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Criminals control the India


Nov 17, 2011
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Criminals control India*

New Delhi: In February, Indian anti-corruption activist Arvind Kejriwal stirred up a hornet’s nest by calling the country’s parliamentarians criminals.

Politicians erupted with fury, with one MP, Mulayam Singh Yadav, saying it was the anti-corruption crusaders who were a den of criminals.

Now, Yadav’s son Akhilesh has reignited the debate by appointing politicians with criminal records as ministers in his Samajwadi Party government in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.

Eleven of the 47 ministers in the new Cabinet have criminal cases pending, inviting criticism of 38-year-old Akhilesh Yadav, who swept to power a month ago promising to rid the state of crime.

Perhaps the most controversial is the appointment of the infamous Raghuraj Pratap Singh as prisons minister. Popularly known as Raja Bhaiyya, Singh spent 26 months behind bars some years ago on charges of terrorism, after assault rifles and explosives were found in his house. He also has eight other criminal cases pending against him, ranging from murder to extortion

Local mafia dons, strongmen and criminals have always been prominent in Indian politics. Their wealth and influence have served political parties looking for support across multiple castes and religions. Most of them, like Singh, maintain that they have been framed by their political rivals.

In India’s Lower House of Parliament, 162 of the 545 members are facing criminal charges, compared with 128 in the previous Parliament. After the recently concluded elections in Uttar Pradesh, 143 members of the 403-seat assembly have criminal backgrounds.

Heavy Mix of Crime and Politics in India | The Jakarta Globe

The Brahmin regime which rules india with an iron fist have no shame in having criminals serve in its corrupt government. Being criminals themselves, it wouldn't make sense for them not to appoint their own kind. Together with the criminal officials, the Brahmin regime have effectively turned india into slave state with 1.2 billion indian livestocks as expendable resources.

Corruption has been a indispensable part of indian culture since the very beginning. Indians have always been slaves to their rulers, so as shocking as this news is for non-indians, it is actually very normal in indian society.
In India's Lower House of Parliament, 30% of the members are facing criminal charges, up 7% from the previous Parliament. In Uttar Pradesh alone, a whopping 36% of the 403-seat assembly have a criminal background.
I have no problem with entire article because it is true..
but why do you bring brahmins in all your additions ?

I guess we have discussed about this before when you gave some brahmins names....very few brahmins are in politics...
very few prominent politicians are brahmins in India..
An arab knows much about brahminism more than i do
aren't we lucky he is out of the country getting his special training. ;). all of his posting are laced with racism and he gets away with it.
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