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Chinese ambassador says condemning Russia for Ukraine invasion "doesn't solve the problem"

Yes, China should backstab their friend for the Anglo Zionists so they can go back to focusing on their racial war against the Chinese race
That interviewer was the female version of Arnab Goswami beta release 0.5.
To begin, ICJ is not an a political forum but a judiciary body of the UN therefore for it to suggest that Russia should halt the conflict is already out of line.

Why didn't ICJ issue similar notices when US invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.?

BTW rule based International order by the US is illegal and NOT international law.

ICJ has a ruling on Diego Gracia, why didn't the US comply with it?
Why must a victim of US hegemony helps US to intimidate another victim?

It is preposterous to even suggest it. :sarcastic:

If Zalensky has been more forthcoming, attended the Feb 11 meeting and promised to comply with the signed Minsk II agreement endorsed in the UN, then the conflict would have been avoided.
But it is a good start towards solving the problem.
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