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Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

the part that says that chinese destroyers forced submarine to surface can be taken with a pinch of salt! rest of the article seems to be fairly accurate.

Ever heard of Electronic counter-countermeasures ECCMs?
china has much more leavages on international issue than India has.

N.Korea,Iran, Sudan. US T-bond,RMB' exchange.Cuba....etc. almost all international issue would not be solved without the cooperation of CHina.

As for India, India's influence is hardly seen outside south asia.

aa didnt hear last linne clean actually

letme show you something which you will understand .

India has also regularly sent military observers to various UN operations. This includes ONUCA (Central America) in 1990-92, ONUSAL (El Salvador) in 1991 and UNOMIL (Liberia) in 1994.


India has also provided an infantry battalion to the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). The Force Commander of UNIFIL is Maj.Gen. L.M. Tewari.

India is also currently participating in the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) with an infantry battalion, a Force Reserve Company and a Field Engineer Construction Company.


Over 100 Indian soldiers and officers have sacrificed their lives while serving in UN peacekeeping operations.


got it , or should i post more ??????

and Fennecus

so they was confirming that from that long as i posted that whether it is a shark or a IN sub ????????? again without fact posting . :china:

and about UNSC , the time will tell .. only china is willing to vote against us not any other country even not US :sniper: . So , the time will tell how china is going handel the pressure :china:
We must appreciate that the situation was resolved amicably without any confrontation.
I am no navy expert. But i think such kind things are common when subs and ships try to gauge the strength of each other. I have seen these things happening in past also.

WASHINGTON: A Chinese submarine, equipped with torpedoes and anti-ship cruise missiles, stalked a US aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean last
month and surfaced within firing range of its missiles before being detected, a media report said on Monday......


At least one sane person---one intelligent response. To my other indian colleagues---it is not neccessary to have a knee jerk response to issues at hand---it is better to learn and understand than just trying to wing it.

Subs chase ships at their discretion. It is not Kudos to any navy if its sub chases another navies ship without the ship knowing about it. It is rather a normal practise----that is what the subs are designed for----they are the silent hunters of the deep seas and oceans. They prowl and lurk in the dark depths of water and keep an eye on their prey---some times laying in wait for hours and days.

A submarine can track a ship at its discretion by calculating the direction and speed of the ship and then leap frogging the distance and then lying in wait at another location to get another pass at the ship---.

A tiger in the sunderbans may chose to reveal himself to the human prey----or it may step back and disapper in the thick brush---the prey never knowing how close it was to meet its maker.

In the similiar manner the subs act.

This time the sub got caught---either due to a poor showmanship by the sub captain---or superior equipment and a very highly efficient sonarman on the chinese naval ship.

To my indian readers---every moving propeller in the ocean leaves a unique signature---or a unique sound. The subs can tell by the sound created by the propellers of a ship what ship they are tracking. The same way the subs can be tracked if their prop signature is available. Akulas are known to be noisy subs by today's standards.

You guys are bragginbg about the indian sub for chasing the chinese ship---but the truth to the matter is that it should have never happened---him being caught---the chinese ships pinged him so hard that he had to surface---he had no place to go but to surface---and accept defeat---.

Now the the fact is that the sub captain if lucky will be severly reprimanded for being careless to be caught---and he will be lucky for being reprimanded---normally----his naval career is over---after being fired by his high command.

A surfacing of a submarine under these circumstances after being pinged hard by the chinese is tantamount to defeat.

The surfacing of chinese sub next to the u s carrier was letting the carrir know---I had you. The carrier of that admiral is over as well--I am pretty sure about that.
MK sir

now this is unacceptable.

First question: How Chinese know that they were getting chased when they entered Indian Ocean after reaching such a long distance? Till that time they were sleeping or what?

Second question: What is this SONAR JAMMING? Never heard of it. Kindly guide me on that portion.

Third question: What is this 20 torpedoes and all? They seen from there eyes or what?

To me it seems like PLAN caught with there pants down. The sub commander just surfaced to say them good bye after collecting the info they wanted. And they are just spinning the story to say that they are great. Now IN has denied that even such thing happened. Everybody is quoting the story that appeared in Chinese media. I don't think that PLAN has officially accepted it.

We will never know what has happened there. Weather this event even happened or not.

Just my thoughts.
aa didnt hear last linne clean actually

letme show you something which you will understand .

India has also regularly sent military observers to various UN operations. This includes ONUCA (Central America) in 1990-92, ONUSAL (El Salvador) in 1991 and UNOMIL (Liberia) in 1994.


