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CSmonitor: China-Japan "Rivalry" Who will be Asia's master builder?


Jan 6, 2015
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Here is a typical narrow and biased article that pips "rivalry" between China and Japan in Asia, while in fact the world's top two creditor nations are exporting infra tech and surplus capital worldwide with competition in only certain markets.

Anyway, let's take a look in markets where there is competition.



China-Japan rivalry: Who will be Asia's master builder? - CSMonitor.com

The economic superpowers are vying to construct megaprojects across the continent. Countries like Indonesia have much to gain.

By Michael Holtz, Staff writer January 18, 2016


Jakarta, Indonesia — After arriving at one of the many towering malls in this crowded capital, Saphiera Suwandi rattles off a list of complaints about the congested streets.

“Wasting time, wasting energy, and wasting money because of the gasoline,” she laments as she sips a glass of fresh watermelon juice. “And it’s only getting worse.”

Ms. Suwandi admits she got lucky on this rainy afternoon in early December. The drive from her house in the neighboring city of South Tangerang took an hour and a half. “It wasn’t bad,” she says. “Sometimes it can take three.”

About 30 million people live in Greater Jakarta, making it one of the most densely populated places in the world. The megacity’s notorious “macet” – Indonesian for traffic jam – can turn a normally short jaunt into an hours-long journey. Traffic barely crawls during a rush hour that can last far longer than 60 minutes. Flooded lanes and accidents bring it to a standstill.

Like many Southeast Asian cities, Jakarta has long suffered from a lack of infrastructure development. But that’s quickly started to change over the past year as Asia’s two wealthiest countries and most powerful competitors, China and Japan, have pledged to help build new railways, roads, and the city’s first subway.

The fight over infrastructure projects in the Indonesian capital is just one front in a larger battle between the two Asian giants for economic and political dominance in Southeast Asia and beyond. Lam Peng Er, a professor at the National University of Singapore who studies Sino-Japanese relations, has dubbed their escalating rivalry “a great game,” the 21st-century extension of long-simmering tensions.

On the line are valuable trade routes through the South China Sea and expanded spheres of influence in Asia. The two countries have avoided military conflict. Instead, they’ve waged a multibillion-dollar financial war whose newest player, the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), has Japan and the United States worried that China could reshape the global economic agenda on its own terms. Dr. Lam and other analysts say it’s too early to declare a winner, but that Southeast Asian countries have much to gain.

“Obviously there are real opportunities here,” says Arne Westad, a professor at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government who studies Asian geopolitics. “They could achieve quite a bit in terms of their own aims by playing China and Japan against each other.”

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) estimates that Asia must spend $8 trillion on infrastructure before 2020 to maintain its economic growth and living standards. It's a massive demand that China and Japan are eager to help fill, and one that can bolster their own slowing economies.

In November, the Japanese and Philippine governments signed a $2 billion loan agreement for a rail project, the largest assistance package ever awarded by Japan. Meanwhile, China is building a $6 billion railroad through Laos and recently assured Vietnam that it is ready to finance large-scale infrastructure projects there, too.

For the traffic-choked and power-starved nations of Southeast Asia, the competition between Japan and China for their favor is a welcome boon. The ADB says if the right projects are completed, people in the region could get an extra $4.5 trillion in income in the decade through 2020, and another $8.5 trillion after that.


Takehido Nakao, the president of the Asian Development Bank, stands outside its offices in Manila, Philippines. The ADB says Asia needs to invest $8 trillion in infrastructure by 2020. Bullit Marquez/AP

Overcoming the infrastructure gap

Suwandi dislikes Jakarta’s congested streets both as an ordinary citizen and a business owner. She and her family own a shoe factory in South Tangerang and seven retail stores across the Jakarta metro area.

“The traffic is something we think about a lot,” Suwandi says. “We look at ways to find the roads that are less crowded. We change delivery times.” For small deliveries, the family hires motorbike drivers who can maneuver crowded streets more easily than the van drivers they otherwise rely on.

The World Bank estimates that Indonesia needs to invest about $600 billion in infrastructure over the next five years to keep pace with its rising economy. But over the past two decades, progress has moved as slowly as the traffic it’s intended to fix.

Spending on infrastructure in Southeast Asia collapsed after the 1997 financial crisis and has yet to recover. Indonesia now spends 3 percent of its annual gross domestic product on roads, railways, and other public works projects, less than half of what it spent before the crisis.

