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Copy & Pasting Articles


Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Please refrain from copy and pasting entire articles. It is a copyright violation even if you provide the link back.

Please post quotes from the article and leave back the link to the original article.

This is the rule in effect immediately.

Thanks, it was one thing I always wondered about, and ended up pasting entire articles to avoid the accusations of posting incomplete information.

Another reminder, Please dont paste the entire articles, you are allowed to post half article + link to the source. Quote the article, and provide your own opinion on where you want the discussion to lead to.
Sir I may not able to understand you but can we post say half the article & then give the source article or more precisely can we just posts bulleted abstracts from the article & give the source URL..
The less copy the better, post the original content/post as much as possible AND provide source.
yeah it would be better to read from the mind of the thread starter rather than of any journalist/columnist.
What about those who even didn't provide link? but past complete article.
Just want to know, is it special permissions for some category members?
Seems like you were given warning from copyright owners :lol:
Just Kidding.

You are saying, post a 'review' and make it interesting, so that people go to the link for full article.

The point is not only to prevent copyright issues, rather to ensure that the members at least makes an input from his side. Merely copy pasting articles and passing them off as posts shows that the point of the "forum" is not understood, which is to debate, discuss, create thinkers.
Sri Lankan will be in great trouble :P Sorry couldn't resist.
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