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Chinese incursion caught on tape


Jan 31, 2012
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Exclusive: Chinese incursion caught on tape - Video | The Times of India

Loads of pushing around is done and tussle happening among Indian & Chinese soldiers there. One Chinese soldier even tried to dodge and run past Indian soldiers to intrude further. Indian soldiers stopping Chinese by literally holding them across to stop them from getting in further. In the end commanders of both parties have a talk and try to sort it out. Complete expose of Chinese govt exposing their lies regarding their army trying to intrude in Indian territory.
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Are those guys drunk? Offering fags lol
And pushing like kids playing around.

They should send some good Kabbadi players that would be a good match to watch l
What's the point in saying "Relax" in English and Hindi?

Say "Fang song yi dian!" - Relax a bit. :D

They should send some good Kabbadi players that would be a good match to watch l

What is this "Kabbadi" that you guys keep going on about?
I saw it on tele once something like sumo wrestling. They play in iran and South Asia I think japan plays too

I didn't meant you trolling. I meant the soldiers are behaving like kids.
That was trolling.
saw that live and why was the commander allowing a chinese to take pic?
OK I did, turns out it's some kind of South Indian sport, with the name derived from Tamil.

I don't know, all the South Asians here keep saying "Kabbadi" when they see this.

All South Asians have national level kabbadi teams and often play against each other.
First Chinese soldiers tried to push themselves in and run past Indian army. When soldiers from Assam Rifles got strict with them by literally stopping them by force only then their commander came to talk. The Indian Major showed great skills there and handled the situation extremely well first by force then by talk.
Kabbadi, it seems like something we have in Wing Chun called "chi sau" in Cantonese, or "chi shou" in Mandarin. It means "sticking hands".

The goal is to attack your opponent's center (a punch to the solar plexus is an ideal attack for instance) and defend your own center.


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