Unable to meet the growing list of infrastructure needs on its own, Indonesia has turned to China and Japan for help. Japan’s Mitsui & Co., for example, is engaged in a major expansion of Jakarta’s main port. And an Indo-Japanese consortium has begun work on a $3 billion mass rapid transit system through the capital’s downtown.

Not to be outdone, state-owned Chinese companies and banks have signed contracts of their own. These include a $2.5 billion deal to upgrade 30 ports in eastern Indonesia and the construction of a $5.5 billion railway between Jakarta and Bandung.

“China and Japan are very much concerned with staying on Indonesia’s good side,” says Gustav Papanek, an economist who has advised and studied Indonesia for five decades. “The competition between these two countries is great for it.”

Southeast Asia on the rise

Despite Southeast Asia’s infrastructure hurdles, analysts predict it will remain one of the world’s fastest-growing regions in the coming years. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates the region’s growth will average 4.6 percent through the end of the decade.

Japan, in comparison, has been in recession four times since the 2008 financial crisis. And while China predicts its own economic output will expand by about 6.5 percent this year, economists reckon the real rate is much lower. China’s transition from an export-fueled industrial nation to a service-based economy has slowed its once double-digit growth and sent shock waves through the global economy.

In search of new ways to spark economic growth, the two countries have turned to Southeast Asia for new investment opportunities. A recent survey of Japanese, Chinese, and South Korean business leaders revealed that they consider the region the most promising market for foreign expansion in 2016 amid China’s dimming outlook.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang pledged to add an additional $10 billion to China’s growing pool of infrastructure lending in the region at an annual summit of Asia-Pacific leaders in Malaysia in November.

Then, in January, the AIIB opened its doors in Beijing. The bank, which has 57 members, though both Japan and the US refused to join, is set to finance major infrastructure projects across Asia with its $100 billion in capital. Separately, China is rolling out the “One Belt, One Road” initiative to revive the ancient Silk Road route through Central Asia to Europe. A maritime equivalent is planned for Southeast Asia.

To help give itself an edge, Japan has vowed to cut the time it takes to approve infrastructure loans from three years to between 18 months and two years. It’s also agreed to take on more financial risk by ending its practice of requiring government guarantees for each loan. Additionally, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced at the summit in Malaysia that Japan and the ADB, which the country backs, would seek to provide $110 billion in infrastructure funding in Asia over the next five years.

Ties between Japan and China have long been strained by historical and territorial disputes. Their face-off in Southeast Asia comes amid rising tensions over a group of islands in the East China Sea known as the Senkaku Islands in Japan and the Diaoyu Islands in China. China has incited a similar row with maritime Southeast Asian countries – and the US – by claiming sovereignty over large parts of the South China Sea.

“Given the relationship that now exists between China and Japan, the Japanese government has a very direct interest in making as many friends as possible in the wider region,” says Dr. Westad of Harvard. In addition to pursuing its economic interests, he adds, Japan “needs to take its own role in the region more seriously now for security reasons.”

Westad says it’s too early to tell which country has the upper hand. Tokyo has long had warmer relations in Southeast Asia, but Beijing’s growing economic and political influence has made it a strong challenger and led to fierce bidding wars.

China beat out Japan for construction of the high-speed train in Indonesia, the country’s first, by promising not to take taxpayer money or loan guarantees from the Indonesian government. But last month Japan was the nation celebrating when it clinched a $15 billion deal to build a high-speed line between Mumbai and Ahmedabad in India.


High-speed trains in Thailand

For residents of Chiang Mai, the largest city in northern Thailand, plans to build a high-speed train to Bangkok are eagerly anticipated. Hotel and restaurant owners expect tourism to rise. Businesspeople look forward to having the additional option when traveling outside the city.

“All the trains now are too slow and they’re always delayed,” says Saksan Apichai, co-owner of Pause Hostel. “A high-speed train will be good for business.”

The train will be built with the help of Japan. Construction is scheduled to start in 2019, after Japanese and Thai officials conduct a detailed survey of the more-than-400-mile route and negotiate how to finance its $8.1 billion price tag.

If the project is realized, it would mark the second time Japan has exported its bullet train technology, a beloved symbol of the country’s technological and economic power. (Taiwan introduced the system in 2007.)

