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Dawn: Twitter account of Pakistan consulate in China’s Chengdu ‘hacked’: FO [Support of Uighur Muslims mentioned]

But why Chinese (richi richi rich!) seek refuge in a poor country like India?
Lol, Some "Chinese" also seek refuge in Afghanistan and Syria, do you know why? India is the last place normal human beings love to go and live.
My previous reply was about this 👇

Okay. They are going from a poor (India) to a rich country (USA).
But why Chinese (richi richi rich!) seek refuge in a poor country like India?
Chinese are not too rich too. There are still a small number disgruntled citizens always looking for greener pastures on the other lands. Indians are also running away to US for other than economic reasons, like persecutions.
Lol, Some "Chinese" also seek refuge in Afghanistan and Syria, do you know why?

If you are referring to terrorists, I have no sympathy for them. I’m sure the Chinese government is also glad that they left.

India is the last place normal human beings love to go and live.
May be. But we have Tibetans here. Just FYI.

Chinese are not too rich too. There are still a small number disgruntled citizens always looking for greener pastures on the other lands. Indians are also running away to US for other than economic reasons, like persecutions.

You don’t understand. Those running away are going to a rich country after claiming persecution. Uyghurs running away from a relatively rich country to a poor countries like Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. You do the math now.
That’s okay. The point is, the people you call Chinese are happy to live in India.
The first generation have almost died out and now most of them were born in India, according to the Chinese law, they are not Chinese, they are Tibetan Indians.
The first generation have almost died out and now most of them were born in India, according to the Chinese law, they are not Chinese, they are Tibetan Indians.
The numbers of Tibetans leaving China for India have dropped, yes. Only 80 Tibetan settled in India in 2018.

But then again, this goes against your claim saying ‘nobody wants to go to India’. We still have 90k Tibetans in exile here.
The numbers of Tibetans leaving China for India have dropped, yes. Only 80 Tibetan settled in India in 2018.

But then again, this goes against your claim saying ‘nobody wants to go to India’. We still have 90k Tibetans in exile here.
Nobody is a figure of speech, Syria and Afghanistan got a bunch of Uighur "fighters" fighting wars and they even have a so called legion. but those radicals are not people we like to have, same as those reglious radical Dalai Lama folllowers, you can keep them. For normal people, China is a much better choice, just check out how many foreign expats call China home and how many calll India.
Nobody is a figure of speech, Syria and Afghanistan got a bunch of Uighur "fighters" fighting wars and they even have a so called legion. but those radicals are not people we like to have, same as those reglious radical Dalai Lama folllowers, you can keep them. For normal people, China is a much better choice, just check out how many foreign expats call China home and how many calll India.
I’m not talking about radicals at all. Like I said earlier, I have no sympathy for them.

Tibetans in India, on the other hand, aren’t redicals. They haven’t been involved in terrorism as far as I remember.
I’m not talking about radicals at all. Like I said earlier, I have no sympathy for them.

Tibetans in India, on the other hand, aren’t redicals. They haven’t been involved in terrorism as far as I remember.
They are religious radicals, radicals don't always have to be a violent type, they contribute very little to others and the whole society, you can keep them and we are both happy.

You see illiterate Tibetans went to India to follow the Dalai Lama, you don't see Tibetans with a bachelor's or higher degree do that.
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They are religious radicals, radicals don't always have to be a violent type, they contribute very little to others and the whole society, you can keep them and we are both happy.

You see illiterate Tibetans went to India to follow the Dalai Lama, you don't see Tibetans with a bachelor's or higher degree do that.

So now we know why Tibetans arriving in India decreased considerably:

U.N. experts warned that roughly 1 million Tibetan children have been separated from their families and forcibly placed into Chinese state-run boarding schools, as part of efforts to absorb them “culturally, religiously and linguistically” into the dominant Han Chinese culture.

Just for the record, I’m okay if you wanna call it a propaganda or a lie. 👍

Just for the record, I’m okay if you wanna call it a propaganda or a lie. 👍

Tibetan Parents invited to stay a whole day in boarding school to learn their children's life there​

Reports from the west tell stories of Tibetan children of being forcibly taken away from their parents and being ill treated in schools. To dispel the rumor and ease their worries, parents were invited to stay a whole day from the morning to the night in their children's boarding school in Tibet to learn how and what their children are doing everyday in school.

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Forced separation? Visiting Tibetan boarding school in rural Tibet

Reporters visit a boarding primary school in a high plateau rural Tibetan region, they find that even this summer time, temperature is still like winter, students still wear thick down jackets and classrooms and dormitaries are still being heated all day long. central heating lasts for 11 months a year.

Teachers tell the reporters this region is almost all winter all year round, the altitude is extremely high, averagely over 4,500 meters above the sea level, it's one of the less inhabitable place on the planet, this region is also very sparsely populated, only Tibetan herders live in the region and they are always on the move to follow their animals, so it's almost impossible for herder families to drive their children to school everyday, this is why the government set up over 60 free boarding schools in this region where students study and live in the school and schools take care of every kid for their parents.

Free boarding schools provide everything for free, students families don't have to pay one penny, besides teachers, schools also hire nannies to tend to the kids, do their laundries, make beds, help students clean themselves.... students domitaries provide 24 hours hot water in the washrooms. because the kids are in the stage of body growing, the boarding schools provide 4 meals a day, the 4th meal is provided at 8pm, so the children can have enough nutrition to grow healthily. Everyday school meals provide free beef and lamb, eggs, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, nutritions from the meals are very balanced.

How " concentration camps" for children work in Tibet

A day in a Tibet boarding middle school​

Tibet is very sparsely populated espeically in pastoral regions, Tibetan herders have to follow their livestocks to different pasture grasslands, so herding families have to leave their children to schools' care.
How students spend their time in school?
6:50 Am- morning physical exercise, jogging
7:00am- breakfast
7:40am- morning classes begin
12:50pm- lunch time
1:30-2:00pm- afternoon nap time
6:20pm- last extracurricular and sports activities and clubs finish

Remot Tibet rural village boarding primary school tour, bed linens, personal hygiene items... all for free given by the government
In recent years, China allocated funds to significantly improve the teachers income in the rural underdeveloped regions


Average yearly income for new teachers in rural regions in Xinjiang and Tibet

10,6840 Yuan ( $16,000 )

Think about how low the cost of living in Xinjiang and Tibet, those rural school teachers can live a life beating almost all so called "developed" countries.
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