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China's nuclear submarine building facilities expansion leaves India concerned, one facility can make 7 nuclear-powered submarines simultaneously

Why should India worry? The purpose of these SSBN has nothing to do with India.

India should not worry period.

No one (including the Chinese) are interested in availing opportunities of
  • dancing naked covered in ash.
  • taking dung baths.
  • drinking cow pee or dung
  • relieving themselves out in the open without toilets
Let the bhakts enjoy the place they call home.
Indian analyst Pravin Sawhney said in his recent program said, China is a raised power as compared to India which is a rising power. China is challenging the USA while Indians are trying to compete with China.
China's nuclear submarine building facilities expansion leaves India concerned, one facility can make 7 nuclear-powered submarines simultaneously
Updated Sep 07, 2021 | 23:01 IS

New Delhi: The huge expansion of China's nuclear submarine building facilities has the world, and also India, concerned.

The Huludao Shipyard, once the Bohai Shipyard in Liaoning Province has more than tripled in size and is now capable of making 7 nuclear-powered submarines simultaneously.

The original construction area was about 300,000 sq metres, but it is now three times the size. So, instead of being able to make 2 submarines simultaneously, it can make 7.

As a result, the expansion of the Chinese nuclear submarine fleet is likely in the near future. Currently, the Chinese Navy has 13 nuclear-powered attack submarines or SSNs and SSBNs or nuclear-powered ballistic submarines. The Chinese Navy has 1 Xia class, 6 Jin-class and 6 Shang class submarines. This is estimated to grow to 36 nuclear-powered submarines in 15 years. There could be 12 SSBNs, which carry long-range missiles and 24 SSNs.

The new submarines could be bigger and more capable. The Tang class vessels can carry 24 submarine launched ballistic missiles as opposed to 12 by the current ones. The Sui class vessels at 8000 tonnes will be bigger than the Shang class ones.

India has begun manufacturing the Arihant-class nuclear powered submarines and leasing nuclear-powered attack submarines from Russia. Nuclear-powered submarines have more capability than other submaines, though both are necessary. The chief of defence staff, General Bipin Rawat, has already spoken out about having more submarines, especially conventional submarines, pointing out that previous Indian Navy chiefs had often spoken about bolstering the submarine fleet.

Why do you guys have to compare immense Chinese capabilities with these 3rd class Indians??
The Japanese cities destroyed by nuke bombs are mostly built by inflammable wood structure, unlike any modern cities today.

Actually it will take about 30 nuclear warheads, with 500 kT yielding each, to destroy a city of the size of New York today.

And even in such case, during the nuclear strike, if you could hide in the underground structure (like underground parking lot, tube station and underground defense works) your rate of survival is pretty high. And if you have enough supplies to make you remain there for about 2-3 weeks, then after that you can go out, the remaining radiation level (dont assume that should be similiar to the level of radiation from the accident of reactors, which are totally different) will reduce to basically harmless for human.
Do a foe need 30 nukes to fully destroy New York? A single warhead is enough to made huge damages and rot the city for years (The knowledges of long term radiation effects are now different than in 1945 : the US citizen will not accept to take any risk).
India has these facilities scatterd across. Final assembly is done at Visakhapatnam.
China and probably CIA.
in 2021 it's hard to hide 3000 nukes.... And is it usefull? Honestly, no need to destroy 10 times your ennemy. A single one is more than enough. This is why I don't understand USA and Russia with 6000 nukes : 1000 modern ones (ie no free fall bomb as B61...) seems more potent.
They have thousands of warheads though. Not counting the intermediate range that’s supposed to be dismantled. With those the numbers go higher
They eat dung too?
Damn skat **** category. 😷
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