It would also become one of Thailand’s first high-speed trains, meaning the country would have reached a major milestone in its plan to upgrade its railway system after years of neglect. The country’s prolonged political instability in recent years has caused vital infrastructure projects to be delayed or overlooked.

The government hopes to finally fix that with its pledge to spend more than $100 billion on infrastructure over the next seven years. Financing will come from various sources, including Japan and China. The bulk of the projects are planned for the next two years and include train routes that eventually will stretch from China in the north through Malaysia in the south to Singapore.

“The year 2016 and 2017 will be the year of public infrastructure construction, the highest in history,” Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, Thailand’s transport minister, told Reuters.

Any amount of improvement to Thailand’s crumbling infrastructure can’t come soon enough for Akkapon Wanich. The 27-year-old son of a garment factory owner in Chiang Mai, Mr. Akkapon recently moved from Bangkok back to his hometown to help with the family business. He plans to succeed his father in the next couple of years and has big ambitions.

“Business right now is OK for him, but not for me,” he says. “I want to expand the factory and find new clients in emerging markets. I want to make it grow.”

But Akkapon realizes he can’t expand the business on his own. He needs reliable roads and trains to build a supply network. He needs dependable electricity to boost productivity. And he needs serviceable ports to ship products overseas.

Happily for him, Japan and China are all too willing to help.
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Here is a typical narrow and biased article that pips "rivalry" between China and Japan in Asia, while in fact the world's top two creditor nations are exporting infra tech and surplus capital worldwide with competition in only certain markets.

Anyway, let's take a look in markets where there is competition.

And all they could bring up is the HSR, which is the “hot" topic after the Indonesian and Indian deals. And I would call it "competition" not rivalry. What is wrong about that?

That's the Western simplistic mindset that fails to see the larger picture of China and Japan's ever growing economic partnership. For some strange reason, any changes in power equation suggests the revival of a new patron-client relationship to the Western mind. Or maybe they just want to create such a perception.

Well indonesia is welcoming such competition with open hands. Lot of project needed to be financed throughout this decade. One of the largest will be Oil refinery center, it had been won by Pertamina and Aramco consortium, the value of project is around 20 billion US dollar. With the current Saudi financial hurdle, most stakeholder will trying to find another financial backer and it would be come from either Japan or China
Well indonesia is welcoming such competition with open hands. Lot of project needed to be financed throughout this decade. One of the largest will be Oil refinery center, it had been won by Pertamina and Aramco consortium, the value of project is around 20 billion US dollar. With the current Saudi financial hurdle, most stakeholder will trying to find another financial backer and it would be come from either Japan or China

Congrats on the Pertamina-Aramco refinery project!

Yes, despite turbulent oil price, KSA (along with GCC) is among the top 4 nations with largest net external assets. About the other three, Germany is engaged with many deficit economies within EU, best candidate to provide capital would be either Japan or China (including HK and Taiwan). Following successful paths of GCC (UAE, Qatar, Kuwait), Singapore, Hong Kong, China Mainland has been actively building Sovereign Welfare Funds to better manage ever expanding investments.

In addition to capital, both Japan and China have tech and industrial capacity to facilitate infra progress. A healthy competition between the two suppliers is beneficial to Indonesia.
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And all they could bring up is the HSR, which is the “hot" topic after the Indonesian and Indian deals. And I would call it "competition" not rivalry. What is wrong about that?

That's the Western simplistic mindset that fails to see the larger picture of China and Japan's ever growing economic partnership. For some strange reason, any changes in power equation suggests the revival of a new patron-client relationship to the Western mind. Or maybe they just want to create such a perception.


It is something wrong in the Western notion of "either you are against us or with us", which is alien to Japanese and Chinese foreign state affairs.

Here is a typical narrow and biased article that pips "rivalry" between China and Japan in Asia, while in fact the world's top two creditor nations are exporting infra tech and surplus capital worldwide with competition in only certain markets.

Anyway, let's take a look in markets where there is competition.



China-Japan rivalry: Who will be Asia's master builder? - CSMonitor.com

The economic superpowers are vying to construct megaprojects across the continent. Countries like Indonesia have much to gain.

By Michael Holtz, Staff writer January 18, 2016

View attachment 288370

Jakarta, Indonesia — After arriving at one of the many towering malls in this crowded capital, Saphiera Suwandi rattles off a list of complaints about the congested streets.

