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Dar the Dracula Returns to Pakistan

Yes, the previous 75 years, but it was primarily due to economic factors for general duty soldiers while officers were from well of families. The armed forces just sugar-coated religion over it. Now we have to see the effects of social media and how it's teaching the current generation. Besides the occasional Mulla brigades, there isn't much jazba among society's middle to the upper class. This forum will show you the split it caused within the last few months; if things went south, they'd flee to the Afghan border while officers would fly out.

Despite the fervent claims of change, not much has actually changed. That is all I can observe for now. In the future, it might. Someday.
Bhai ok, no worries, but Ishaq Dar has a history with mysticism and Sufism. There was a discussion in many circles of Islamabad club and Gymkhana Lhr about Dar sahab, I was in some of these sittings of experienced aged Govt officials.

Mystics of Pakistan predicting a Green eye Army general making Pakistan super power since 60's. Qudrutullah Shahab, Mumtaz Mufti, Professor Bagh Hussain Kamal, Wasif Ali Wasif.
I don’t know where this discussion is leading to.

Pakistan army, no doubt is a professional fighting force and has earned multiple accolades in the past.

It is the Generals we are talking about. To say, they can do no wrong or they are near perfect, for the past 75 years and after this fiasco is intellectual dishonesty. There is a reason they are getting plenty of slack for their coups, extra constitutional actions, overthrowing of governments, corruption, buckling under pressure etc. i would say, learn to accept criticism and mend your ways. Same for politicians and judiciary.

You see, an honest businessman, who has faith in Allah and goes out and earns an honest living for himself and his family is as precious as an army personnel fighting on the border. His taxes finances the state institutions.

There is a reason why a large majority of Pakistanis are taking the Generals to the cleaners, and it is not Imran Khan’s narrative. People wouldn’t have come out in large numbers the night he was overthrown.

You guys are smart enough to understand what Allah does to nations who spread injustices in His land. NROs, twisting of judgements, letting criminals go scot free, giving them powerful positions. This is what invites Allah’s wrath.
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Im gonna be honest here, what is purpose of a senator? Is it like an important job, or just useless title like President?
I know it might sound dumb, but pls answer.

Purpose of Senate was to save smaller provinces from larger and more populated provinces in legislation, sadly this has become a club of elites for elites by elites.
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Lol, the long-awaited circus event has arrived in Pakistan.

No matter who the clowns are running the show, Pakistan's economy is heading for a default (as I have mentioned previously many times) unless serious and fundamental changes are made soon, but the power structures remain incapable of doing what needs to be done.
Jalo sab PTI kay logo Jalo, army per bokney ki tu adat hai aur ye apney leader IK sei hi milli hai

this is the best decision ever to bring back the real person who can control the economy and disasters created by IK, yaad tu ho ga Baroodi surungay ?
You under estimate Allah that he won't bless hard work ? Toba toba.

Shaitan works hard too... Are the shayateen also blessed?

It's isn't about the "hard work".... It's about honest work (hard work is part of the honest work.
Ishaq Dar is a crook.

Knee deep involvement in money laundering in Hudaibya Paper Mills as per his own confession.

Now let the circus begin.
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