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Countries prefer U.S. to China as leading superpower, poll finds

Oh yes what a surprise conducting surveys in countries directly under US influence or are considered its allies choose US of A. Oh boy we are truly living in a clown world. And the less I talk about Axios, the better it is.
Is China under US ?
Africa urgently needs foods aid.
You send them some foods?
Even better than that.

Chinese agriculture experts help boost crop yields​

  • Hundreds of specialists are working in Zambia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Mozambique and elsewhere
  • China has built 24 agricultural technology demonstration centres in the continent to help train farmers
Irrespective of the fidelity of the poll, what it implies is that the world is already having 2 superpowers, albeit of unequal powers.
We have already seen the evil consequences of having one pole of power( West), thus it's a blessing to the rest of the world to have two competing powers.
There is a ancient Chinese saying.
You give a man a fish, he has food for one day. If you teach him to fish, he will have food every day.
Also, there is a chinese saying rather give them money than teach how to earn money. Otherwise they will become competition.
Most people will usually choose the devil they know vs the one they don’t know. Also the US dominates the global media and especially the medias of those countries that were polled so this is not surprising.
Also, there is a chinese saying rather give them money than teach how to earn money. Otherwise they will become competition.
Source of your so called ''chinese saying''?
Or it is the same garbage talk, created from your 1 cell brain?
Most people will usually choose the devil they know vs the one they don’t know. Also the US dominates the global media and especially the medias of those countries that were polled so this is not surprising.

Global media? Have you seen Hollywood lately? It's pure garbage.
Also, there is a chinese saying rather give them money than teach how to earn money. Otherwise they will become competition.
You just made up yourselve like you Viets like to, didn't you ? Any source or quote ? It's the first time I hear such a thing.
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it's a vietnamese saying not chinese

btw can one of you wumaos make a thread for me with the title ' was chu state and subsequently han dynasty really chinese?', i really can't be bothered making 50 po
Some Viets also believe that they built the great wall and the Forebidden city in China, I guess you idiot is one of them. Just see below where the saying actually coming, by the way, Confucius is Chinese, not you idiot and some Koreans like to claim is Korean.

”There’s an old saying, usually attributed to Confucius, that goes something like “Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you’ve fed him for a lifetime." There’s an important life lesson in that simple statement. Some people translate it conceptually into something like “Education is ...

There’s an old saying, usually attributed to Confucius, that goes something like “Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you’ve fed him for a lifetime.” There’s an important life lesson in that simple statement. Some people translate it conceptually into something like “Education is the most important thing you can give someone to better his circumstances.” I’m not sure that’s really getting to the heart of the matter, or always accurate for that matter — though it’s probably close enough for government work.

The translation I like goes something like this:

Give a man the answer, and he’ll only have a temporary solution. Teach him the principles that led you to that answer, and he will be able to create his own solutions in the future.
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Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.“ - Laozi

which state was laozi from?

make the thread for me and i can prove chinese are stealing vietnamese history
Idiot doesn't know Laozi is Chinese ? You are not claiming Laozi is Vietnamese too ?
Evil Yankee nice try to pit Vietnam against China as your evil gov does all the time in the world.

Laozi (UK: /ˌlaʊˈzɪər/;[2] Chinese: 老子, Mandarin: [làu.tsɹ̩]; commonly translated as "Old Master") also rendered as Lao Tzu (/ˈlaʊ ˈtsuː, -ˈdzʌ/),[3][4] and Lao-Tze (/ˈlaʊ ˈdzeɪ/),[5] was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer.[6] He is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching,[7] the founder of philosophical Taoism, and a deity in religious Taoism and traditional Chinese religions
What should worry China is that both Egypt and Nigeria prefers USA to China as the sole superpower.

China is about even in BD now and used to be more popular than USA before it's support of Myanmar during the Rohingya expulsion of 2017.

It better be careful as otherwise the most important "Global South" countries may prefer the USA over it and that would mean that USA would retain dominance over it throughout this century.
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i know exactly who he is but laozi is from chu isn't he?
didn't your chinese consider chu barbarian?
Don't talk nonsense to me, he was from Henan, central province of China. He was as Chinese as any one in China at the time. He even served as head of national library in the royal court of Zhou kingdom, the foremost representation of China at that time. If he was barbarian as you idiot like to claim, there was no way Confucius would had a lesson by Laozi. Nice try you evil Yankee idiot now try to pit Chinese one against the other. Stop your bullshit trolling on the forum, end discussion.
to be honest i knew a pathetic philosphy like taoism could never come from the mind of a warrior race like chu so i had my doubts so i'll let you chinese claim him but for sure chu was non chinese that created han dynasty and civilised your race
WE DON'T NEED LECTURE FROM YOU IGNORANT AND ARROGANT YANKEE ON CHINESE HISTORY OF WHO ARE CHINESE. Also, the founder of Han dynasty came from the area once ruled by the state of Chu, the one less related to the Zhou royal lineage, doesn't mean Chu wasn't a Chinese state in general even though some historians like to call the state less civilized when comapared to some other sates at the time. The founder of Han dynasty was born in an area close to Shandong province heavily influenced by Confucianism, otherwise Han dynasty wouldn't made Confucianism the state guiding religion and philosophy of China for thousands of years. First, you claim Laozi, now you idiot despise Taoism, get lost you war monger Yankee. Now, stop spreading lies and hatreds, you evil Yankee troll.
Source of your so called ''chinese saying''?
Or it is the same garbage talk, created from your 1 cell brain?
Ask any Viet. 90 percent of Vietnamese know the saying. I know the saying when I was about 10.
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