“Wasting time, wasting energy, and wasting money because of the gasoline,” she laments as she sips a glass of fresh watermelon juice. “And it’s only getting worse.”

Ms. Suwandi admits she got lucky on this rainy afternoon in early December. The drive from her house in the neighboring city of South Tangerang took an hour and a half. “It wasn’t bad,” she says. “Sometimes it can take three.”

About 30 million people live in Greater Jakarta, making it one of the most densely populated places in the world. The megacity’s notorious “macet” – Indonesian for traffic jam – can turn a normally short jaunt into an hours-long journey. Traffic barely crawls during a rush hour that can last far longer than 60 minutes. Flooded lanes and accidents bring it to a standstill.

Like many Southeast Asian cities, Jakarta has long suffered from a lack of infrastructure development. But that’s quickly started to change over the past year as Asia’s two wealthiest countries and most powerful competitors, China and Japan, have pledged to help build new railways, roads, and the city’s first subway.

The fight over infrastructure projects in the Indonesian capital is just one front in a larger battle between the two Asian giants for economic and political dominance in Southeast Asia and beyond. Lam Peng Er, a professor at the National University of Singapore who studies Sino-Japanese relations, has dubbed their escalating rivalry “a great game,” the 21st-century extension of long-simmering tensions.

On the line are valuable trade routes through the South China Sea and expanded spheres of influence in Asia. The two countries have avoided military conflict. Instead, they’ve waged a multibillion-dollar financial war whose newest player, the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), has Japan and the United States worried that China could reshape the global economic agenda on its own terms. Dr. Lam and other analysts say it’s too early to declare a winner, but that Southeast Asian countries have much to gain.

“Obviously there are real opportunities here,” says Arne Westad, a professor at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government who studies Asian geopolitics. “They could achieve quite a bit in terms of their own aims by playing China and Japan against each other.”

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) estimates that Asia must spend $8 trillion on infrastructure before 2020 to maintain its economic growth and living standards. It's a massive demand that China and Japan are eager to help fill, and one that can bolster their own slowing economies.

In November, the Japanese and Philippine governments signed a $2 billion loan agreement for a rail project, the largest assistance package ever awarded by Japan. Meanwhile, China is building a $6 billion railroad through Laos and recently assured Vietnam that it is ready to finance large-scale infrastructure projects there, too.

For the traffic-choked and power-starved nations of Southeast Asia, the competition between Japan and China for their favor is a welcome boon. The ADB says if the right projects are completed, people in the region could get an extra $4.5 trillion in income in the decade through 2020, and another $8.5 trillion after that.

View attachment 288371
Takehido Nakao, the president of the Asian Development Bank, stands outside its offices in Manila, Philippines. The ADB says Asia needs to invest $8 trillion in infrastructure by 2020. Bullit Marquez/AP

Overcoming the infrastructure gap

Suwandi dislikes Jakarta’s congested streets both as an ordinary citizen and a business owner. She and her family own a shoe factory in South Tangerang and seven retail stores across the Jakarta metro area.

“The traffic is something we think about a lot,” Suwandi says. “We look at ways to find the roads that are less crowded. We change delivery times.” For small deliveries, the family hires motorbike drivers who can maneuver crowded streets more easily than the van drivers they otherwise rely on.

The World Bank estimates that Indonesia needs to invest about $600 billion in infrastructure over the next five years to keep pace with its rising economy. But over the past two decades, progress has moved as slowly as the traffic it’s intended to fix.

Spending on infrastructure in Southeast Asia collapsed after the 1997 financial crisis and has yet to recover. Indonesia now spends 3 percent of its annual gross domestic product on roads, railways, and other public works projects, less than half of what it spent before the crisis.

Unable to meet the growing list of infrastructure needs on its own, Indonesia has turned to China and Japan for help. Japan’s Mitsui & Co., for example, is engaged in a major expansion of Jakarta’s main port. And an Indo-Japanese consortium has begun work on a $3 billion mass rapid transit system through the capital’s downtown.

Not to be outdone, state-owned Chinese companies and banks have signed contracts of their own. These include a $2.5 billion deal to upgrade 30 ports in eastern Indonesia and the construction of a $5.5 billion railway between Jakarta and Bandung.

“China and Japan are very much concerned with staying on Indonesia’s good side,” says Gustav Papanek, an economist who has advised and studied Indonesia for five decades. “The competition between these two countries is great for it.”

