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Cute, Lovely & Adorable Pandas - The Symbol of China

Giant panda Bao Bao's first day back in China
(People's Daily Online) 16:42, February 24, 2017

Bao Bao, born in the United States on Aug. 23, 2013, returned to China on Feb. 22.
(Photo/provided by China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas)


Giant panda Bao Bao eating bamboo at the Dujiangyan base of the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas in Chengdu, Sichuan province, Feb. 23.


Giant panda Bao Bao resting in her new home at the Dujiangyan base of the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas in Chengdu, Sichuan province, Feb. 23.


Giant panda Bao Bao playing with a ball at the Dujiangyan base of the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas in Chengdu, Sichuan province, Feb. 23.


Giant panda Bao Bao walking around her new home at the Dujiangyan base of the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas in Chengdu, Sichuan province, Feb. 23.
Panda cub makes debut in Madrid
(People's Daily Online) 16:44, April 06, 2017


Panda cub Chulina made her debut at the Madrid Zoo in Madrid, Spain on April 5, 2017. Chulina is the first female giant panda cub born at the zoo. (Xinhua)


Panda cub Chulina made her debut at the Madrid Zoo in Madrid, Spain on April 5, 2017. Chulina is the first female giant panda cub born at the zoo. (Xinhua)


Panda cub Chulina made her debut at the Madrid Zoo in Madrid, Spain on April 5, 2017. Chulina is the first female giant panda cub born at the zoo. (Xinhua)
Panda filmed for first time breastfeeding cub in wild, says China state TV

Mother filmed suckling cub in mountains in Shaanxi province, CCTV reports

PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 05 April, 2017, 4:28pm
UPDATED : Wednesday, 05 April, 2017, 4:28pm


The mother filmed feeding her cub in the Qinling mountains in Shaanxi province. Photo: Xinhua

A giant panda has been filmed for the first time in the wild breastfeeding a cub, according to state television.

The behaviour was filmed by a local TV crew in Foping county in Shaanxi province, CCTV said.

The mother and cub were first sighted in the upper branches of a giant fir tree where they appeared to be resting and taking shelter.

The cub, about two years old, then intimated it wanted to feed and the mother climbed down from the tree and suckled her young while lying on a small slope.

The footage was shot in the depths of the Qinling mountains where a large group of giant pandas still live in the wild.

There were about 345 of the animals counted in a survey two years ago in the government-protected, 360,000-hectare habitat.

The population of giant pandas in China is growing and occasionally they venture out of the woods and bamboo groves.
Giant Pandas heads for Holland on 15-year research mission
(Xinhua) 08:45, April 12, 2017


April 10, 2017. Giant panda Xing Ya in the Wolong National Nature Reserve, Sichuan province. Two giant pandas Xing Ya and Wu Wen, left for the Netherlands on Tuesday. [Photo/Xinhua]

CHENGDU, April 11 (Xinhua) -- With "visas" granted by Consul General Koen Sizoo of the Netherlands in Chongqing, Xingya and Wuwen, a pair of giant pandas, were given the all clear to fly to Amsterdam from their home province of Sichuan, southwest China, Wednesday afternoon.

Their 15-year sojourn will be at Ouwehands Zoo, the Netherlands, and was organized as part of a scientific research cooperation.

This is the first time that Holland has played host to China's national animal.

Zhang Haiqing, vice director of China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda (CCRCGP), handed over files on the two pandas to the zoo Tuesday.

"Everyone is mad about them," said Brenda van Ekeren, a zoo keeper who escorted the pandas. She arrived in Wolong last month with her colleagues to get acquainted with the pandas.

They began to respond to her instructions, and she has learned to call their names in the Sichuan dialect, said van Ekeren.


Nov 2, 2016 shows giant panda Wu Wen in the Wolong National Nature Reserve, Sichuan province. [Photo/Xinhua]

Both Xingya, male, and Wuwen, female, were born in August 2013.

Xingya was "macho, playful" while Wuwen "is inquisitive, but very gentle," she said.

To ease the animals into their new lives, CCRCGP has prepared a welcoming feast of 40 kg of bamboo shoots, 80 kg of bamboo, and plenty of apples, carrots and a special kind of bread made of corn, rice, soy beans, eggs and other nutrients.

"They were both in a fairly good physical condition," said Hu Zhengquan, who has been caring for giant pandas for five years at the CCRCGP.

Xingya and Wuwen are due to land in Amsterdam Wednesday evening. They will go through a month of quarantine after a welcome ceremony.

Hu and his colleagues will be based at the zoo to help the pair get used to the new surroundings.

Giant panda protection specialist Li Desheng said that Chinese experts can learn advanced concepts from their foreign counterparts while providing technical support abroad.

The CCRCGP has forged ties with 13 zoos from the United States, the United Kingdom, Austria, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Belgium, the Republic of Korea, and Holland, since 1996.

