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CIA/Indian/Afghan Involvement in WoT in Pakistan


Nov 15, 2006
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Recently on the forum alot has been said about Baitullah Mehsud being a CIA/Indian agent. There is also alot being said about Indian interference in Balochistan and Afghan interference in FATA

I seriously doubt these claims as I have not seen any believable evidence or report that can lead to these conclusions.

There seems to be people out there who know better for whatever reason so if they could post there information here so it can be debated.

I have no interest in personal opinions I would like to be presented with facts.
JK even if India, for the sake of argument, hypothetically, is involved, this just proves that those people have concerns which have not been addressed and India simply has taken advantage of the situation for a reason beyond me.
Well, i'll not debate much on this self explanatory issue, however i'll only like to say that our 'own' terrorist still has a long way to go before they can gather enough intellect to execute the acts of terror that we are witnessing in the recent past. They only know how to go about target killing. Two idiots siting on a bike and stray shooting on people of some VIP. These attack that we know now need much deliberation and planning and insight. Just see the targets-the sensitive targets and the timings of attack, these works are of evil-a bigger evil, so the hand of some int agency CANNOT be ruled out.
Well, i'll not debate much on this self explanatory issue, however i'll only like to say that our 'own' terrorist still has a long way to go before they can gather enough intellect to execute the acts of terror that we are witnessing in the recent past. They only know how to go about target killing. Two idiots siting on a bike and stray shooting on people of some VIP. These attack that we know now need much deliberation and planning and insight. Just see the targets-the sensitive targets and the timings of attack, these works are of evil-a bigger evil, so the hand of some int agency CANNOT be ruled out.

Sir, I afraid I have different opinion. What this military rule has done in last two decades, they have radicalised mass people in Pakistan and border areas. These people have massive experience how to conduct any terrorist operation, they have long experience how to mentally influence people (I have faced this few times). And what do you think CIA/RAW can motivate people to carry out suicide attacks?
JK even if India, for the sake of argument, hypothetically, is involved, this just proves that those people have concerns which have not been addressed and India simply has taken advantage of the situation for a reason beyond me.

We have concerns about Indians involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan through its consulates in Afghanistan so buying your argument Pakistan is also justified for taking advantage of any situation that would justify terrorist activities in India right ???

One has to accept the reality that all three regional players India Pakistan and Iran want to have strong hold in Afghanistan and their acivities are known to the world for this purpose. Saying that India is silent player in the current situation and doing nothing against Pakistan will be nothing but to closing eyes towards her role by the Indians.

Currently NATO is incharge of whole thing in Afghanistan and it has closed eyes towards drug trade which is contributing to weapons. Karzai is pro-India and Anti-Pakistan pig, Rangeen Dadfar is Pro-India and anti-Pakistan, Mr Abdullah Abdullah (who was the Peon of Ahmad Shah Mehsud ) is pro-India and anti-Pakistan.

Northern Alliance is currently in rule, the alliance is funded by India and the activities of NA against Pakistan are not hidden from anyone.

CIA has already started a war against Pakistan and ISI.

If anyone say that India is soo inocent that it is not doing anything against Pakistan well only the idiots advocate and can believe this keping in view global geo-political game.
Oh my. That's quite a conspiracy theory you've got there.

Of course, you can ignore the irony that a radical muslim is working for "hindus".
Oh my. That's quite a conspiracy theory you've got there.

Of course, you can ignore the irony that a radical muslim is working for "hindus".

As if you dont know how the intellegence agencies work????
Pakistan Downs Indian Spy Drone Made in Israel

DEBKAfile - Pakistan Downs Indian Spy Drone Made in Israel
From DEBKA-Net-Weekly of June 7 on India-Israeli Military Ties

June 8, 2002

According to DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s military sources in New Delhi, a group of Israel electronic warfare experts is helping the Indian army set up and operate six early warning stations along the 750-km Line of Control dividing disputed Kashmir, for picking up movements of military forces, armed men and explosives on the Pakistani side, and jamming the electronic surveillance instruments Pakistan trains on Indian territory. These stations are backed up by smaller electronic tracking and command centers, some mobile, and 10 bases operating Israel-made unmanned aerial vehicles armed with anti-tank weapons systems capable of demolishing fortifications, as well as reconnaissance.

According to our sources in New Delhi, India is the only country to which Israel has sold drones of its manufacture that are capable of firing missiles, while also training local operators in their use. The pilot-less aircraft can stay aloft on reconnaissance and interception missions for up to 36 hours and penetrate as far as 800 km (500 miles) into Pakistan. The plane Pakistan air force jets shot down Saturday was just inside the frontier over the Punjab town of Lahore.
The burgeoning military exchanges between India and Israel, going back 12 years, have placed more than one group of Israeli personnel inside troubled Kashmir.

DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s military sources in the subcontinent report another group instructing Indian officers in the operation of the Arrow intercept missile’s Green Pine radar, the most effective system in India’s arsenal for detecting the launch of a Pakistani nuclear-tipped missile. Indian defense minister George Fernandes has urgently applied through the Indian-Israeli liaison officer General Uzi Dayan for a third Green Pine system, even on a year’s loan, for deployment south of New Delhi, across from Pakistan’s Baluchistan and Sindh provinces.

Israel is in a dilemma. While eager to become India’s top supplier of advanced weapons systems and glad of the developing bilateral relationship, Israel will be hard put to find a spare Green Pine system in its emergency anti-missile arsenal – even for tens of millions of dollars – given the perilous Middle East situation, current and potential. Israeli defense chiefs must prepare for a possible US military offensive against Iraq in the coming months bringing forth an Iraqi reprisal against Israeli targets. (See separate article on American war preparations.)

