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Chinese Missiles News & Discussions

China showcases cluster of ‘aircraft carrier killer’ missiles
Source:Global Times Published: 2019/6/5 17:05:26

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Rocket Force showcases a cluster of 10 DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missiles in a 2019 promotional video. Photo: screenshot of China Central Television

In a rare move, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Rocket Force displayed 10 DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missiles in a recent video, as China reaffirmed the weapon's capability of attacking medium- to large-sized vessels.

The 10 DF-21D missiles can be seen erected into launch positions in a promotional video of the PLA Rocket Force, Weihutang, a column on the military affiliated with China Central Television, reported on Wednesday.

This type of weapon can serve as a trump card in naval asymmetrical combat, as it is capable of attacking medium- to large-sized vessels from land, the report said.

It is rare to see so many DF-21Ds gathered together, and 10 could be enough to do serious damage to a hostile aircraft carrier, military observers said.

Together with the DF-21D, China's DF-26 ballistic missile can reach targets even further at sea, according to reports.

The Weihutang report came after an unidentified flying object was spotted across multiple Chinese provinces on Sunday, as the PLA Rocket Force and Navy hinted on Monday evening that it may have been a Chinese submarine-launched ballistic missile test.

Analysts said that both events are demonstrations of China's strategic deterrence capability and determination to safeguard territorial integrity amid recent US military provocations in the Taiwan Straits and the South China Sea.
True, the perception of being threatened by China's first strike policy will only increase the urge of other nations to deploy more nuclear warheads aim at China's cities and other strategic infrastructures.

And the fear of being strike first by China may make other nuclear powers to carry out pre-emptive strike with-out much hesitation.

Unlike other war happy nations, China does not want any war and will always try to prevent war as much as it can. However, coupling first strike policy with a war preventive mindset is a disaster, as the enemy can only see the threat of first strike and not the policy to prevent war.

China had too many wars and too many deaths from the Taiping rebellion to the Civil war period, more than 50 million had died, some even estimated up to 70 million deaths. Thus not wise to instigate nuclear threat and fear onto others as this might bring more wars. Non-strike First policy first thought by chairman Mao is still the best.

Also, in Chairman Mao's era, China don't have the capability to initiate First Strike to US. DF-5 was not ready until Deng Xiaoping was in charge. USSR had way to many nuclear war heads and missiles, it's stupid to strike USSR firstly. Of course Mao thought through and made this wise decision.

Nowadays, we have different geopolitical situation, and China is building relatively equal nuclear deterrence comparing with US and Russia. But China still insist NFU doctrine, I think China learnt the lesson from USSR collapse. The threat from USSR is so severe, it paved the way for US to organize NATO and made NATO the most successful military group.

China don't want neighbors scrared, otherwise it will only let US take advantage and organize WPTO(I invented, West Pacific Treaty Organization) and contain China. In that case, China is doomed and China won't surpass US in foreseeable future.

The NFU doctrine and Peaceful Rise are the keystone for a better developing environment in neighborhood.

In the opposite, India is stupid and try to whip every neighbors, such as Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. India's policy help Pakistan and China to isolate India in South Asia.
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Speculation rife about DF-17 after video shows hypersonic vehicle
By Liu Xuanzun Source:Global Times Published: 2019/6/24 14:16:42

An animated video released by the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation shows a boost-glide vehicle reentering the atmosphere. Photo: Screenshot from Passion News

China's missile manufacturing giant showcased hypersonic boost-glide vehicles in a recent animated video, and media reports speculate that the weapon might be the DF-17 of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Rocket Force.

Such weapons, which Russia and the US are developing, are very difficult to intercept due to their hypersonic speed and high mobility, experts said Monday.

The animated video, released by the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) on its social media platform Douyin account, shows the launch of multiple boost-glide vehicles, which reenter the atmosphere and hit an underground command center.

This is the first time the company has shown a simulated animation on a boost-glide vehicle, Passion News, a media outlet under k618.cn, a news portal run by the Communist Youth League of China Central Committee, reported on Sunday.

A boost-glide vehicle, which is essentially a warhead, is stored in the nose of a missile, and will be released once the rocket booster sends it fast and high enough. It will then fly over the upper edge of the atmosphere, changing directions frequently, which makes it very difficult to intercept by anti-missile systems, Wei Dongxu, a Beijing-based military analyst, told the Global Times on Monday.

