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Could Pakistan help ANA retake Kunduz?

“Strategic depth” was an erroneous concept developed by Gen Hamid Gul. It went the same way as Hamid Gul favourite Gulbuddin Hikmatyar! We are neither US nor have colonial ambitions. Sincerely hope Pakistanis never repeat past mistake of interfering in Afghan affairs.

Undoubtedly, peace in Afghanistan is very important to Pakistan and Pakistan should do all it can for an equitable peace in Afghanistan. But it is not our country and our efforts should remain limited to the diplomatic means.

Let Afghans sort it out among themselves one way or another.
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Pakistan can do a tremendous job to save world which is nuke Afghanistan khas kam jahan Pak.
I would have thought Modi would have jumped up at showing off Indian military might? I guess its only limited to shelling civilians on Indo-Pak borders.:rofl:

India is a mighty shupa pawa which has deadly nukes and elephant vimanas and a high defence budget with the capability to crush all of it's neighbours, but it is a peaceful shupa pawa, like a baby.

We are neither US nor have colonial ambitions. Sincerely hope Pakistanis never repeat past mistake of interfering in Afghan affairs.

Yes, we just want to protect our land. Having a neighbour which demands a chunk of our land is not favorable for us. This is why we need a friendly government in Afghanistan.
“Strategic depth” was an erroneous concept developed by Gen Hamid Gul. It went the same way as Hamid Gul favourite Gulbuddin Hikmatyar! We are neither US nor have colonial ambitions. Sincerely hope Pakistanis never repeat past mistake of interfering in Afghan affairs.

Undoubtedly, peace in Afghanistan is very important to Pakistan and Pakistan should do all it can for an equitable peace in Afghanistan. But it is not our country and our efforts should remain limited to the diplomatic means.

Let Afghans sort it out among themselves out one way or another.

It is an Afghan problem and its the duty of the ANSF to deal with it, according to my sources the final push has already started using elements of special forces, ground forces have broken enemy lines and next 24 hours will be decisive.

Our Pakistan friends can assist by telling their some their country men who have been going jolly that a win for the Afghan Talis is a loss for Pakistan too, because their next stop for them and their ideology is Pakistan.


India is a mighty shupa pawa which has deadly nukes and elephant vimanas and a high defence budget with the capability to crush all of it's neighbours, but it is a peaceful shupa pawa, like a baby.

Yes, we just want to protect our land. Having a neighbour which demands a chunk of our land is not favorable for us. This is why we need a friendly government in Afghanistan.

Durand Line is an international border period. You dont need a friendly government in Afghanistan, what you need is stable Afghanistan which can control its borders, stable enough to bring back its refugees and viable state that can allow cross regional trade, that is a win win for Pakistan.

y help those rag-tag chawal Afghanis.:crazy:
Reported. Being a senior member you can do better mate, pdf no place for trolling.
Guys, I understand and agree that we should stay out of this mess. Absolut. ely.

The point of this thread is to simulate kind of a war game scenario. Like I said above, lets ignore these things for a moment and assume that Pak has decided to jump in to the war. Then what?

1. We go in take em out.. come back... Afghan keep the area secure for like half a year, lose it again.. results= our efforts waisted.. slightly better relations with current govt, more blames from next govt.. even worse retaliation from PAKl talban supporters.
2. We go in take em out.. stay their for 3-5 years .. results= get a thanks may b.. risk our eastern border. Put too much pressure on our economy. . . V. Bad idea
3. We offer em drone serveilence.. . We get intel, they get intel result = we forget the past , work for the better future.. better relation.. secure boader.. not a bad idea
4. We send doctors and teachers results= they get killed.
5. we Try to negotiate (wont b easy at all) but we try to indulge talbans in effective govt something like that. .. highly unlikely but if works best idea..
OK, apologies for the click-bait title. Here is a hypothetical, say war games like, scenario;

  1. Pakistan army supports the ANA in retaking the fallen city. By support I mean boots on ground, jets and drones in the sky, ISI in the shadows full head on bare knuckles support like our life depended on it. How will that play out? Lets assume that there are no political or other complications.
  2. Now, if we actually did what I said above and if we manage to clear out the Taliban from Kunduz, what will be the long term ramifications for the Pakistani state? Will that make Pakistani urban areas more unsecure in say, 10 years?
  3. How will the ordinary Afghans react? It will surely help them in regaining their lost confidence in Pakistan.

