have been slashed.

The food for the poor program is totally corrupt and wasteful. It should have been eliminated.

Subsidies for fuel should have been slashed by at least 30%

The defence budget should be 40 Billion USD minimum.

A General sales tax of 10% is badly needed so more people can contribute to paying for government services (too many free loaders in India right now).

I like the FDI hike to 49%.
Waste of money! Spend that money on making peace with your neighbours or on development of minorities.

We are not interested in Making Peace only Pieces of our Neighbor....Why only Minorities...are they Mentally challenged or disabled?...No more free handouts...Study hard..Work Hard...and work towards your Goals....Everyone has the same brains the same hands..etc...Dont ask for pity...Work hard...success will follow.

YEa right! Spend more money on killing fellow human beings.

Typical Hinduvati.
Damn...I dont know how we missed out on you!:butcher:
I am not speaking high of them, but want to show that not everything was as bad as the BJP made it look like. The simple fact that they now are following so many things that the UPA set up, is even showing that the UPA had right ways. There is no denying that the fiscal deficit is a problem, but it's too simple to point at the UPA now and say we can't do anything. Everybody knew where the fiscal deficit is, the BJP has access to the financial facts of the government even when they were in opposition, so they knew what was possible and what wasn't. Therefore rasising expectations beyond a realistic limit then and now just offer such a mini raise can't be blamed on the former government, but on the own policies and statements.
India voted for the BJP and with a clear mandate, to give solutions and make "changes", not to just show what the former government said earlier too and to say they can't do anything. And as you can see, they didn't cut anything to fight the deficit (they even give tax reductions!!!), but the increase of the defence budget is not even close to what was expected by their statements. As I said earlier, I am happy that they limited FDI to 49%, but am disappointed about the raise of the defence budget. I find it interesting to see the budget raise for indigenous companies / labs, but hope there will be a needed change in accountability towards them too.

The fiscal situation is considerably worse than what it has been made to appear. However your logic on defense outlay baffles me. This is a government that has just come in. They work on the revenues earned by the previous government's budget. Where on earth did you think they would get the additional money in 45 days? The first proper budget for this government will be in 2015. Only then can your complaint be valid.

Tax reductions given won't amount to much, what we need to see is whether or not the government simply squeezes finances being spent on the UPA social spending projects ( or the throwing money out of window projects as said by Arun Shourie). That alone will determine what money is available for the next budget.
I remain very unimpressed with the budget presented but will wait & see if reforms are carried out away from the budget process. we will know soon enough. Till then, your criticism is a bit overdone.

As I said earlier, I am happy that they limited FDI to 49%.....

Why are you happy with the limitation at 49%? My own opinion is that it should have been limited to atleast 51%. There won't be a lot of takers at this level.
I am disappointed with the budget.

Subsidies should have been slashed.

The food for the poor program is totally corrupt and wasteful. It should have been eliminated.

Subsidies for fuel should have been slashed by at least 30%

The defence budget should be 40 Billion USD minimum.

A General sales tax of 10% is badly needed so more people can contribute to paying for government services (too many free loaders in India right now).

I like the FDI hike to 49%.

This is just the interim budget, obviously they cannot pull off every promised move with it.
Waste of money! Spend that money on making peace with your neighbours or on development of minorities.

I hate these MODITARDS too, but what is your problem man?

We are Indians and we need t talk abut Indians and Indian defense preparedness; not what the mad whoever is killing each other beyond our border. Let them die, we only wish them to prosper. We can not teach them how to live in peace.

So, do not bother about them, bother about your community, about other communities and above all the whole nation.

Money has to be allocated for us to be in safety, because we have very caustic experiences in the past.

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