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'CIA plans to split India by 2015'

My god ! We didnt know we had a CIA spy in PDF !! :o:

We are doomed. Just one more year for India :suicide2:

Ok, no offense, but you are scum. The least Hindu India needs right now is a pessimistic sickular. The American's have desecrated Hindu India's name a number of times, and if you do not begin using your strategic assets such as Hindu Nuclear weapons, we might witness a breaking up of India.
I guess when encountered with serious issues like these, India will respond with with things said in their local bazaars. Once again, disappointed by Hindu nationalist leader Modi's response to these threads. An upcoming international Hindu superpower can not take these threats from these men.
Oh thats why US is bombing u guys because you are opening these threads against them too.
In this VIDEO IS A MAP CIRCULATED INSIDE WEST INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES AND CIA = India broken down into pieces of many states and the vast unlimited benefits it will provide to the West and WESTERNS forever, if they get a control over India, and Hindus:

Oh thats why US is bombing u guys because you are opening these threads against them too.
Typical sickular (Non Hindu-nationalist) behavior. Making light-hearted jokes about serious issues.
>India turns supa powa under nationalist supa pawa leader Modi-ji
>Minority assassinates supa pawa leader Modi-ji
>Hindu tears
>Gujarat Riots v 2.0
>Minority fights back
>Supa pawa India slowly crumbles
not going to happen, we have always been a pluralistic society, something alien to most of you lot across the fence.. kinda like democracy :sarcastic:

there have been huge mistakes governing, mostly our leaders bending over backward to appease the so called "minorities", that's the "sickularism" thing you hear tossed around all the time.

anyway, we're moving away from the old commie congress way of things, aaj ka agenda mostly development hai, not so much religion and cultural glitches.. certainly not to the extent some of you crazies here seem to think. including stuff like Gujrat and Kashmir :coffee:

nobody is saying superpower anything, wait for the economic potential here to go kinetic.. watch and learn..

filhaal aap lage raho jihad mein, verily, vo hi aap ka paradise hai :wave:

The only people unhappy with Modi are muslims. I belong to a real minority (less than 2%) and we love Modi.
I'm cool with merit based quotas, the state should help the genuinely disadvantaged, not offering everyone a candy at the expense of progress. Seen too many of the creamy layer unfairly get in good colleges etc :close_tema:

I also know muslims who voted modi.
And then zaid hamid passed the joint to musharraf who was also high.
In this VIDEO IS A MAP CIRCULATED INSIDE WEST INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES AND CIA = India broken down into pieces of many states and the vast unlimited benefits it will provide to the West and WESTERNS forever, if they get a control over India, and Hindus:

Lol.. Republic of UterPradesh :rofl:
How come pak unite their people without India :lol:
ha...ha....ha...................................h...huh funny dude PDF needs guys like you....Sir have you considered doing stand-up???
The only people unhappy with Modi are muslims. I belong to a real minority (less than 2%) and we love Modi.
Why are Muslims not happy with Modi ji???
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