Southeast Asia on the rise

Despite Southeast Asia’s infrastructure hurdles, analysts predict it will remain one of the world’s fastest-growing regions in the coming years. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates the region’s growth will average 4.6 percent through the end of the decade.

Japan, in comparison, has been in recession four times since the 2008 financial crisis. And while China predicts its own economic output will expand by about 6.5 percent this year, economists reckon the real rate is much lower. China’s transition from an export-fueled industrial nation to a service-based economy has slowed its once double-digit growth and sent shock waves through the global economy.

In search of new ways to spark economic growth, the two countries have turned to Southeast Asia for new investment opportunities. A recent survey of Japanese, Chinese, and South Korean business leaders revealed that they consider the region the most promising market for foreign expansion in 2016 amid China’s dimming outlook.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang pledged to add an additional $10 billion to China’s growing pool of infrastructure lending in the region at an annual summit of Asia-Pacific leaders in Malaysia in November.

Then, in January, the AIIB opened its doors in Beijing. The bank, which has 57 members, though both Japan and the US refused to join, is set to finance major infrastructure projects across Asia with its $100 billion in capital. Separately, China is rolling out the “One Belt, One Road” initiative to revive the ancient Silk Road route through Central Asia to Europe. A maritime equivalent is planned for Southeast Asia.

To help give itself an edge, Japan has vowed to cut the time it takes to approve infrastructure loans from three years to between 18 months and two years. It’s also agreed to take on more financial risk by ending its practice of requiring government guarantees for each loan. Additionally, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced at the summit in Malaysia that Japan and the ADB, which the country backs, would seek to provide $110 billion in infrastructure funding in Asia over the next five years.

Ties between Japan and China have long been strained by historical and territorial disputes. Their face-off in Southeast Asia comes amid rising tensions over a group of islands in the East China Sea known as the Senkaku Islands in Japan and the Diaoyu Islands in China. China has incited a similar row with maritime Southeast Asian countries – and the US – by claiming sovereignty over large parts of the South China Sea.

“Given the relationship that now exists between China and Japan, the Japanese government has a very direct interest in making as many friends as possible in the wider region,” says Dr. Westad of Harvard. In addition to pursuing its economic interests, he adds, Japan “needs to take its own role in the region more seriously now for security reasons.”

Westad says it’s too early to tell which country has the upper hand. Tokyo has long had warmer relations in Southeast Asia, but Beijing’s growing economic and political influence has made it a strong challenger and led to fierce bidding wars.

China beat out Japan for construction of the high-speed train in Indonesia, the country’s first, by promising not to take taxpayer money or loan guarantees from the Indonesian government. But last month Japan was the nation celebrating when it clinched a $15 billion deal to build a high-speed line between Mumbai and Ahmedabad in India.

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High-speed trains in Thailand

For residents of Chiang Mai, the largest city in northern Thailand, plans to build a high-speed train to Bangkok are eagerly anticipated. Hotel and restaurant owners expect tourism to rise. Businesspeople look forward to having the additional option when traveling outside the city.

“All the trains now are too slow and they’re always delayed,” says Saksan Apichai, co-owner of Pause Hostel. “A high-speed train will be good for business.”

The train will be built with the help of Japan. Construction is scheduled to start in 2019, after Japanese and Thai officials conduct a detailed survey of the more-than-400-mile route and negotiate how to finance its $8.1 billion price tag.

If the project is realized, it would mark the second time Japan has exported its bullet train technology, a beloved symbol of the country’s technological and economic power. (Taiwan introduced the system in 2007.)

It would also become one of Thailand’s first high-speed trains, meaning the country would have reached a major milestone in its plan to upgrade its railway system after years of neglect. The country’s prolonged political instability in recent years has caused vital infrastructure projects to be delayed or overlooked.

The government hopes to finally fix that with its pledge to spend more than $100 billion on infrastructure over the next seven years. Financing will come from various sources, including Japan and China. The bulk of the projects are planned for the next two years and include train routes that eventually will stretch from China in the north through Malaysia in the south to Singapore.

“The year 2016 and 2017 will be the year of public infrastructure construction, the highest in history,” Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, Thailand’s transport minister, told Reuters.

Any amount of improvement to Thailand’s crumbling infrastructure can’t come soon enough for Akkapon Wanich. The 27-year-old son of a garment factory owner in Chiang Mai, Mr. Akkapon recently moved from Bangkok back to his hometown to help with the family business. He plans to succeed his father in the next couple of years and has big ambitions.

