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Chinese Missiles News & Discussions

Beast, I don't get your short sentence! Not sure what did you mean!

However, seeing today's aggressive FIRST STRIKE (FIRST USE) nuclear doctrine of major powers, I think it's obsolete for China to stick to its "No First Strike" nuclear doctrine, instead just changes it the same as other major powers and declares it accordingly, as well as increasing the numbers of strategic nuke arsenal and declare the new quantity accordingly too! It's long overdue for China to update its strategic nuke stocks same as its update of the official (physical) gold reserves :-)
for a much understated strength may inadvertently cause some dangerous overly miscalculations!
I just finished watching the movie "The Coming War on China", an excellent movie by JOHN PILGER, an independent film maker from Australia, a must-watch, an eye-opening movie for every sane mind! It explains a lot what's happening in the Asia-Pacific (covering the Marshall Island, Bikini Island, Japan, Korea, China, Australia, and so on) in the past, at present, and possibly in future!

I STRONGLY SUGGEST every one here to watch this movie! It's quite worth the viewing time and it flows quickly covering the so-called “First-Island-Chain” and so on.

If a picture is worth of thousands of words then a good movie is worth of thousands of pictures...

(A higher resolution avails at torrent)

I did open up a thread about the movie but was closed down for unknown reason.
This is a recent movie developed as documentary and understanding of historic for "man-kind".
I did open up a thread about the movie but was closed down for unknown reason.
This is a recent movie developed as documentary and understanding of historic for "man-kind".
They are many western boot licker here still serving their white master. They closed down your thread to prevent the truth from spreading.

I just finished watching the movie "The Coming War on China", an excellent movie by JOHN PILGER, an independent film maker from Australia, a must-watch, an eye-opening movie for every sane mind! It explains a lot what's happening in the Asia-Pacific (covering the Marshall Island, Bikini Island, Japan, Korea, China, Australia, and so on) in the past, at present, and possibly in future!

I STRONGLY SUGGEST every one here to watch this movie! It's quite worth the viewing time and it flows quickly covering the so-called “First-Island-Chain” and so on.

If a picture is worth of thousands of words then a good movie is worth of thousands of pictures...

(A higher resolution avails at torrent)

Not to afraid pal. China is fully prepare for nuclear war with US. Unless US is willing to kamikaze with China. There is no way US can destroy China and survive.

China demonstrated hydrogen bomb using much smaller size and yet could yield 300tines the explosion in Hiroshima. And that is 1967. You can imagine in 2016 , with aid of world fastest supercomputer. China could design a far smaller and yet deadly hydrogen miniature warhead that could yield 500-700times of Hiroshima hydrogen bomb that just one alone can wipe out 2-3 states of US.
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Maiden flight of a certain type of "product" of extreme pioneering significance successfully concluded:
the article said "稳得住,不解体,分得开,点得着,打得准,测得到". Sounds like some extremely high speed stuff launched from the space??
Probably the 'arguable' new thrust which is against newton law.
I did open up a thread about the movie but was closed down for unknown reason.
This is a recent movie developed as documentary and understanding of historic for "man-kind".
Closed down? Let me check , I have found these:
If you any link, date or section just let me know, let me try to search again, will re-open (will be merged with similar topic) if I can.
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the article said "稳得住,不解体,分得开,点得着,打得准,测得到". Sounds like some extremely high speed stuff launched from the space??

I wish I knew exactly.:hitwall:

When read in conjunction with an earlier article published in Nov. 2015(see below), one might infer that

(1) the "product" in question is a spacecraft
(2) it is ground-launched, and
(3) it is a weapon

日期 : 20151113
期号 : 3004
版号 : 2
版名 : 综合新闻
栏目 : 走进型号试验队
作者 : 刘淮宇
标题 : 铸剑团队:在磨砺中走向成熟
副题 : ——记中国航天科技集团公司一院某型号研制团队



























2016.12.21 NOTAM

2016-12-21 11:39:15

分类: 武器试验

A3221/16 - THE FLW SEGMENTS OF ATS RTE CLSD: 1.W66: NUKTI- EJINAQI VOR 'JNQ'. 2.B215: NUKTI- JIAYUGUAN VOR 'CHW'. 3.W187: DUNHUANG VOR 'DNH' - NUKTI. 21 DEC 02:45 2016 UNTIL 21 DEC 03:40 2016. CREATED: 20 DEC 12:59 2016

A3225/16 - THE FLW SEGMENTS OF ATS RTE CLSD: 1.W192: IPMUN-RUSDI. 2.W191: ESDEX-MOVBI. 3.G470: IPMUN-BIKNO. 21 DEC 02:45 2016 UNTIL 21 DEC 03:40 2016. CREATED: 20 DEC 16:41 2016

Chinese military vehicles carrying DF-21D antiship ballistic missiles, potentially capable of sinking a US Nimitz-class aircraft carrier in a single strike, travel past Tiananmen Gate during a military parade to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Beijing, September 3, 2015. Andy Wong/Reuters

China has also emerged as an influential arms supplier since the 1980s, when Beijing proved willing to provide weaponry to Iran and Iraq during their brutal war that lasted most of that decade.

From 2012 to 2015, China's arms-transfer agreements to developing countries averaged more than $4 billion annually, with 2015 as the highest year, when the country made $6 billion in deals. Those sales can be attributed to an ongoing relationship with Pakistan
Chinese military vehicles carrying DF-21D antiship ballistic missiles, potentially capable of sinking a US Nimitz-class aircraft carrier in a single strike, travel past Tiananmen Gate during a military parade to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Beijing, September 3, 2015. Andy Wong/Reuters
China has also emerged as an influential arms supplier since the 1980s, when Beijing proved willing to provide weaponry to Iran and Iraq during their brutal war that lasted most of that decade.
WHAT A CUNNING TWISTING LINE by the Rothschild-controlled REUTERS, as if the NATO Clan played as saints not supplying the devastating weapons to Saddam Hussein regime incl. the prohibited CHEMICAL WEAPONS used by Saddam Hussein's forces against the Iranians!! In fact they were the major arm suppliers and did reap the lion share of this arm sale bonanza.

This almost decade-long war of attrition between Iraq vs Iran happened because the NATO Clan supported Iraq under Saddam Hussein to attack Iran to weaken the "renegade" nation under the Grand Ayatollah Khomeini, as well as for other geopolitical reasons (the sectarian rivalry between Saudi vs Iran as well as Israel wanted no strong nation in that region) and created somewhat oil scarcity that propped up the oil price then (Petro-windfall for the rest oil exporters and Western oil giants), while this war also gave very good arm sale bonanza for the NATO Clan to sell weapons to Iraq. Both nations of Iran and Iraq underwent nearly decade-long (1980 ~ 1988), quite huge losses and setbacks caused by one of the longest grinding wars post the Vietnam War, a carefully plotted war whereas neither side would win yet the war would be protracted to suck off the resources of the two major regional powers in the Middle East!! Both nations were the pathetic victims, mainly because the megalomaniac Saddam Hussein was the dumb willing pawn, fell into the diabolic plots by the Axis of Empire!
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