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Complete information & Analysis on Elli class frigates of Hellenic Navy

So, this is not the Greek Elli class but rather the Dutch Kortenaer class. The Dutch S-frigate, S for standard.
From which also derived is the German F-122 Bremen class. http://www.fregatte-bremen.info/index.html

full size pdf here: http://www.fregatte-bremen.info/resources/Ausruestung.pdf

For the Sjah's Iran, prior to the revolution, a version was designed with Standard SM1, 127mm cannon, 2 Phalanx, US radars (7 to be built). Obvious similarities to both Elli/Limnos and the German ships.

Another variant, for the Dutch navy, is the L-frigate, for 'Luchtverdedigings fregat' / Air defence frigate, which trades the heli-pad and hangar for an additional STIR 2, Mk 13 launcher with 40 Standard SM1 and Goalkeeper, as well as extra Sea Sparrow reloads at the front below the bridge (from 8+16 to 8+32). Jacob van Heemskerck class, sold to Chile.



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