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Chinese state minder officials caught in background reflections of Westerner's video where he is allegedly walking around alone "freely" in Xinjiang

Every country should have ''state minders''.
Only cuck nations don't have it.

Btw, i think it is time to post about the oppression of black people in the USA.
Only some states have them for their own citizens.

Btw, i think it is time to post about the oppression of black people in the USA.

Time for a brisk counter-attack.
CIA has tons of money, why only pay this one guy? find more actors to spice up your propaganda against Xinjiang, will you, this guys sounds like a broken record and people had long lost any interest in him, you need fresh blood for this mission.

LOL! Maybe the CIA paid those people in the background to follow the guy around too in the Xinjiang bazaar.
I watched the video so other members don't have to watch it and waste their time on it.

So serpentza shows a video of this youtuber in which we can see 5-7 or so people who appear multiple times and follow the youtuber around wherever he goes, one or two of them have cameras and they occasionally take pictures or videos of him or whatever, according to serpentza they are doing that for the local press.

So really there are no issues here, a white guy is walking around saying the city looks peaceful and prosperous, and some people from the local press are taking pictures of him to right articles about it for the local press.
These are probably some local media people who go around looking for stories to write about.
LOL! Maybe the CIA paid those people in the background to follow the guy around too in the Xinjiang bazaar.
Could, But CIA does more than that

Uyghur 'unrest' was a CIA narrative planned to destabilize China, top US army Chief admits. 2018
Col Lawrence Wilkerson admits to USA involvement in fomenting civil unrest in Xinjiang China using Uighurs. The CIA wanted to destabilize China, and intelligence strategists had decided that the best way to do it would be to foment unrest among Uyghurs in Xinjiang to create pressure on Beijing. Ronpaul liberty channel 2018.
I still don't get it. What is the proof?
US accuses China of genociding the local population in Xinjiang, but there is one thing which is really odd, how come the life expectancy in Xinjiang keeps rising and life expectancy in US keeps declining? who is indeed genociding their local population?

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So serpentza shows a video of this youtuber in which we can see 5-7 or so people who appear multiple times and follow the youtuber around wherever he goes, one or two of them have cameras and they occasionally take pictures or videos of him or whatever, according to serpentza they are doing that for the local press.

So really there are no issues here, a white guy is walking around saying the city looks peaceful and prosperous, and some people from the local press are taking pictures of him to right articles about it for the local press.
These are probably some local media people who go around looking for stories to write about.

..and the youtuber makes no mention of it. Like "hey check it out I think 5-7 people from the 'local press' have been following me around for hours...maybe they will write a story about me"...
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That is certainly possible.

I think he also think it seems weird for people to stand in a tourist location and declare "I see no issue..the West must be lying".

He says that's like being in Disneyland and saying since you see so many smiling faces you can declare 'there is no such thing as homeless people in the US so what you are hearing about the homeless problem is a lie'...which is ridiculous..why would even say that...unless people were asking you to say that.

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I think he also think it seems weird for people to stand in a tourist location and declare "I see no issue..the West must be lying".

He says that's like being in Disneyland and saying since you see so many smiling faces you can declare there is no such thing as homeless people in the US..which is ridiculous..

It is perfectly normal. I feel fine walking around busy tourist locations, including Disneyland, although many cameras are recording my movements. Should I declare issues instead?
It is perfectly normal. I feel fine walking around busy tourist locations, including Disneyland, although many cameras are recording my movements. Should I declare issues instead?

You can walk around tourist locations in the US and since you see smiling faces you can declare there is not a problem anywhere in the US?

Hey black people live fine in the US...no problems at all. Check out the houses they live in. Case closed on all the talk of them being treated badly after seeing how they live.

How does driving through one area suddenly allow me to make a generalization?
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