This radar system was developed as a vital component of Israel’s anti-missile defenses.

Israel will reply to the Indian request after checking first with Washington, given that the Arrow and its systems are a co-production.

Across the Kashmir border, Chinese electronic warfare experts are instructing Pakistani officers. Indian military experts, questioned by DEBKA-Net-Weekly, reveal that some of the Chinese specialists received their electronic warfare training from Israeli instructors in China. The sources rate Chinese electronic equipment as far inferior to India’s.

Outside Kashmir, at air bases in western and northern India, Israeli air force flight and bombing instructors are teaching Indian pilots, especially reservists called up for duty, how to use smart bombs and advanced weapons systems precisely and effectively. India recently bought a large stock of smart air-to-ground missiles from Israel as well as from other countries, for precision- and carpet-bombing of terror bases and Pakistani military bases in a full-scale war.

The heightened Israeli military presence in India is stoking one of Pakistan’s deepest forebodings. Recalling how Israel bombed Iraq’s first nuclear reactor to extinction exactly 21 years ago this week, Pakistani leaders fear the Israeli air force will divulge to a select group of Indian flight crews the most advanced methods for destroying atomic reactors and weapons depots.

Iran appears to share this concern.

DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s military sources say that, in mid-May, Iranian military intelligence asked Pakistan to verify information received that an Israeli bomber squadron had arrived in south India, possibly assigned with knocking out Iran’s nuclear reactor at Bushehr, now in the last stages of construction by the Russians. Iran believes Israel has already carried out one attempt, which failed.

Israel naval officers are also to be found in naval bases on India’s Arabian Sea coast. Under top-secret naval cooperation accords, Israel has supplied India with ship-to-ship and cruise missiles, along with instructors, that can hit strategic targets deep inside Pakistani territory. Another secret military cooperation agreement provides for a joint Indian-Israeli naval presence in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean approaches to the Persian Gulf.
JK even if India, for the sake of argument, hypothetically, is involved, this just proves that those people have concerns which have not been addressed and India simply has taken advantage of the situation for a reason beyond me.

It is not simple to take advantage of the situation!
You have to organise explosives in side the cities, rent houses, fake id's etc.
This can be only done if you were living their for 10-20 years.
We all know during 1990's ISI was occupied by political parties of Pakistan and hence that provided golden opportunity for RAW to settel in Pakistan.
Now we can say present situation can be exploited by india.
CIA need people who look like Pakistani's and are faithful to them and india has billion plus such people willing to work for $. On top of that warlords and drug lords of Afghanistan are in their pocket who can force any Afghani to do any thing.
Recently on the forum alot has been said about Baitullah Mehsud being a CIA/Indian agent. There is also alot being said about Indian interference in Balochistan and Afghan interference in FATA

I seriously doubt these claims as I have not seen any believable evidence or report that can lead to these conclusions.

There seems to be people out there who know better for whatever reason so if they could post there information here so it can be debated.

I have no interest in personal opinions I would like to be presented with facts.

There were no facts about Sadam possesing WMD! There were no facts that Taliban conspired 9/11 or are a threat to USA. yet we kill hundereds of Afghans every day, yet we killed Sadam Hussain!

Look JK Afgahnistan govt. is nothing more than extension of indian parliment.
in past it use to be indians blaming Pakistan for all their evils but today Karzai blames Pakistan for all evils in india! he is more concerned about indians than Afghanis! There are indian troops inside Afghanistan and we know it by the virtue of indian announcments at various occasions.
Do you think we will be allowed to audit air traffic from and to india - Kabul?
One day US president announce all terrorists are now in Pakistan and next day they really are their. How come US have more intelligence on Pakistan than Pakistan it self, who is struggling to square all perpatrators.
Please dont post DEBKA articles. Their credibility is absolutely zilch. They post whatever they like to regardless of any substance.

For example, they said Iran was buying 250 Su-30's among other planes! There's absolutely no iota of truth in what they say.
Mr Abdullah Abdullah (who was the Peon of Ahmad Shah Mehsud ) is pro-India and anti-Pakistan.QUOTE]
Pro india is small word, lad is never alone! he is always sarrounded by 10-20 RAW officials. He practically sleeps with them.
His brain has all anti-Pakistanisim that exists in whole india.
Mr Abdullah Abdullah (who was the Peon of Ahmad Shah Mehsud ) is pro-India and anti-Pakistan.QUOTE]
Pro india is small word, lad is never alone! he is always sarrounded by 10-20 RAW officials. He practically sleeps with them.
His brain has all anti-Pakistanisim that exists in whole india.

u r wrong we hate pak army,pak leadership,isi but not pak people otherwise why would we treat pak people in our hospitals and don say treating pak people doesnt mean u like pak people it was just an example......i dont get it if suppose a pak walks in my street would we rush to hurt bcoz we hate pak nonsense and the same goes for india........i dont think that even pak people hate indian people.
u r wrong we hate pak army,pak leadership,isi but not pak people otherwise why would we treat pak people in our hospitals and don say treating pak people doesnt mean u like pak people it was just an example......i dont get it if suppose a pak walks in my street would we rush to hurt bcoz we hate pak nonsense and the same goes for india........i dont think that even pak people hate indian people.

But we kill the Indians if they walk in my street.

Pak army is also Pakistan, ISI is also Pakistan and Our leadership is also Pakistan. We consider those who hate us as someone who are can never be sincere to us.
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