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Covid success and Imran’s resurrected political capital.



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Jul 27, 2020
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Imran Khan is back from the dead. It was just a few weeks ago that his political obituary was being written by an opposition which smelled political blood around the government’s handling of Covid-19. A hysterical mainstream media took the political temperature to fever pitch: Imran Khan is confused, incompetent and has Covid-19 blood on his hands. This government cannot deliver, a minus one formula is the need of the hour, screamed pundits on TV. One month later, it turns out Imran Khan hasn’t just smashed the Covid curve but staged one of the most spectacular political resurrections in recent memory.

For the non-believers out there, the data is now irrefutably clear, be it the positivity rate, hospitalisations, ventilator usage, cases or deaths. Pakistan has flattened the Covid-19 curve, without any widespread shortages of ventilators, hospital beds or PPEs. External factors — like climate, host genetics or cross immunity — are shared with India, which is struggling to contain its outbreak. This means Pakistan’s success is unique and driven by change in human behaviour and government interventions, including fifty evidence-based policy decisions such as 2,300 smart lockdowns, covering 47 million Pakistanis.

Pakistan hasn’t just delivered on protecting lives but also on protecting livelihoods. For example, exports are up 5.8% in July 2020 versus July 2019, despite a dramatic global slowdown. FBR tax collection is up 8% in July versus last year and beat the monthly target by 23%, signalling a better than expected economic outlook. IMF’s latest GDP forecasts shows Pakistan as one of the most improved countries in the world. The SBP has re-financed a million loans so businesses can continue to pay their employees. The Ehsaas Program has put Rs12,000 in the pockets of 13 million of the most deserving households transparently, reaching one in every three Pakistanis, if you account for household size.

Who should we give the credit to for this dramatic turnaround? Even the secular and liberal critics of Imran Khan would rather attribute this to God’s mercy. While God has indeed been kind to Pakistan, if at the height of the crisis, when the need of the hour was to stay calm and unite, you can lacerate Imran Khan and place all blame on him, it’s important to now share at least a part of the credit with him. Whether you look at South Korea’s success or Brazil’s failure on the pandemic, government intervention is the single biggest driving force between differences in Covid-19 curve trajectories.

On protecting livelihoods though, there’s little debate that Imran Khan was personally the driving force between caring for the poor and not engaging in blanket lockdown policies. In both his public statements, as well as my recent discussions with Asad Umar and Dr Zafar Mirza, Imran Khan made it very clear that Pakistan’s policymaking objective was to save both lives and livelihoods, despite the hysterical shrieks of the upper-middle chattering class, who dominate our public discourse. Imran Khan chose to listen to and amplify the voiceless in our society — the 50% of our people who live on daily wages.

Pakistan’s success on Covid-19 shatters many narratives that the opposition has been trying to champion against the PTI government. First among them is that this government is incompetent and doesn’t know how to do anything. This narrative should now be buried. The real question now is what Imran Khan will do with the renewal of his political capital.

One can already see a more aggressive push on politicking and foreign policy. When it came to get FATF-related amendments passed in parliament, the government took no prisoners and publicly shamed the opposition for wanting to secure personal relief for themselves from NAB in return for support on FATF. This was a high stakes gambit which PTI delivered on beautifully. On Kashmir, Imran Khan has been on the front foot with a new political map and a UN Security Council discussion on the politically explosive date of August 5th.

Imran Khan now needs to leverage his political capital and invest into pushing through the reform that his base elected him to deliver. This includes breaking elite capture of the economy, police reform and enhancing the speed of the justice system. Carpe diem!

This article was originally Published in The Express Tribune, August 9th, 2020.
good going pakistan.
congratulations for containing the deadly virus.
here in india, its a mix of peculiar problems.....the cases per day in big cities have flattened or even decreased in some cases; but the small towns and villages have seen a serious spurt of increased cases.
2020 is a cursed year.
When an honest muslim leader spends all his energies day and night to bring the people out of the dire situations, ghaybi help comes. The whole world can see how Pakistan recovered so quickly from COVID19 and it is being studied and copied even in West now.
Good article. I have just come back from Pakistan and I can say with confidence the the COVID-19 government policies are robust. Local lockdowns are being used to quash outbreaks. Banks, public offices are strictly following SOPs. Indeed from what I saw pakistan had more robust enforcement then UK. When I left I managed to duck the PCR test by paying Rs25k to the officials but that is typical endemic corruption in Pakistan which will take decades to root out.
Good article. I have just come back from Pakistan and I can say with confidence the the COVID-19 government policies are robust. Local lockdowns are being used to quash outbreaks. Banks, public offices are strictly following SOPs. Indeed from what I saw pakistan had more robust enforcement then UK. When I left I managed to duck the PCR test by paying Rs25k to the officials but that is typical endemic corruption in Pakistan which will take decades to root out.
You just contradict yourself. Shame on you.
Nope , PMIK should have followed the "brilliant" strategy of Modi/Doval by evacuating the students from Wuhan for optics and nod from the yanks, and then should have done a total lockdown, or atleast tried it!
imagine if at first place zulfi bukhari not allowed pilgrims from iran then loss to our economy would be much less and minimal as even after infection arrived here its effect is much less
imagine if at first place zulfi bukhari not allowed pilgrims from iran then loss to our economy would be much less and minimal as even after infection arrived here its effect is much less

they rectified the situation.. Thats whats important.. was watching CNN yesterday, analysts talking highly of Pakistan.. whqt a turn of fate.. a country who was demonized by west is now talked about having implemented thr best possible solution
I think credit also goes to our public who took responsibility unlike in u.s where people not followed instruction of govt and visited at beaches during early pandemic days
they rectified the situation.. Thats whats important.. was watching CNN yesterday, analysts talking highly of Pakistan.. whqt a turn of fate.. a country who was demonized by west is now talked about having implemented thr best possible solution
I think credit also goes to our public who took responsibility unlike in u.s where people not followed instruction of govt and visited at beaches during early pandemic days
nations are build if the leadership is honest... Imran is known for this honesty and integrity.. There is no other leader like him in this world.. Pakistan is a lucky country.
I think army played major role in ensuring smart lockdown and controlling pandemic,here in our locality when govt and police was implementing lockdown covid19 cases were increasing but later army soldiers came and properly managed situation resulting in decline in covid cases so I think our civil govt still lacks capability to deal with disasters on their own
nations are build if the leadership is honest... Imran is known for this honesty and integrity.. There is no other leader like him in this world.. Pakistan is a lucky country.
Good article. I have just come back from Pakistan and I can say with confidence the the COVID-19 government policies are robust. Local lockdowns are being used to quash outbreaks. Banks, public offices are strictly following SOPs. Indeed from what I saw pakistan had more robust enforcement then UK. When I left I managed to duck the PCR test by paying Rs25k to the officials but that is typical endemic corruption in Pakistan which will take decades to root out.

No he is speaking the truth and we should spesk the truth. Reality is that at policy level key government minister r doing well but it will take time to eliminate corruption from ground level process

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