Such a glide vehicle flies at hypersonic speeds, so the enemy has little time to react, Wei noted.

Russia's Avangard and the US' AGM-183A missiles also use similar technologies.

Citing analysts, Passion News said the weapon in the CASIC video could be the DF-17 of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Rocket Force, as reports said the DF-17 missile uses a hypersonic boost-glide vehicle as its warhead.

The Chinese military has not yet announced any hypersonic glide vehicle deployment.

US response to China's top air-to-air missile should not be underestimated: experts
By Zhang Jie Source:Global Times Published: 2019/6/26 16:50:33

Two J-20s howling through the sky with their missile bays open, each showcasing six missiles as the stealth fighter jets celebrated the 69th birthday of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force on the last day of the Airshow China 2018 in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province on Sunday. Photo: Cui Meng/GT

China should not underestimate the new long-range air-to-air missile being developed by the US Air Force, Chinese military experts said on Wednesday after the development of the new US weapon was revealed.

The US Air Force is working with arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin and other branches of its military to develop a new long-range air-to-air missile called the AIM-260, which is expected to enter military service by 2022, US media outlet the National Interest reported on Monday.

The motivation behind such a development is to counter China's top long-range air-to-air missile, the PL-15, which was made public in 2016, the National Interest reported, quoting US Air Force Weapons Program Executive Officer Anthony Genatempo.

Having a maximum range of about 160 kilometers, the US' current air-to-air missile the AIM-120 is apparently inferior to China's PL-15, judging by the US military's decision to create a new weapon, the National Interest report said.

The PL-15 is equipped with active electronically scanned array radar and is thought to have a range of about 200 kilometers, the Business Insider reported on Monday.

China's top stealth fighter jet J-20 displayed its weapons including what analysts said was the PL-15 missile at Airshow China in Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong Province in November 2018.

China is also developing a new missile known as the PL-21, which could reach targets 300 kilometers away, the Business Insider report said.

Some Chinese military observers said the US, once a forerunner in weapon development, is now chasing China, and the new AIM-260 could be a copycat of the PL-15 in terms of applied technologies.

An anonymous Chinese military expert, however, told the Global Times that China should not underestimate the AIM-260 due to its late-mover advantages.

The expert predicted that the US missile could use revolutionary technologies to boost range significantly without making it significantly larger, and these technologies will in return bring pressure to China's air-to-air missile development.

US media used to hype that China made copycat weapons, which makes little sense as weapon designing tends to converge due to similar combat requirements, said the expert, suggesting the US is probably not trying to copy China's weapons.
Submarine-launched missile meets national security needs: Defense Ministry
By Guo Yuandan and Liu Xuanzun Source:Global Times Published: 2019/6/27 22:28:42

On Monday, the People's Liberation Army Navy posts a file photo of the firing of a submarine-launched ballistic missile on Sina Weibo, China's Twitter-like social media, asking, "Do you believe [there are] UFOs, too?" Photo: screenshot of Sina Weibo

The scheduled test was normal, China's Ministry of National Defense said on Thursday, when asked about the alleged test launch of a JL-3 submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) on June 2.

"These tests are not targeted at any country or objective," Defense Ministry spokesperson Ren Guoqiang said at a routine press conference.

Ren was responding to a question from the Global Times on reports that residents claimed to have seen an unidentified flying object (UFO) on June 2.

Just as media and netizens speculated on the true nature of the UFO, relating it to a naval exercise that took place in the Bohai Sea and Bohai Straits at the same time, the People's Liberation Army Rocket Force and Navy hinted on June 3 that the "UFOs" could be missiles launched.

Chinese and foreign reports then speculated that the missile could be China's new SLBM, the JL-3.

During the press conference, Ren did not explain what weapon was used in the test, however, if the information provided in the question was wrong and it was not the JL-3, the spokesperson would have denied it, as in many previous cases, military analysts said.

Military experts told the Global Times that the JL-3 is China's latest SLBM under development that is expected to reach targets farther away with higher accuracy and capable of carrying more warheads than China's current SLBMs.

The SLBM might have a range of up to 14,000 kilometers and be equipped with 10 independent guided nuclear warheads, Russia's state TV channel Russia Today reported.

China always pursues a defensive national defense policy and active defense military strategy, Ren said, noting that developing weapons and equipment meets the basic needs of safeguarding national security of China.
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