All together, 28 giant pandas were sent abroad under the cooperation schemes. Eleven of 17 cubs born abroad have returned to China.

China had 1,864 giant pandas in the wild at the end of 2015, up from about 1,100 in 2000. There are also 422 animals in captivity, according to China's State Forestry Administration.


Any plan to visit them in Amsterdam?
China builds panda-themed library
(Xinhua) 19:22, April 18, 2017


CHENGDU, April 18 (Xinhua) -- Construction of a panda-themed library started Tuesday in southwest China's Sichuan Province, home of the endangered bears.

The library, located at the Chengdu Panda Road Primary School in the provincial capital of Chengdu, is expected to open next year.

With a planned area of around 1,000 square meters, the facility is able to house tens of thousands of books and audio and video files on giant pandas in different languages, according to principal Zhang Mingrong.

The idea of the library came from several third-graders at the school and was later approved by the local government.

The display area will be divided into zones for Asia, Europe, America, Africa and Oceania based on where the files come from, Zhang said.

The library issued letters Tuesday to potential donors of books and files, including panda-loving groups and individuals and wildlife conservation organizations worldwide.

The library will be free to visitors and its collection will be digitalized and open to global netizens.

China had 1,864 giant pandas in the wild at the end of 2015, up from about 1,100 in 2000. There are also 422 animals in captivity, according to China's State Forestry Administration.

Captive and wild panda mating completed in China

China Plus - April 22, 2017


Giant female captive panda, Caocao [Screenshot: CNTV]

Chinese researchers confirmed that Caocao, a female giant panda in captivity, has completed natural mating with a wild male companion on March 23, 2017, which marks the first such instance in the world and is regarded as a breakthrough in the country's panda breeding.

On March 27, researchers with the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda (CCRCGP) reclaimed a voice recorder installed in the collar of Caocao, a subject of the organization's wild mating trial program. Caocao was released into the wild early in March, in a field monitor station in the Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

Researcher recently announced that Caocao mated for 90 seconds with a wild male giant panda on March 23.

More than a decade ago a wild panda, Caocao was reportedly found injured and rescued by researchers in 2003, when then still a cub was only months old. [Thus Caocao is around 13 to 14 years old now]

The female bear has undergone wildlife training and possesses rich wildness survival experience. She has delivered cubs four times, giving birth to a total of six baby pandas.

According to Zhang Hemin, Deputy Director of the CCRCGP, China's captive panda breeding program has witnessed an increasing population for the species but how to enhance the pandas' genetic vitality and diversity under artificial propagation remains a challenge.

The center hopes that its captive-bred giant pandas released into the wild could mate with wild companions, thus bringing new blood into their existing group.

So far, China has 471 captive pandas, and most of them succeeded in mating via artificial intervention in the past years.

Pigeon pair giant panda cubs named "Ban Ban", "Yue Yue"
(Xinhua) 09:29, April 23, 2017


The pigeon pair panda cubs play at the Shanghai base of the Chinese Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Shanghai, east China, April 22, 2017. The pigeon pair giant panda cubs born in Shanghai were named "Ban Ban" and "Yue Yue" on Saturday. (Xinhua/Fan Jun)


The pigeon pair panda cubs play at the Shanghai base of the Chinese Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Shanghai, east China, April 22, 2017. The pigeon pair giant panda cubs born in Shanghai were named "Ban Ban" and "Yue Yue" on Saturday. (Xinhua/Fan Jun)


The pigeon pair panda cubs play at the Shanghai base of the Chinese Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Shanghai, east China, April 22, 2017. The pigeon pair giant panda cubs born in Shanghai were named "Ban Ban" and "Yue Yue" on Saturday. (Xinhua/Fan Jun)


The pigeon pair panda cubs play at the Shanghai base of the Chinese Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Shanghai, east China, April 22, 2017. The pigeon pair giant panda cubs born in Shanghai were named "Ban Ban" and "Yue Yue" on Saturday. (Xinhua/Fan Jun)


The pigeon pair panda cubs play at the Shanghai base of the Chinese Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Shanghai, east China, April 22, 2017. The pigeon pair giant panda cubs born in Shanghai were named "Ban Ban" and "Yue Yue" on Saturday. (Xinhua/Fan Jun)


The pigeon pair panda cubs play at the Shanghai base of the Chinese Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Shanghai, east China, April 22, 2017. The pigeon pair giant panda cubs born in Shanghai were named "Ban Ban" and "Yue Yue" on Saturday. (Xinhua/Fan Jun)
Panda 'Mukbang' star Yiran binge eats her way through bamboo shoots

Yiran has so great the appetite, enjoys so much chewing the bamboo shoots that I figure the shoot is as delicious as the tasty lamb barbeque to us :D what a cool way to enjoy life living through a delicious meal...

