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Daesh is Diversifying – Women, Children Export as Sex Slaves


Jun 26, 2008
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Daesh is Diversifying – Women, Children Export as Sex Slaves

Daesh sources a major amount of their finances by illegal oil trade. Since the world is bent upon cutting the cash supply by targeting said trade, ISIS (Daesh) is diversifying their business portfolio to keep the money flowing. Reportedly, ISIS terrorists are engaged in a massive business of sale of children and women as sex slaves. These women and children, primarily captured in Yazidi, are being sold abroad as slaves according to the Kurdish network, Rudaw.

Mihemma Halil, the mayor of Iraqi town of Sinjar said that terrorists and militants alike were selling captured women and children to buyers in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Libya. She stated that some of those buyers were also based in Chechnya. There has not been any independent confirmation to the claim however, the reports seem rather conclusive. Halil said,

So far we have not been able to find out exactly how these women are taken out of Iraq and Syria, but we believe they are smuggled across the border.

She stated that women and children were set free for a handsome ransom on their account. Halil said,

The abductors often let their victims keep their cellphones so that they can call their families and ask for the money.

In these cases, if the relatives manage to gather the required amount of money, which often jumps way over $10,000, the middlemen make the exchange and the prisoners are set free. If the ransom amount can not be met, the captives are sold away as sex slaves to various buyers across the borders. Based on reports from the Kurdish authorities so far 6,255 Yazidis have been abducted by Daesh out of which 3,878, including at least 1,800 women and children remain under captivity. It is unknown whether ransom demands have been made on their account however, if not, there is a high chance those captives will be sold as sex slaves.

Read: Understanding Daesh
Read: The Creation of ISIS

ISIS, also known as Daesh, claims to be a Sunni militant group. Having seized a massive number of territories in Syria and Iraq, in 2012 and 2014, the group is known for its widespread network and excessive brutality. ISIS is a modern-world terrorists organizations, running several businesses and making use of social media to recruit young people.

@Zarvan @Color_Less_Sky @Mr.Nair @mkb95 @SecularPatriot
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