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Chinese painter :The Last G7


Jul 3, 2019
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oh dear oh dear...the poor little imperial bastards still think they are up against China only...oh no dear imperialists, you don't get to devour anyone more, as you cook up your piddly little schemes, THIS is what really over shadows you, THIS is what you are up against, THIS is what gets to devour you now...😎

look closely, look very closely...you have no idea what your up against...
The Indian elephant has a beggar bowl with a note 'Help Me' ,(biggest receiver of Aid money esp. from Japan)
,with a drip attached and drinking something yellowish..
The Canadian beaver has a doll (no role in international conflict).
The English Lion has a muffler shows Scotland breaking away (as a pun towards those predicting breakaway )
French rooster holding a white handkerchief :unsure:
Caribbean islands turtle, frogs offering their money for dollar produced out of toilet paper (buying US treasury bonds)
Italian wolf refusing nuclear drink ( Italy is the only G group member that doesn’t use nuclear power plants for electricity generation )
Japanese cheba dog selling their nuclear energy .
Australian Kangroo holding a bribe??
German bundesadler, doing nothing???
Wearing a bowler hat with an American flag on it, a bald eagle sits in the middle like Jesus in The Last Supper, obviously the convenor of the meal. In front of the bald eagle there is a small banknote printing machine and a bill on the table. The machine is printing toilet paper into dollars, and the number on the bill gets bigger and bigger – from $2 trillion to $8 trillion.

There is also an iron hook under its feet, and two pieces of cotton with blood near its hands on the table, suggesting “the US’ capital accumulation was built on racial oppression,”

The bald eagle image shows today’s aggressive yet feeble US is trapped in its growing debt crisis and racial conflicts, but still points fingers at China.

Sitting on the left of the bald eagle is a grey wolf, wearing a cap with an Italian flag on it. The wolf waves its hands as the apostle Andrew in The Last Supper, as if saying “No” to the US’ suggestions of jointly cracking down on China. The grey wolf image shows Italy, the first European country that joined China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), is reluctant to collaborate with the US in suppressing China.

Next to the wolf is an Akita dog that represents Japan. Without a seat, it is busy serving the others a “drink” – pouring green radioactive water into the glasses of the other animals. The green water is the contaminated water that Japan plans to release to the Pacific from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant.

Sitting next to the dog is a kangaroo, which is stretching its left hand to the banknotes that the US is printing, while grasping a bag in its right hand. The kangaroo symbolizes the double-faced Australia which actively cooperates with the US in containing China, but is also eager to earn money from China, its largest trading partner.

On the left corner stands a black hawk, which obviously represents Germany as its pose is almost the same as that of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a widespread photo in the G7 summit in 2018. Germany, similar to the rooster (representing France) sitting in silence on the right side, seems more interested in its own European issues and shows less enthusiasm on the US’ propaganda.

On the right side of the table also sits a lion and a nutria, respectively representing the UK and Canada, both the US’ close Five Eyes allies. The nutria, wearing a red coat with images of marijuana on it, holds a doll in its hand. The doll represents Huawei’s chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou, who is still unreasonably detained in Canada.

On the right corner of the table sits an elephant (representing India) that is on a drip like a patient.

Under the table there is a frog holding banknotes in its hands, trying to jump as high as possible to reach the table and give the money to the US. The little frog symbolizes the separatist authority from the island of Taiwan, which is always subservient to the US.
Then come back to China with money and knowledge. Unlike Indian, they settle, bring their mum, daddy, wife, children.

When I walk in US companies meeting room, I can always smell the curry

the last time I visited Silicon Valley it does not look like it
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