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i am not rich, but i am not foolish either. better to suffer for a bit than to die or loose a loved one.

Death is predetermined. You can't avoid it. Even at peak, COVID-19 deaths will be very small compared to all other deaths.

Fear of death drives people to act irrationally.

One of the tests in this is not to spread it to others. That's something we may just be questioned and judged on by The Almighty.

We have zero say on time of Death.
Death is predetermined. You can't avoid it. Even at peak, COVID-19 deaths will be very small compared to all other deaths.

Fear of death drives people to act irrationally.

One of the tests in this is not to spread it to others. That's something we may just be questioned and judged on by The Almighty.

We have zero say on time of Death.
well then that logic can be applied to anything. lets run on the roads, if it is our time a car will hit us, otherwise we will be safe. lets jump into rough sea, if it is our time we will drown, otherwise we are safe.

tie your camel first, and then pray to Allah.

Even at peak, COVID-19 deaths will be very small compared to all other deaths.
also, that is the case with developed countries, not for ones like ours with a shitty medical care system, that will be easily overwhelmed when a large number of patients come in. or worse, not all will even be detected in time.
well then that logic can be applied to anything. lets run on the roads, if it is our time a car will hit us, otherwise we will be safe. lets jump into rough sea, if it is our time we will drown, otherwise we are safe.

tie your camel first, and then pray to Allah.

Then 'tie' your loved ones at home.

You want freedom of movement by imposing restrictions on others. Restrict yourself and your loved ones!
Then 'tie' your loved ones at home.

You want freedom of movement by imposing restrictions on others. Restrict yourself and your loved ones!
lol, now from where did you infer that? seriously, a lockdown will effect everyone, including my family. your genius knows no limits. stop putting so much pressure on your limited cognitive faculties.
nothing is predetermined it's up to humans what fate they choose you cant complete MBBS without learning and going to medical college. you have misunderstood the whole life dude.
Death is predetermined. You can't avoid it. Even at peak, COVID-19 deaths will be very small compared to all other deaths.

Fear of death drives people to act irrationally.

One of the tests in this is not to spread it to others. That's something we may just be questioned and judged on by The Almighty.

We have zero say on time of Death.
the govt must close all departments not offering any services, and those that are, should have bare minimum workforce available (other than medical and law enforcement).
lol, now from where did you infer that? seriously, a lockdown will effect everyone, including my family. your genius knows no limits. stop putting so much pressure on your limited cognitive faculties.

I'm already in a lockdown situation! You are not yet and you are the one not thinking straight to take corrective actions and prepare for lockdown. Stop looking at what others are doing!

All non essential travel is a no go. Two have asthma in my family and they are not allowed to step out and interact with anyone outside.

Only I go out to get food items and any other necessaries . And we were aware enough to prepare to go down to basic living for survival whilst severely restricting movement - well before UK government starting taking actions.

Who is the one with limited cognitive faculties? You who is shitting himself because you couldn't look ahead and prepare or me who is already bunkered and ready for a prolonged lockdown!?
Who is the one with limited cognitive faculties? You who is shitting himself because you couldn't look ahead and prepare or me who is already bunkered and ready for a prolonged lockdown!?
definitely you. if you dont support a lockdown then why tf are you imposing it on yourself? obviously, according to your logic, imposing a lockdown is stupid, that too in a country where there is high-quality universal health care. but, it is not the right thing to do in a third world country with crappy medical system, which will crash once put under even a small strain. where doctors are not being provided PPE, and are protesting and refusing to work because of it.

Good luck saving Pakistan from the outbreak.
definitely you. if you dont support a lockdown then why tf are you imposing it on yourself? obviously, according to your logic, imposing a lockdown is stupid, that too in a country where there is high-quality universal health care. but, it is not the right thing to do in a third world country with crappy medical system, which will crash once put under even a small strain. where doctors are not being provided PPE, and are protesting and refusing to work because of it.

Good luck saving Pakistan from the outbreak.

I'm against lockdown but pro self isolation. We are however ready for a lockdown but we are already self isolating ourselves from the idiots roaming around in public spreading the virus.

Lockdowns = all movement stopped

Instead of the whole family getting out, one person goes out and takes all the correct precautions including social distancing, washing up properly, cleaning phone etc so that they don't bring it back to family

I've said repeatedly that people need to take responsibility themselves. Restrict your family's movement. Kids stay in, elders stay in. But we don't see that. So all you can do is to protect your own family unit by self isolating.

And no health service can withstand this. NHS in UK is going to get hit hard and they are begging retired doctors and nurses to return! Testing has stopped already and people are told to stay home. As people were not listening to advice, government shut pubs and all food serving places yesterday.

Lockdowns are not necessary if people follow the advice.

So you tell me ... Since Pak Gov told people to stay home, how many of you and your family members have been out without a serious reason? How many kids from your family have been out?

Lockdowns are due to idiots not following advice.

where doctors are not being provided PPE, and are protesting and refusing to work because of it.

Quite pathetic really this protest and refusal to serve.

NHS has a huge PPE issue as well with doctors and nurses on media voicing it but no call for protest and strike.
People under quarantine broke out of facility in Sukker. This is the level of these assholes.

They should be found and hung

There must be a reason why they broke out --- I have no doubts this has got to do with pathetic arrangements.

There are thousands of families who can't afford a complete lockdown --- The useless govt must come forward with some relief --- At least they can reduce petrol prices (they won't be doing any favor) ---- and the rich class (demanding complete lockdown) must take responsibility of at least one family (who can't afford lockdown).

That’s still not an excuse to break down and threaten the whole nation. They are traitors and criminals and should be buried alive with the rest of their family.

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