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“Death of Osama Is only a Drama”Ex-General Mirza Aslam Baig

Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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Pakistan retired General Mirza Aslam Biag said that death of Osama Bin Laden on 2nd May 2011was only a drama arranged by US President Barak Obama for hiding his failure in the war against terrorism. He added that this fake news has several secrets behind it.

1: American economy has been facing an inside worse recession due to expenses which has been accured annually on war against terrorism and this expenses were increasing day by day .

2: American forces has worsely failed in Afghanistan so now they want to withdraw from Afghanistan by having any reasonable aspect.

3: US president Barak Obama want to winning space in the next elections which is 18 months to left.

4: In the international market dollar is losing its worth day by day and news of death of Osama Bin Laden can change in its worth which is necessary for the US economy.

General Aslam baig said that osama Bin Ladan has been died by security forces ten years ago in tora bora mountains in Afghanistan.
"Death of Osama Is only a Drama"Ex-General Mirza Aslam Baig | newsexcel
Pakistan retired General Mirza Aslam Biag said that death of Osama Bin Laden on 2nd May 2011was only a drama arranged by US President Barak Obama for hiding his failure in the war against terrorism. He added that this fake news has several secrets behind it.

1: American economy has been facing an inside worse recession due to expenses which has been accured annually on war against terrorism and this expenses were increasing day by day .

2: American forces has worsely failed in Afghanistan so now they want to withdraw from Afghanistan by having any reasonable aspect.

3: US president Barak Obama want to winning space in the next elections which is 18 months to left.

4: In the international market dollar is losing its worth day by day and news of death of Osama Bin Laden can change in its worth which is necessary for the US economy.

General Aslam baig said that osama Bin Ladan has been died by security forces ten years ago in tora bora mountains in Afghanistan.
"Death of Osama Is only a Drama"Ex-General Mirza Aslam Baig | newsexcel

What is this newsexcel.com? Man, their linguistic skills are just great!

By the way, attack on Tora Bora began 9 years ago, not 10.

And it would be really nice of General Beg (not Baig) to explain how OBL's death would positively affect the $ in FX market. I mean, if he is really so damn good at it, he would be a multi-billionaire in no time!
What is this newsexcel.com? Man, their linguistic skills are just great!

By the way, attack on Tora Bora began 9 years ago, not 10.

And it would be really nice of General Beg (not Baig) to explain how OBL's death would positively affect the $ in FX market. I mean, if he is really so damn good at it, he would be a multi-billionaire in no time!
this is the reason and what it leads u in to
check it out where it finishes

Feb-Jun Committee of Experts (Young Committee) meets in Paris to discuss the German reparations question
7 Jun Young Plan to deal with the German reparations question, is officially proposed; the plan includes the creation of an international bank for this purpose
31 Aug First Hague Conference to discuss Young Plan proposals ends
3 Oct-13 Nov Committee to elaborate the structure and statutes of the international bank - named Bank for International Settlements - meets in Baden-Baden, Germany (Comité d'Organisation de la Banque des Règlements Internationaux, or COBRI)
24 Oct "Black Thursday" at the New York Stock Exchange (Wall Street crash)

20 Jan Final Act, Second Hague Conference; Young Plan agreed
26-27 Feb Central bank governors meet in Rome: official foundation of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), nomination of President and Board members
8 Mar Reichsbank President Hjalmar Schacht resigns over the Young Plan
22-23 Apr First unofficial meeting of the nominated Directors of the BIS in Basel
12 May First official meeting of the BIS Board of Directors
17 May
BIS opens doors for business in Basel: Gates W McGarrah, President; Leon Fraser, Alternate to the President; Pierre Quesnay, General Manager

20 May Founding banks subscribe first share issue
24-25 Nov Meeting of Committee of Exchange Experts at the BIS

Apr BIS makes £3 000 000 advance to Bank of Spain to stabilise peseta
11 May Austrian government announces Creditanstalt crisis
19 May First Annual General meeting (AGM) of the BIS
30 May BIS grants Sch.100 000 000 credit to Austrian National Bank
6 Jun BIS advance of $5 000 000 to Hungarian National Bank
18-22 Jun BIS syndicate credit of $ 10 000 000 to Hungarian National Bank
20 Jun US government announces Hoover moratorium: one-year suspension of intergovernmental debts and reparations
26 Jun BIS, with Bank of England, Bank of France, and Federal Reserve Bank of New York, grant $100 000 000 credit to Reichsbank
8 Jul Second BIS syndicate credit of $11 000 000 to Hungarian National Bank
20 Jul BIS grants £150 000 credit to Bank of Danzig
20-23 Jul London Conference on German financial crisis
31 Jul BIS and Bank of France grant $3 000 000 credit to National Bank of Yugoslavia
8-18 Aug Wiggin Committee inquiring into Germany's credit needs meets at the BIS in Basel
18 Aug First German Standstill Agreement (freezing of short-term credit granted to Germany for six months from 1 September) agreed at the BIS
Sep Per Jacobsson takes up position as BIS Economic Adviser
Sep BIS appoints German Standstill Agreement Arbitration Committee: Wallenberg, McKittrick, and Urbig
21 Sep United Kingdom suspends gold standard
Nov Frère Plan for medium-term credits elaborated at the BIS
19 Nov The German government requests that the Special Advisory Committee provided for the Young Plan be convened
7-23 Dec Special Advisory Committee, or Beneduce Committee, meets at the BIS in Basel; its final report recognises Germany's incapacity to resume reparation transfers

