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China's Rush Into Africa

after europeans did so bad with africa if the chinese can improfe and be a stabilize factor for some countries than they could have huuuuge influence.. sometimes its better to share and take less to get even more in the future lets see if they go the bad european way and begin to colonize

China's Rush Into Africa, Explained.
Friend this is the most useless post.

It is very very complex. Right now we are dealing with massive massive scale of issues with chinese firms.
Huawei is getting lions's share of 5g towers in Africa. Africans detest White people and prevented White companies like Ericsson to enter due to past White colonialism.
Huawei is getting lions's share of 5g towers in Africa. Africans detest White people and prevented White companies like Ericsson to enter due to past White colonialism.
when you have never been this side, please dont comment with out any basis.

I suggest you come here for yourself and see how your country men are now the most detested people on the continent. Another colonial power is how you are perceived. you were not even born when Idi Amin was around; what he did will happen again - heaven forbid,

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