India has also provided an infantry battalion to the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). The Force Commander of UNIFIL is Maj.Gen. L.M. Tewari.

India is also currently participating in the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) with an infantry battalion, a Force Reserve Company and a Field Engineer Construction Company.


Over 100 Indian soldiers and officers have sacrificed their lives while serving in UN peacekeeping operations.


got it , or should i post more ??????

and Fennecus

so they was confirming that from that long as i posted that whether it is a shark or a IN sub ????????? again without fact posting . :china:

and about UNSC , the time will tell .. only china is willing to vote against us not any other country even not US :sniper: . So , the time will tell how china is going handel the pressure :china:

A lot of that doesn't make any sense. Try forming coherent arguments.

First of all,

As I've said many times before; assuming this incident actually took place, the Indian sub was detected twice and forced to surface. A submarine's greatest asset is its stealth and invisibility in the water. Subs are usually at the mercy of surface warships or aircraft once they've been detected; hence, why the sub fled the scene.

Secondly, world-wide opinion was against the U.S. prior/during/after the Invasion of Iraq, did that somehow discourage or prevent them in any way? The thing about the U.N. is that the big 5 can pretty much veto any resolution that they don't like, and the rest of the world can't do a damned thing about it.

I can only laugh at your so-called "pressure" on China. India cannot afford to piss off any of the big 5 if it so desires a place on the SC, and events like this certainly do not contribute to that.

" The sub commander just surfaced to say them good bye after collecting the info they wanted" .

Reading your comments makes me understand that you do not have operational knowledge of subs---.

This is the job of subs---to track ships for days in and days out and when they are done gathering their information they just move away----without saying goodbye---without the enemy knowing about their presence---that they were ever within the firing range---it is a part of their jobs to get close to a ship without the adversary ever knowing about their presence. Once the data is collected----they slip back into the deep and take the data home to be analyzed for future reference.

Submarines are traditionally silent predators of the oceans---they are like the snipers of the oceans---lurking silently and doing their bidings---after doing the job---just silently swim away by using stealth of darkness of the oceans.

This is not a gunfight at the O K coral where you have to surface and say good bye. Submarines don't act that way---now if you talk about the chinese sub surfacing next to the u s carrir---it is a totally different story and circumstance and can be discussed seperately.

Twenty torpedoes----12 granit class missiles---8 torpedoes anti ship----granit class can be substituted for other kind of missiles.

The helicopetr was the last straw in the death of the submarime----they just gave them the final warning---surface or you are going to be sunk.

Electronic Warfare is defined as operations to detect and make reverse use of the enemy's magnetic waves while detecting the enemy and securing our effective use of magnetic waves for itself.

In Electronic Warfare, there are three measures, first is electronic support measure (ESM) equipped with an electronic detection and missile alarm systems, second is electronic counter measure (ECM) equipped with electronic jamming and chaff rocket launcher system and the last is electronic counter-counter measure (ECCM) equipped with various radars capable of avoiding enemy's electronic countermeasure.

Another interesting fact I found is:

Used to defeat hostile radar and Sonar, the ECM/ESM, (Electronic Counter Measures,) jammers will confuse all radar and sonar so that the ships is much harder to be detected or locked onto with radar/sonar guided weapons. This does not give away the position of the ship but it does let the enemy know that they are there. The only way that it can be defeated is with ECCM, (Electronic Counter-Counter Measures.)

Basically, the sub was choked and had to surface.

You are correct I am not an service personal.

But you remember 1-2 years before when a Chinese sub appeared near USN carrier group. (link: Chinese Sub Stalks U.S.). What is your view on this.

You are correct I am not an service personal.

But you remember 1-2 years before when a Chinese sub appeared near USN carrier group. (link: Chinese Sub Stalks U.S.). What is your view on this.

Extremely provocative move by China, which was most likely done in order to make a strong political statement. I don't agree with it.
Fennecus where exactly you don't agree?

I don't agree with shadowing the CVBG and surfacing only 5 miles away to make a political statement. That Song could have very well been blown out of the water.
Extremely provocative move by China, which was most likely done in order to make a strong political statement. I don't agree with it.

when chinese sub surfaces, it is an intentional 'strong political statement', while in case of indian sub, 'it was forced to surface'.
seems like a double standard!:disagree:
No Fennecus it is peace time the fact is that they were blissfully unaware of them getting trailed. This sort of games were common when in Cold War scenario. The same can be applied in this story also.

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