1 Mar Second German Standstill Agreement (one year)
Jul Keynes-Henderson Plan proposes issue of an international note by the BIS
9 Jul Lausanne Conference Agreement on suspension of reparations schedule (Young Plan) BIS invited to participate in Preparation Committee for a League of Nations' World Monetary and Economic Conference
11 Jul BIS Board issues public statement advocating restoration of the gold standard
5-20 Sep
Stresa Conference for the economic reconstruction of Central and Eastern Europe proposes establishment of a Monetary Normalisation Fund
Preparatory Committee for the World Monetary and Economic Conference meets in Geneva; Fraser, Trip, and Jacobsson represent BIS


League of Nations publishes agenda for the World Monetary and Economic Conference; BIS invited to designate two representatives to participate in the Conference in a consultative capacity
13 Apr Full reimbursement closes Reichsbank emergency credit of 26 June 1931
19 Apr United States officially suspends gold convertibility
8 May Third BIS AGM; Leon Fraser succeeds Gates W McGarrah as President and Chairman of the BIS Board
5 Jun BIS Board meeting adopts resolution calling for independent central banks as a prerequisite for reinstatement of gold standard
12 Jun League of Nations' World Monetary and Economic Conference opens in London
3 Jul Roosevelt's "bombshell" declaration sounds death knell for early dollar stabilisation. Formation of "gold bloc" announced: Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Switzerland participate
8 Jul BIS President Fraser attends first meeting of "gold bloc" in Paris
Sep Repayment in full of the BIS credit granted to the Austrian National Bank on 30 May 1931

31 Jan US Gold Reserve Act fixes price of gold at $35 per ounce, with a 59% devaluation of the dollar against gold
Apr-May Transfer Conference at the Reichsbank in Berlin to discuss reductions in Germany's long-term debt service
14 May Fourth BIS AGM adopts resolution on the gold standard
14 Jun German finance minister announces suspension of further payments through the BIS for service of Dawes and Young loans as from 1 July 1934
8 Oct "Gold bloc" governors meet privately at the BIS in preparation of the Brussels conference
20 Oct Conference of "gold bloc" representatives in Brussels confirms commitment to gold parity

11 Feb Franco-German Saar Agreements signed at the BIS: final settlement of financial questions raised by the transfer of the Saar territory to Germany
1 Apr First defection from the "gold bloc": Belgian franc devalues by 28%
1 May Jan W Beijen (Beyen) takes office as alternate to the BIS President
13 May Fifth BIS AGM; Leonardus J A Trip succeeds Fraser as President and Chairman of the BIS Board
30 Jun Resignation of Fraser and McGarrah ends US representation on the BIS Board

13 Feb BIS gives up discrimination against non-gold-standard currencies
30 Jul Brussels Protocol signed by government representatives, giving effect to Art. X of the Hague Agreement protecting the BIS' property, assets, and deposits in time of peace or war
25 Sep Tripartite Monetary Agreement between France, the United Kingdom, and the United States announced; France suspends gold convertibility (franc devalued); "gold bloc" collapses

Mar BIS accepts trustee functions for the 4.5% French National Security Loan
3 May Jan W Beijen (Beyen) succeeds Leonardus J A Trip as President of the BIS; Otto Niemeyer elected Chairman of the Board
8 Sep BIS General Manager Pierre Quesnay dies in a drowning accident
Dec BIS concludes agreement with Swiss National Bank on gold purchases at fixed prices

Jan Publication of the "Van Zeeland Report" on the possibility of removing obstacles to trade
1 Jan Roger Auboin takes office as new General Manager of the BIS
25 Jun Following the liquidation of the Austrian National Bank, the 4 000 BIS shares held by that institution are re-registered in the name of the Reichsbank
Sep War scare in Europe provokes a strong increase in central bank gold shipments from Europe to the United States organised by the BIS

21-24 Mar BIS carries out transfer order of Czechoslovakian National Bank's gold reserves to Reichsbank account
12 Jun BIS Board meeting: Thomas H McKittrick elected BIS President effective from 1 January 1940; discussion of legality of executing the Czechoslovakian gold transfer order
10 Jul 94th BIS Board meeting, last Board meeting until 9 December 1946: discussion on the Bank's investment policy
1 Sep World War 2 started
4 Sep BIS suspends all new commercial credit operations
18 Dec BIS notifies counterparties of "rules of neutral conduct"

this whole thing is about WW3
it was a drama or not , doesn't matter , but the stage , the platform and the way it was performed ,has more significance..
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