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"Deep Web" For Educational Purpose



New Recruit

Aug 11, 2014
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United States
The Deep Web, also called the Deep Net, Invisible Web or Hidden Web


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The Deep Web (or Invisible web) is the set of information resources on the World Wide Web not reported by normal search engines.
According several researches the principal search engines index only a small portion of the overall web content, the remaining part is unknown to the majority of web users.
What do you think if you were told that under our feet, there is a world larger than ours and much more crowded? We will literally be shocked, and this is the reaction of those individual who can understand the existence of the Deep Web, a network of interconnected systems, are not indexed, having a size hundreds of times higher than the current web, around 500 times.
Very exhaustive is the definition provided by the founder of BrightPlanet, Mike Bergman, that compared searching on the Internet today to dragging a net across the surface of the ocean: a great deal may be caught in the net, but there is a wealth of information that is deep and therefore missed.
Few Things Use Tor Browser , Mask Your IP , and Never Ever Click on the Twitter Sign in Dark web on Any page Its Illegal You Will end up in Jail
I know man its just some really crazy stuff beyond imagination on Deep Web, Which should not be made fun of in any way

I've read of some of the stuff that's there, I will by no means give a list, but boy did that take a notch off of humanity for me...

There are some unbelievably wretched people out there man. We think we live in a "civilized" part of the world, but some things prove otherwise.
Few Things Use Tor Browser , Mask Your IP , and Never Ever Click on the Twitter Sign in Dark web on Any page Its Illegal You Will end up in Jail
So basically your saying that Tor tracks your web search and send it to the FBI or whatever

I've read of some of the stuff that's there, I will by no means give a list, but boy did that take a notch off of humanity for me...

There are some unbelievably wretched people out there man. We think we live in a "civilized" part of the world, but...
Seriously man was watching a video on YouTube about Deep Web the guy was explaining whats on Deep Web, and trust me i was not able to sleep and man i am worried about my family and kids that are out there.
silk road etc ?

yeah, crazy
i will probably say Silk Road is just a tip of the iceberg trust me that i had to swear on my mom that i will never ever ever go on Deep Web ever ever.
i will probably say Silk Road is just a tip of the iceberg trust me if i had to swear on my mom that i will never ever ever go on Deep Web ever ever.
never been on it myself but heard stories.. weapons, assassins for hire, kiddy ****, death **** (snuff) and drugs.. cant get much worse than that lol

no one should even try going there, even out of curiosity.. can land one in a lot of trouble
So basically your saying that Tor tracks your web search and send it to the FBI or whatever.
Em Not Saying that But You Could End Up , Majority Of Sites are always Monitored , Cz Deep Web is a Fed Up Place which must be monitored and cleaned from this Shit
Its where you most find child **** not the Prn sites our GOI tried to ban .
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