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Deadly Blast at Gathering in Pakistan

Pakistan has the world's largest or one of the largest biometric database of its citizens..NADRA has fingerprints of all ID card holders..A suicide bomber gets torn apart but due to close proximity of the Explosive..Most of the identifiable parts are retreivable..Head and arms most of the times remain intact and a Search can be run through NADRA's Photo and fingerprint database..Identify the Morons..Go to their next of kins and dig deep how and why they done such hideous act..One thing is for sure...Just anybody cannot get hold of 5 to 6 kilos of explosives,and a well organized chain of command and supply line has to be involved....
Have you not read and heard statements from Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq who claimed responsibility of this attack? Has it not been the TTP who have been conducting attacks on innocent civilians and proudly claiming responsibility for their heinous crimes? Now they have stooped even lower by using women suicide bomber to inflict maximum causality as there will be less suspicion on them and they will not attract as much attention and thus more rigorous security checks than their male counterparts. In his statement Azam Tariq has also claimed that the TTP has trained more female suicide bombers. Why do you not believe these terrorists who are targeting innocent Pakistani at every chance they get? Why do you so easily believe in conspiracy theories without a trace of evidence? Have we not stated earlier and we would again like to make it clear to you that it is in the interest of the United States that we have a stable Pakistan. That is the only reason we are fully cooperating with the Government of Pakistan and providing military and civilian support so that Pakistan is able to curb this menace called Taliban who are all bent on destroying them. Was not that WFP distribution center (which is supported by the United States) and distributing food to needy who have been recovering from the recent floods, and weren’t those innocent people the actual victims of this suicide attack? Is it not high time for those gullible enough to believe such theories to wake up and realize that the US is on the side of the Pakistan government in their fight to rid their country of Taliban terrorists?

LCDR Bill Speaks,
DET – United States Central Command
Every terrorist organisation/freedom fighters will have some objectives,on achievement of which they will stop fighting.What objective is claimed by ttp?Do they want pakistan to stop support to nato?or do they want freedom or separate nation or something?

They don't want a separate state. Their main aims are to impose sharia on this nation of "infidels", to pressurize Pak army to stop WOT and obviously they want American and NATO forces to leave Afghanistan.
They don't want a separate state. Their main aims are to impose sharia on this nation of "infidels", to pressurize Pak army to stop WOT and obviously they want American and NATO forces to leave Afghanistan.

I dont think this is anymore about shariah or any other ideology..Its more of a grudge match,payed for terrorists and people who have nothing to lose,have no purpose in life being brainwashed.

Bombing an aid camp makes perfect sense ....
fewer ppl will not come ... to take aid causing more anguish and misery ....whre also the role of the government/agency supplying aid to help sanitize the region diminishes and then these bloody moth***fking terroist can woo these people by provind the same aid...

there is a saying.....cut a diseased arm off before it rots the whole body ......

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