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China’s PLA Rocket Force (PLARF) The Biggest Threat To US Navy In Indo-Pacific Region – US Admiral


Nov 4, 2011
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China’s PLA Rocket Force (PLARF) The Biggest Threat To US Navy In Indo-Pacific Region – US Admiral​

July 4, 2023

A senior US Navy commander had highlighted the danger posed by the rocket force of China’s People’s Liberation Army or PLARF, calling it the topmost threat faced by the US Navy in the Indo-Pacific region.

During an interview with CBS, Admiral Samuel Paparo, who holds the rank of four-star admiral in the United States Navy and currently serves as the 64th commander of the United States Pacific Fleet, said China is utilizing its extensive 9,000-mile coastline to redefine the principles of naval warfare.

The admiral said the Chinese military invested heavily in state-of-the-art long-range precision-guided weapons, specifically the DF-21 and DF-26. These advanced weapons systems possess a formidable capability to target enemy warships effectively.

The rocket force of China’s People’s Liberation Army has been known to refer to their advanced weaponry as “carrier killers,” indicating the capabilities of these missiles to target and engage US naval aircraft carriers.

Additionally, several reports have surfaced of Chinese military conducting exercises in desert areas, where mockups resembling American ships, particularly the Nimitz-class carriers, have been utilized as targets for practice, according to Admiral Paparo.

Pentagon: Carrier USS Nimitz Will Stay in Middle East After Threats from Iran - USNI News
USS Nimitz (CVN-68), the guided-missile destroyer USS John Paul Jones (DDG-53), sails in formation during a scheduled transit of the Strait of Hormuz on November 9, 2020. US Navy Photo

When asked about the level of concern regarding the PLA Rocket Force, the US Navy admiral admitted, “I worry. You know, I’d be a fool not to worry about it. Of course, I worry about the PLA Rocket Force.”

He emphasized that the service dedicates daily efforts to formulating effective tactics, techniques, and procedures to counter the threat.

Moreover, he stressed the ongoing development of defensive systems to safeguard against potential attacks from the PLA Rocket Force.

The admiral’s response highlights the seriousness with which the US Navy approaches the challenge posed by China’s missile capabilities. The interview occurred in February aboard the aircraft carrier, the USS Nimitz, deployed near Guam.

In response to the host’s question about the distance between the US Navy aircraft carrier and mainland China, Admiral Samuel Paparo stated, “Fifteen hundred nautical miles.” The anchor expressed concern, asking if they could be hit.

Admiral Paparo affirmed that it was possible, explaining that if the Chinese military had accurate targeting capabilities, they could strike the aircraft carrier. However, he also said the service could employ proactive measures to prevent such an outcome and ensure the carrier’s safety.

The Navy official said that the military strategists are devising strategies to evade China’s rocket force and exploring effective retaliation methods. Given the limitations in range, aircraft deployed from ships near Guam would require aerial refueling to approach Taiwan.

For instance, vessels like the US Destroyer Wayne E. Meyer, part of the Nimitz strike group, would need to maneuver closer to China to launch their missiles against any invading force targeting Taiwan.
However, Admiral Paparo pointed out that the United States can adapt by utilizing agile strategies and advancing the development of longer-range weapons.

PLA Rocket Force (PLARF): A Threat To US Navy

On December 31, 2015, as a significant restructuring initiative within the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), China renamed the PLA Second Artillery Force as the PLA Rocket Force.

Along with the name change, it was elevated from its former status as an independent branch to the level of full service.

This reorganization marked a significant transformation within the PLA’s military structure and highlighted the increased importance and focus placed on the rocket force in China’s strategic capabilities.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping, holding multiple key positions as Chinese Communist Party General Secretary, Central Military Commission (CMC) Chair, and President, has described the PLA Rocket Force as China’s fundamental force for strategic deterrence.

The Rocket Force has consistently received significant backing from the ruling Communist Party, but under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the unit has gained even greater prominence.

China's DF-21D, DF-26 Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles Could Trigger Mayhem On US Aircraft Carriers - CRS Report

A Chinese rocket force brigade practiced the fast transfer of DF-26 ballistic missiles to another location to launch a second wave of missiles. Photo: Xinhua

Since coming into power in 2012 with a determination to revitalize China as a significant global power, the Rocket Force has actively displayed its missile arsenal, including nuclear and conventional weapons, in various military parades.

In a military parade in Beijing in 2015, the PLA Rocket Force showcased its latest missile advancements, notably the “carrier killer” DF-21D and other cutting-edge weaponry.

To underscore its intent and make an impact on foreign observers, the designations of these formidable missiles were painted in conspicuous white letters on the sides of the projectiles.

Moreover, the parade also offered an opportunity for China to publicly introduce the DF-26 missile, another noteworthy addition to its arsenal.

The DF-26, known as Dong Feng-26, is a Chinese intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) with a range of 4,000 km and can target Guam.

However, Western defense analysts say that China’s deployment of these long-range missiles serves as a deliberate and strategic message and demonstrates Beijing’s resolve and capacity to resist any potential interference.

Beijing aims to signal its expanding influence and determination to protect its interests by showcasing its ability to control vast areas of the South China Sea, intensify naval and air sorties around Taiwan, and extend operations into disputed territories with Japan in the East China Sea.

