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CPEC: study by Arif Rafiq

KeyBORED Warrior

Mar 29, 2019
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I am sharing the 68 page pdf version of a study by Asad Rafiq on Cpec. The guy is based in the US and the study was funded by an organisation based there. So should be taken with a pinch of salt.


  • pw135-the-china-pakistan-economic-corridor.pdf
    4.9 MB · Views: 33
Yes that idiot patwari who thinks CPEC was civilian under nawaz and army removed him and brought imran khan so they can control cpec.
I am still confused as to whether Cpec is an economic corridor with strategic benefits or a clandestine strategic project with economic growth as a side effect. Either way, its clearly benefitting Pakistan as is evident from all the western media screeching and hoopla. The eastern neighbour's increasingly high pitched screeching is a also a clear giveaway.
Yes that idiot patwari who thinks CPEC was civilian under nawaz and army removed him and brought imran khan so they can control cpec.
I am still confused as to whether Cpec is an economic corridor with strategic benefits or a clandestine strategic project with economic growth as a side effect. Either way, its clearly benefitting Pakistan as is evident from all the western media screeching and hoopla. The eastern neighbour's increasingly high pitched screeching is a also a clear giveaway.

Arif Rafiq is trying to be part of the USA think tank crowd. He is pandering to the audience. He is one of left wing Pakistani's trying to convince USA/CIA to put them in power in Pakistan so they can ruin us again like they have in the past. No thank you.
If you enemies/bad wishers are in pain and agony which they could not digest and vomit again and again on that - most probably it means that project is good one and will have multi-dimensional positivity.
Their rants and howling in pain is not meaning less - it is a positive indicator - same is true for CPEC.
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