“Business right now is OK for him, but not for me,” he says. “I want to expand the factory and find new clients in emerging markets. I want to make it grow.”

But Akkapon realizes he can’t expand the business on his own. He needs reliable roads and trains to build a supply network. He needs dependable electricity to boost productivity. And he needs serviceable ports to ship products overseas.

Happily for him, Japan and China are all too willing to help.

Impressive to see how Japan and China, together, are helping to build and develop Southeast Asia. This is what we can call -- Healthy Competition that produces Healthy Results!
Impressive to see how Japan and China, together, are helping to build and develop Southeast Asia. This is what we can call -- Healthy Competition that produces Healthy Results!

Being competitive is the very nature of business.
Like sports, competing for excellence is honorable!
Let the competition continue.
China easily, japan can't even build properly within its own territory, fukushima reactor is a good example of japanese quality.

Fukushima is second generation nuclear reactor, the drawback is only they dont consider the possibility of tsunami wave can hit and disfunction the generator used to generate power for cooling system.

If chinese reactor placed in fukushima area before the tsunami incident several years ago, the same disaster could happen too.
Well indonesia is welcoming such competition with open hands. Lot of project needed to be financed throughout this decade. One of the largest will be Oil refinery center, it had been won by Pertamina and Aramco consortium, the value of project is around 20 billion US dollar. With the current Saudi financial hurdle, most stakeholder will trying to find another financial backer and it would be come from either Japan or China

Full steam ahead for Indonesia's first high-speed railway
China Daily, January 21, 2016


A CRH train that runs on the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway leaves Tianjin South Railway Station in North China's Tianjin, June 30, 2012. [Photo/Xinhua]

China's first high-speed railroad project in Indonesia will arouse more Southeast Asian countries' interest and put their economic growth on a firmer footing through advanced transportation systems and regional connectivity.

China was selected by the Indonesian government to build the nation's first bullet rail link last year. It will start constructing a $5.5 billion high-speed railway line from Jakarta to Bandung on Thursday.

With the operational date scheduled for 2019, the project will be developed by PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia-China, a joint venture formed in October 2015 between a consortium of Indonesian state-owned companies and China Railway International Co Ltd, a subsidiary of China Railway Corp Group.

The project is financed through a Chinese loan provided by China Development Bank which provides around 75 percent of the funding with the rest arranged by the joint venture partners.

Zhou Qinghe, president of CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co, part of the country's largest train manufacturer China Railway Rolling Stock Corp, said China-ASEAN economies will count on enhanced regional cooperation, especially in rail transportation, to stimulate trade and attract investment while improving regional economic integration.

The Chinese train maker has a manufacturing base in Malaysia and is involved in production, assembly, testing, maintenance and refurbishment, with an annual production capacity of 100 electric trains and light railway engines.

"Building the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway can help supporting industries such as power generation, logistics, smelting, parts manufacturing, infrastructure, electronics, and even food and beverage service sectors. It will be able to offer a balanced growth in all sectors," said Zhou. Based on distance and technical content, Zhou said the project is expected to generate more than 41,000 jobs a year during construction.

Stations and their surrounding areas will also experience an increase in activity and development, which will result in new opportunities for the real estate sector. Urban and rural areas along the route will also experience balanced development.

Daily passenger flow on the 150-kilometer link is expected to be 44,000 on average and the travel time between the two central hubs will be reduced to less than 40 minutes from the previous three and five hours.

In the ASEAN region, CRRC Zhuzhou's main markets are Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand, with rising demand for both electric locomotives and mass transit trains for city and suburban lines.

"Ongoing plans by Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia to build a high-speed rail link will further fuel hope that Southeast Asia could one day have a similar European-style railway service system," said Zhang Xiaojing, director of the Institute of Economic Research for China and ASEAN at the Beijing-based University of International Business and Economics.

Zhao said because most Southeast Asian nations have just begun to build new railway lines or bought new trains, they are keen to acquire technological support from China with a relatively low cost to assist in the daily operations, maintenance, staff training and other services.

China Railway Corp, the country's railway operator, said it will accelerate the pace of building both high-speed and regular railways in countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia and the United States, to compete with rivals from Japan, Germany and France.