* * * * *

China, Denmark signs agreement for 15-year giant panda research

Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-04 01:08:40|Editor: Mengjie





CHENGDU, May 3 (Xinhua) -- A pair of giant pandas will head to Copenhagen for collaborative research between China and Denmark, a panda research base in southwest China's Sichuan Province said Wednesday.

Male He Xing and female Mao Er, will live in Copenhagen Zoo for 15 years, according to the agreement signed between the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens and the zoo, said a statement of the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.

The agreement was concluded one day after Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen visited Chengdu, Sichuan Province.

He also visited the panda pair and fed them with apples and Chinese bread.

The zoo has designed a panda house of 2,450 square meters, at an estimated cost of around 150 million Danish kroner (22 million U.S. dollars). Construction will start in November, and will take one year.

China and Denmark agreed on the program during Queen Margrethe II's state visit to China in 2014.

Since November 2015, the Copenhagen Zoo has sent veterinarians, keepers and nutritionists to the panda base in Chengdu. To better take care of them, zoo workers of the project also learn Chinese.

He Xing, born in July 2013, weighs 118 kg and is active in character. The panda is son of father Yong Yong and mother Cheng Gong.

Born in July 2014, Mao Er, also named as Mao Sun, weighs 98 kg. She is gentle and quiet, and loves to be alone. Her mother is Fu Wa used to live in Malaysia, while her father is Xiong Bang, a Japan-born panda that returned to China in 2004.



It is NOT cheap to host those pandas. That explains why only resourceful nations with qualified zoos may get the lease offer in addition to having good relationships with China.
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A pair of captive giant pandas will leave their home town of SW China's Chengdu for Copenhagen.

Male He Xing and female Mao Er will live in Copenhagen Zoo for 15 years for collaborative research between China and Denmark.

The zoo has sent veterinarians, keepers and nutritionists to the panda base in Chengdu since November 2015.

Panda sanctuary opens near Indonesian capital Jakarta

Panda in Indonesia_CGTN-1920x1080.jpg

Published November 26, 2017 at 4:08 PM
Updated November 26, 2017 at 4:26 PM

In Jakarta two giant pandas are enjoying their new home at a multi-million dollar sanctuary. The cultural ambassadors are part of China’s long-running ‘panda diplomacy’ program.

Cai Tao and Hu Chun arrived less than a month ago in Jakarta, but they’re already the country’s most popular animals.

CGTN’s Silkina Ahluwalia reports.

The two pandas have captured the hearts of millions across Indonesia. Their sanctuary is finally open to the public.

The event was officiated by Chinese Vice Premiere Liu Yandong in which she promised a strong economic and environmental cooperation between China and Indonesia.

Panda in Indonesia - officiated by Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong 20171126.png

I hope with this conservation program we can see a positive progress and outcome in many areas including economic, social, and cultural as well as the strengthening of the ecosystem of China and Indonesia,” Liu Yandong said.

Panda in Indonesia - officiated by Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong 20171126 -02.png

The pair was sent to Indonesia as part of the Panda Diplomacy program, an initiative that began in 1950’s aimed at boosting friendship and cultural cooperation between the countries involved.

This time around, Indonesia will spend the next 10 years taking care of these beloved animals in a special enclosure built on the mountainous region of West Java.

The enclosure that the pandas live in costs around $4.5 million to build. It’s equipped with an elevator, comfortable sleeping area and an indoor and outdoor play areas for the pandas to enjoy. “But the most important facility in their living quarter is the temperature, which is maintained at a cool 17 degrees Celsius at night and 24 degrees during the day.”

The enclosure sits 1,700 meters above sea level mimicking the exact living conditions of the pandas’ natural habitat in China.

Jansen Manansang, the Director for Taman Safari Indonesia said, “What makes our enclosure unique compared to other countries’ is the location. It is located high up in the mountains, surrounded by lush greeneries. The facilities we provide to the pandas are also exceptional. We have a special 10 hectare land to harvest their snack, the bamboo trees. We really believe we have built the best enclosure in Asia for the panda bears.”

Pandas are seen as a national treasure in China, a messenger of friendship and a symbol of peace and harmony.

A message that China and Indonesia hopes to further develop for a stronger bilateral relationship between the two countries.



The location of the panda sanctuary, Taman Safari - West Java

Taman Safari Indonesia or simply Taman Safari are animal theme parks in Bogor at West Java, and is located near the old main road between Jakarta and Bandung, West Java. It is roughly 80 kilometres from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia and 78 kilometres from Bandung, a city being famous to the outside world as the location of the first large-scale Asian–African or Afro–Asian Conference—also known as the Bandung Conference —was a meeting of Asian and African states, most of which were newly independent, which took place on April 18–24, 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia.

It takes roughly two hours by driving southward from the capital city, Jakarta to Taman Safari.

Taman Safari location map from Jakarta, the capital city.png

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