Again, I realize that this scenario is near impossible with our own engagements at the moment, international politics, Afghan politics and whatnot. I am sure better minds have played this scenario in places like NDC and Hamza camp etc. But please humor me and share your thoughts.

@niaz sb, @DESERT FIGHTER , @Desert Fox @Horus

Edit: Guys, I understand and agree that we should stay out of this mess. Absolutely.

The point of this thread is to simulate kind of a war game scenario. Like I said above, lets ignore these things for a moment and assume that Pak has decided to jump in to the war. Then what?

Taliban cannot hold on to the territory for lengthy periods. Afghanistan can over run taliban when militants are holding a city.

Afghanistan has air support which comes handy !!

you people has to trust you army , they are good !
pakistan neither have the capability nor have any interest in helping Afghanistan. the WoT in pakistan is fought with help of ISAF. they are providing billions of $ worth of assistance to your to win the war in your own country and what pakistan can do in Afghanistan at the time your military is struggling with the problems in your own country??
what pakistan can do in Afghanistan which ISAF cannot do?? only ISAF can save afghanistan, pakistan don't have any capability to fight those talibans in Afghanistan.
OK, apologies for the click-bait title. Here is a hypothetical, say war games like, scenario;

  1. Pakistan army supports the ANA in retaking the fallen city. By support I mean boots on ground, jets and drones in the sky, ISI in the shadows full head on bare knuckles support like our life depended on it. How will that play out? Lets assume that there are no political or other complications.
  2. Now, if we actually did what I said above and if we manage to clear out the Taliban from Kunduz, what will be the long term ramifications for the Pakistani state? Will that make Pakistani urban areas more unsecure in say, 10 years?
  3. How will the ordinary Afghans react? It will surely help them in regaining their lost confidence in Pakistan.

Again, I realize that this scenario is near impossible with our own engagements at the moment, international politics, Afghan politics and whatnot. I am sure better minds have played this scenario in places like NDC and Hamza camp etc. But please humor me and share your thoughts.

@niaz sb, @DESERT FIGHTER , @Desert Fox @Horus

Edit: Guys, I understand and agree that we should stay out of this mess. Absolutely.

The point of this thread is to simulate kind of a war game scenario. Like I said above, lets ignore these things for a moment and assume that Pak has decided to jump in to the war. Then what?

Yes we should help, Pakistan should offering to send a mix Brigade of Tanks, Artillery and Infantry with via Air !
Why we support a tola who is EMPOSED on the Afghaniz call Northern Allieance ? Afghanistan is the land of Afghanis and the representative of Afghanis are Talibans not these Kabuli Capital tola who don't even know anything outside Kabul and living inside bunkers.
pakistan neither have the capability nor have any interest in helping Afghanistan. the WoT in pakistan is fought with help of ISAF. they are providing billions of $ worth of assistance to your to win the war in your own country and what pakistan can do in Afghanistan at the time your military is struggling with the problems in your own country??
what pakistan can do in Afghanistan which ISAF cannot do?? only ISAF can save afghanistan, pakistan don't have any capability to fight those talibans in Afghanistan.

You have no idea about what Pak Military is capable of in this war.
ANA is geniun hater of Pakistan, bunch of sectarian rats, and India is cashing upon there hate.
They are so much shameless creature, on one hand they beg Pakistan for transit help and on the other hand they are conspiring gainst us.
After Zardari departure, they have become orphans, and all intelligence thus far hints points at them, as fuel of TTP activities, where indians are pistons and engine is put together by US in which Iran is every where like lube.
All what Pakistan require to do with ANA is to fry their butt.

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