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Chinese secret delegation enter Iran for getting RQ-170 drone

this reminds of the moment when PA troops had to fight with militants to get wreckage of the Amercain drone so that Chinese could work on it, and there is nothing new about this, they did the same to the stealth heli from the bin laden compound
In a year or two the computer viruses and malware will start popping up in iranian computers courtesy of the 170. Just like Stuxnet and Flame, but better. Ever hear of a Mickey Finn ?:usflag:
In a year or two the computer viruses and malware will start popping up in iranian computers courtesy of the 170. Just like Stuxnet and Flame, but better. Ever hear of a Mickey Finn ?:usflag:

Buddy, Stuxnet was successful because no one was looking at the ladder programing of PLC's, EEPROM's and of SCADA chips. Now the cat is out of the box, all standard code of every little piece of electronics is being taken apart and scrutinized. It was just one ace in the pocket of Israel, where it showed it's hand, a bit prematurely!

There is nothing else left, barred the US of A, where it can use EM warfare. However, if it does so, then another can of worms will open, which trust me you don't want to. :D

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