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Nah man, it’s much more racial than that. He hated Asian men too, just like somebody here. He blames them for his failures and is jealous when one does succeed. It stems from his own self hatred and insecurities knowing his mom is some cheap mail order bride and his father never understanding him as a minority in a white world. He idealized white women to reaffirm his whiteness and hated Asian men to distance himself from his asianess. But women smell insecurity from a mile away, he could not handle the disappointment and he lashed out.
Is that said somewhere or it's just your conclusion because of his background or the fact that he stabbed his Asian roommate?

Because I have read his entire manifesto, he never mention them anything like that.

Plus that would still not turn into a killer, he can feel insecure all he wanted, that is not the triggering effect. Insecure does not mean he blame someone for everything other people do, that's another disorder called Narcissistic Personality Disorder



But I'm not as good as you...

I drive my gasoline powered old motorcycle and saving Jakarta from having a blue sky that makes woman skin darker.
.That was what Is said in the beginning. I didn't drive a electric car, probably gonna buy one soon tho.
I just don't understand why you bring up Elliot. I mean, are you accusing me as an Incel? Or are you accusing me of a killer? Both of which have nothing to do with my post

Are you sponge bob??

I don't speak Cantonese accents English, in fact, I have video of me talking on this forum in English and met people on PDF in real life, I don't remember anyone telling me I speak Chinglish but you. But you do speak heavy Chinglish. That's why I asked you

And no, you believe 48% of Chinese GDP is export, I said it's manufacturer sector.... :lol: :lol: :rofl:

And you think all manufacturer sector is export lolololololololololololol

Wow, calm down jose, yes yes you sound British, now time to take your meds. Hahahaha. Yes yes you are right about 48%, LNG,AIS and frigates in CSGs. Lololol
Wow, calm down jose, yes yes you sound British, now time to take your meds. Hahahaha. Yes yes you are right about 48%, LNG,AIS and frigates in CSGs. Lololol
And you sounded like a watermelon

How a watermelon can have a han job? Well, ask @Han Patriot

LOL :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol:
He is not Chinese, he is a mullato half breed growing up in HK and migrated to Australia. No loyalty nor love for China. He hates China even more than Indians. The mum is some Viet boat ppl refugee or something.

I do not think jhungary has ever lived in Hong Kong for a long time, nor does he have Chinese blood, nor even does he have Vietnamese blood.

He doesn't know Chinese writing and he doesn't really care about Vietnam.
I do not think jhungary has ever lived in Hong Kong for a long time, nor does he have Chinese blood, nor even does he have Vietnamese blood.

He doesn't know Chinese writing and he doesn't really care about Vietnam.
He is going nuts now. We better tone down. He is a mulatto that's for sure.
He is going nuts now. We better tone down. He is a mulatto that's for sure.

I think he's Indian-Australian.

He want masquerading as someone who knows Chinese poetry, thus posing as being of Chinese origin or having lived in China. But he fails, he obviously doesn't know much about Chinese.

Judging from his speech, he may have a friend who knows Chinese, but this friend is not with him. Not only could his friend not translate for him in time, but he would also make misinterpretations and mistakes because he did not understand the context.

The fact that he is so eager to pass himself off as being of Chinese descent just goes to show that he is not.
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I think he's Indian-Australian.

Hard to say, sailors were fcking around in HK. These hongkies are proud of their heritage as a port call for whoremongers. And they pride themselves in servicing sailors. Their minds are jot liberated, they think they are, but they don't understand what we are talking about. The Russians understand it.

His English has very thick Cantonese accent and I am very sure his dad left them, that kind of accent develops only in a full Cantonese household.
Is that said somewhere or it's just your conclusion because of his background or the fact that he stabbed his Asian roommate?

Because I have read his entire manifesto, he never mention them anything like that.

Plus that would still not turn into a killer, he can feel insecure all he wanted, that is not the triggering effect. Insecure does not mean he blame someone for everything other people do, that's another disorder called Narcissistic Personality Disorder

.That was what Is said in the beginning. I didn't drive an electric car, probably gonna buy one soon tho.
It’s not my conclusion only, many articles have come to the same conclusion after reading his writings as well. He has a perverse sense of racial hierarchy, has a sense of superiority over lowly pure blooded Asian men (his words) and unrealistic entitlement over white women because of his whiteness. High sense of entitlement and self hatred don’t mix well. No doubt he had some sort of Asperger’s or autism, but having crappy parents definitely didn’t help him.
It’s not my conclusion only, many articles have come to the same conclusion after reading his writings as well. He has a perverse sense of racial hierarchy, has a sense of entitlement over lowly pure blooded Asian men (his words) of because of his whiteness. High sense of entitlement and self hatred don’t mix well. No doubt he had some sort of Asperger’s or autism, but having crappy parents definitely didn’t help him.
Then I don't know what you read, none of the police report I read, none of the investigative report I read, nor his direct word point to it.

And you still have no explain to me how, even if I say you are correct, the insecurities in him manifest into narcissistic disorder
Hard to say, sailors were fcking around in HK. These hongkies are proud of their heritage as a port call for whoremongers. And they pride themselves in servicing sailors. Their minds are jot liberated, they think they are, but they don't understand what we are talking about. The Russians understand it.

His English has very thick Cantonese accent and I am very sure his dad left them, that kind of accent develops only in a full Cantonese household.

The fact that he is so eager to pass himself off as being of Chinese descent just goes to show that he is not.

Please think about it, would a person who is truly confident in his Chinese culture make such an emphatic post about his identity on a Pakistani forum? Would a Chinese person go and post poetry threads in a Pakistani forum? And with so many mistakes.

As for the Cantonese accent, I'm guessing he had his friend answer your call.
The fact that he is so eager to pass himself off as being of Chinese descent just goes to show that he is not.

Please think about it, would a person who is truly confident in his Chinese culture make such an emphatic post about his identity on a Pakistani forum? Would a Chinese person go and post poetry threads in a Pakistani forum? And with so many mistakes.

As for the Cantonese accent, I'm guessing he had his friend answer your call.
Nono, he is half mutt. The mum is a sinoviet refugee or something. Teh dad was some sailor with the US navy. He is a product of that.
The fact that he is so eager to pass himself off as being of Chinese descent just goes to show that he is not.

Please think about it, would a person who is truly confident in his Chinese culture make such an emphatic post about his identity on a Pakistani forum? Would a Chinese person go and post poetry threads in a Pakistani forum? And with so many mistakes.

As for the Cantonese accent, I'm guessing he had his friend answer your call.
Well, I can tell you this, i never being emphatic about my Chinese heritage to be honest, I wouldn't care less about my Chinese Heritage, you all are the one obsessed about my identity, starting numerous thread about talking to my. And one thread I start about Chinese culture, y'all hijacked it and again, turning into a obsession.

And to be frank, it's pointless to talk about nationality in a forum, you said you are Chinese, how do I know you are? You can be some bot or making a proxy. It's pointless to talk about nationality, but seems like this is what you people obsessed on
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