Sheng Guangzu, general manager of CRC, said the company will deploy more resources and manpower to construct big-ticket international projects such as the China-Thailand railway, the China-Laos railway, the Hungary-Serbia railway and a light rail project in Pakistan this year.
The Fukushima plants had intrinsic problems.
Yes, you are right Sir:


Design Flaw Fueled Japanese Nuclear Disaster - WSJ

I wish our Nuke plant designers and builders can learn the mistakes by heart and build much safer plants



Here in Indonesia there are many power plants built by China's EPC and most of them end up with problems. Japanese built power plant in here prove to be more resilient.
Here in Indonesia there are many power plants built by China's EPC and most of them end up with problems. Japanese built power plant in here prove to be more resilient.

That's not True, bro @TaiShang

Let me Quote Indonesian News in 2015, about that.
TEMPO.CO,Jakarta - Direktur PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) Nasri Sebayang mengatakan PLN tak kapok melihat kualitas pembangkit listrik garapan Cina. Nasri mengklaim PLN sudah banyak belajar lewat Fast Track Program I. “Bukan kapok atau tak kapok, tapi kami sudah banyak belajar,” kata Nasri saat dihubungi, Senin, 27 April 2015

Menurut Nasri, PLN tak mengenal teknologi pembangkit Cina dalam Fast Track Program I berkapasitas 10 ribu megawatt. Kondisi itu menyebabkan PLN kesulitan mengelola pembangkit listrik garapan Cina.

Selain itu, kata Nasri, PLN sudah memperketat persyaratan penggarapan proyek-proyek pembangkit listrik non-independent power producer (non-IPP) oleh kontraktor Cina dengan pembiayaan dari Cina pula. Pengetatan itu sudah dilakukan dalam proyek pembangkit listrik Takalar, Pangkalan Susu, dan Parit Baru yang sedang dibangun dan diperkirakan selesai pada 2017. “Tapi saya belum tahu mereka mau investasi di IPP atau non-IPP,” kata Nasri.

Pembangkit listrik Cina, kata Nasri, relatif tak bermasalah dalam proyek-proyek yang berskema IPP. Banyak pembangkit listrik Cina dengan skema IPP alias yang digarap kontraktor Cina melalui lelang PLN berkualitas bagus. Salah satunya pembangkit listrik Simpang Belimbing, yang dengan kapasitas 2 x 125 megawatt sudah bisa mencapai reliabilitas penuh dalam tahun pertama pengoperasiannya.

“Kami belum tahu isi kesepakatan kedua pemerintah. Tapi kalau Cina mau ikut yang IPP, silakan ikut lelang. Kami yang memilih, kami yang menentukan kontraktornya,” kata Nasri.

Let me Translate it :
For Bold Blue : The Problem is PLN employee doen't Recognize and have enough Experience with Chinese Power Plant Technology. That's why PLN have Problems with China made Power Plant. Not because the Quality of Chinese Power Plants is good or not good.

For Bold Red : China Power Plant Relatively Unproblematic. Many China Power Plant, especially with IPP Scheme have a Good Quality.

Nb : PLN is Indonesia State Electricity Company (Perusahaan Listrik Negara).

So, the conclusion is China Power Plant is have very good Quality.
Maybe there is a Problem, but the source of Problem is Indonesian New Experience with Chinese Power Plant Technology.
We are new with Chinese Power Plant technology.

Like in 2011, there is a Fatal accident with China Xian MA-60 Airplane owned by Merpati Nusantara Airlines in Kaimana Airport, West Papua, Indonesia.
In here, Indonesia. Many Newspaper and Television Channel with their Big Mouth, all blame China's made Aircraft and Mock China Aircraft Quality.
But, on 24 August 2011 Indonesia’s Transportation Minister determined Indonesian Pilot, Human error was to blame for the Disaster.
And all Silent after that. :-)

And also just for Note, The PLN Projects is started in 2006, That's almost 10 years ago !
Right know in 2016, We all in here, can see China is one of the leader in Development of Power Plant Technology, Especially in Nuclear Power Plant and Renewable Power Plant.

Many Countries today, believe in China to Build their Nuclear Power Plant. :coffee:
Yesterday Saudi Arabia, and Tommorrow
I hope, China will also help Indonesia to build our First Nuclear Power Plant.:yahoo: @TaiShang @Shotgunner51 @AndrewJin
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Chinese were the original Freemasons :)
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