The country’s missile fleet has experienced significant growth, rendering it more formidable. However, these weapons’ true reliability, accuracy, and payload capabilities have yet to be tested in actual combat.
The communist country has not engaged in warfare since its invasion of Vietnam in 1979. In contrast, the United States possesses a well-established arsenal of air and sea-launched missiles that have repeatedly demonstrated their efficacy through participation in conflicts over the past two decades.

Furthermore, the resilience of the PLA missile systems in the face of potential electronic, cyber, and physical attacks on launch facilities, guidance systems, and command-and-control centers remains uncertain.
It is also unknown whether China has mastered the necessary expertise for a “carrier killer” ballistic missile to detect, track, and strike a moving target at a considerable distance from the Chinese coast.

Aaahhh...This means only China has rockets...:rolleyes:
They as much a fire a fire cracker to a ship, we end their so called 2000 year old history. we'll make Winnie the Pooh regret he was ever born.
They as much a fire a fire cracker to a ship, we end their so called 2000 year old history. we'll make Winnie the Pooh regret he was ever born.
Lol, you talk big. who are you by the way? you sound like old Macarthur who lost his job after too much bagging.
Ah yes because the US navy is going to be sitting at one spot, turn all their defense systems off and just wait to get hit.
Ask US navy general.
US also spoke about the lack of ASW sonars on Chinese ships. Do you agree with their thoughts? You selectively use those words which suits your propaganda up lol 😆 🤣

US submarines would literally wreak havoc on Chinese surface fleet or ground assets if it dares to do any misadventure on Taiwan front
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Yeah. But because there are no Chinese involved in the design. zumwalt has failed.

US also spoke about the lack of ASW sonars on Chinese ships. Do you agree with their thoughts? You selectively use those words which suits your propaganda up lol 😆 🤣
View attachment 936971

US submarines would literally wreak havoc on Chinese surface fleet or ground assets if it dares to do any misadventure on Taiwan front
View attachment 936972
When and who said it? OP was said by US admiral yesterday. power of balance shifts very fast these days and many US top generals stated that US can't match up China's industrial and shipbuilding capabilities.
When and who said it? OP was said by US admiral yesterday. power of balance shifts very fast these days and many US top generals stated that US can't match up China's industrial and shipbuilding capabilities.
The CCP is all about image not actual function. The PLAN has been studying the US navy for years, however copying does not produce the same results and the PLAN has a long way to go before it can match the US navy
If China really wants to compete with the US army, it's going to need more than 6 aircraft carrier battle groups compared to US's 11. And with the air force, the US does lead in terms of drones, strategic bombers and their stealth jets, the F-35, with loads of variants being successful in the UK, like the Lightning and F-35b. China's J-20 stealth jets have faced complications and delays. And even if China does increase it's naval assets, the US is also upgrading at the same time with it's new Columbia class nuclear subs, which is their largest one yet. So, my point is China is always going to be several stages behind the US in terms of air and naval superiority.
The CCP is all about image not actual function. The PLAN has been studying the US navy for years, however copying does not produce the same results and the PLAN has a long way to go before it can match the US navy
If China really wants to compete with the US army, it's going to need more than 6 aircraft carrier battle groups compared to US's 11. And with the air force, the US does lead in terms of drones, strategic bombers and their stealth jets, the F-35, with loads of variants being successful in the UK, like the Lightning and F-35b. China's J-20 stealth jets have faced complications and delays. And even if China does increase it's naval assets, the US is also upgrading at the same time with it's new Columbia class nuclear subs, which is their largest one yet. So, my point is China is always going to be several stages behind the US in terms of air and naval superiority.
In the long run, it always boils down to ones over industrial and shipbuilding capabilities and capacity, you can forever live in you fantasy world by repeating chanting never, never and never
The CCP is all about image not actual function. The PLAN has been studying the US navy for years, however copying does not produce the same results and the PLAN has a long way to go before it can match the US navy
If China really wants to compete with the US army, it's going to need more than 6 aircraft carrier battle groups compared to US's 11. And with the air force, the US does lead in terms of drones, strategic bombers and their stealth jets, the F-35, with loads of variants being successful in the UK, like the Lightning and F-35b. China's J-20 stealth jets have faced complications and delays. And even if China does increase it's naval assets, the US is also upgrading at the same time with it's new Columbia class nuclear subs, which is their largest one yet. So, my point is China is always going to be several stages behind the US in terms of air and naval superiority.
Indian Navy rarely leaves Indian ports. Moreover, the Indian Navy lacks advanced warships and modern training. It is difficult for the Indian Navy to actually threaten the Pakistan Navy.

The CCP is all about image not actual function. The PLAN has been studying the US navy for years, however copying does not produce the same results and the PLAN has a long way to go before it can match the US navy
If China really wants to compete with the US army, it's going to need more than 6 aircraft carrier battle groups compared to US's 11. And with the air force, the US does lead in terms of drones, strategic bombers and their stealth jets, the F-35, with loads of variants being successful in the UK, like the Lightning and F-35b. China's J-20 stealth jets have faced complications and delays. And even if China does increase it's naval assets, the US is also upgrading at the same time with it's new Columbia class nuclear subs, which is their largest one yet. So, my point is China is always going to be several stages behind the US in terms of air and naval superiority.
The powerful US Navy...


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