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China's DF-31 missile stronger than Agni-III :IBNLive


Plain ignorance :flame:

You gonna first ask yourself: what is a NMD and what is a TMD

And then further ask yourself: Your dear AAD is kinda like NMD or a kinda like TMD

As far as I know, your technology orgin , which is a Israel ArrowII sys was a TMD kinda. Considering DDRO's poor records , I really doult you can do much more than that in either radar or rocket engine per se. So it stays a TMD.

That is to say: It is designed to provide anti-ballistic missile defence sphere for a certain tactical zone, and certainly not for the ICBM threat. ----In more plain words: your AAD has a better chance against a Scud rather than a Trident

A Trident's trajectory is much higher than a Scud and its velocity is times again the Scud's, More importantly if you wanna to shoot down a trident you need the entire NMD ealer warning sys, which is consisted with infrared as well as radar recon satellite net work; early warning Radar (The entire 10 storied building type phace-arrayed radar, not your pathetic several squre meter mobile type) and a complete C4I net work on nation's scale interconnected by a National missle defence command center. Without these, you don't know when and where ICBM come and as soon as you know, you are too late to shoot it down.

All in all, your AAD is just a TMD type(or a part of it) and nothing original. Russia has--S400 ,Yank has it-- Patriot. We have --HongQi 9.

Perhaps your system fairs better than ours or even the Yank's, but that's only a TMD nonetheless, and you are only doing a paste up job for Israel or US technology.


patriot has a pitiful kill percentage in ABM role. HQ9 is just a pathetic copy of S300 bought from russia and blatantly reverse engineered ( read stolen) like all chinese products.we all know how J10 was developed on a scrapped lavi design,how all your SAMs, missiles, artilery ..everything are just cheap low quality copies of russian or european products. atleast we try to develop stuff rather than just copying! :rolleyes:

as far as AAD's concerned, do some reading on it before uttering nonsense.the LRTR, an advanced version of GREEN PINE radar system.it has a range of more than 600kms and can track targets travelling excess of 3m/s which is the speed of most IRBMs during reentry. for ICBMs we are already working on an advanced version.:coffee:
Sir you are not getting my point. Anti-missile system not for total protection. Hit rate of patriotic-3 is 95percent. While indian AAD anti missile system hit rate slightly better then patriotic-3. Now sir what am saying is if enemy country throws 100 missiles on us that atleast most of them will be engaged and drop dead. So that ensures far less damage and gives india time to launch our own missiles on enemy that enemy wont have answer for it.

I fully agree with you, all I am saying is that is not 100% effective.
sir,i don't know if you are indian,but india won't be that stupid to nuclear china,india nuclear 1 city,china will nuclear 3,and it's the always stronger one have better counter measure,cos R&D needs money

The million dollar question is will China nuke India first. If it does what would world reaction be. In the aftermath, what would China be economically. At best both countries (hopefully not) would be a massive conventional war. No way India is gonna be the first one. No way.
if india's defence system is able to handle thousands missiles, your craps make sense,but sadly, the current anti missle system can only handle the missile from N.K ,0% chance to intercept ICBM if you have your own "GPS" system,and i am sure china spend more money than india on anti missile system

well I set my scenario that there is not going tobe war. In 10 years from now India will have devloped a fairly strong AAD system. Having already successfully tested the 1 st phase of missile defense. As for our own GPS I believe the Gagan system is under development. Also India is being a part funder of the Galileo system. Surprisingly China has delayed its foray into the missile defense,and also aircraft carriers. I know they are doing it now, but rather late inthe day
junta please, read first about any system then write about it. don't write something which is far from reality. asking doubt is different thing and claiming something based on logic without knowing the current situation is sometimes misleading.
patriot has a pitiful kill percentage in ABM role. HQ9 is just a pathetic copy of S300 bought from russia and blatantly reverse engineered ( read stolen) like all chinese products.we all know how J10 was developed on a scrapped lavi design,how all your SAMs, missiles, artilery ..everything are just cheap low quality copies of russian or european products. atleast we try to develop stuff rather than just copying! :rolleyes:

as far as AAD's concerned, do some reading on it before uttering nonsense.the LRTR, an advanced version of GREEN PINE radar system.it has a range of more than 600kms and can track targets travelling excess of 3m/s which is the speed of most IRBMs during reentry. for ICBMs we are already working on an advanced version.:coffee:

Tell me, buddy, is GREEN PINE a india stuff?

Can you actually produce it or you can just do the toy bricks job?

What is 600km detection range(provided it is true) mean to a incoming ICBM?

You only got a radar and a missle, and want to attain a 90% kill for our IRBM?( ours, with MIRV, not yours)

Pathetic!!! at best

where is your infrared or radar recon satellites? where is your C4I net work?
where is your early warning rader and where is your commanding center?
you dont have them, wont have them in decades and no one will sell you these.

In comparison, our space technology would give us a better chance to got them in a decade.

Yeah, Yeah . We do the copy job all right.

HongQi was based on S-300 technology

But you know there got to be a joke:

Russians won't sell chinese their best weapon because once chinese get hold a conner of it, they get it reverse engineered and further develop it to sell it on the market.

Russian won't care when selling indians their best weapon because even given a detailed Blue print and a prototype, indians wont be able to produce half of it.

I am not saying chinese weapon are World NO.1. because we still have to copy other sometimes to improve ourself. That shows we have some problem in R&D. We admit and acknowledge it.

But you should also aware that, reverse engineering and re-design is a feat you indians dont command. Because your whole industrial chain and R&D complex is suck, you cant produce a certain screw properly let along copy the whole stuff or even design.

You get hold of russia's nuclear sub for sometime, you have free access to F-16, Euro-fighter and leopard and they even feed you blue print and parts. The best answer you have come up all these years is a floating coffin withour proper reactor. A flying ham overweight and overtime. A white elephant your army per se dont give damn.

If you got half our copy-capabilty, we chinese would watch in awe and fear to see rows and rows re-designed and indigenous produced leopardII A6
and Akula flooding down your stream line and leave entire india ocean to you for our own good.

But you just cant do it, despite of both western and estern power feed you the technology, you just cant do it.

And we just can do it with some parts and conners from here and there. That speaks volumes of our difference

cant learn run before you can walk-- my advice to you :flame:
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Tell me, dud, is GREEN PINE a india stuff?

Can you actually produce it or you can just do the toy bricks job?

What is 600km detection range(provided it is true) mean to a incoming ICBM?

GREEN PINE is ofcourse israeli,we bought it and worked together in JV with israel to develop LRTR which resulted in increased range and tracking abilities.

Yeah, Yeah . We do the copy job all right.

HongQi was based on S-300 technology

But you know there got to be a joke:

Russians won't sell chinese their best weapon because once chinese get hold a conner of it, they get it reverse engineered and further develop it to sell it on the market.

its called ......STEALING.:lol: which is why russians wont sell you any latest equipments!

Russian won't care when selling indians their best weapon because even given a detailed Blue print and a prototype, indians wont be able to produce half of it.

because we're not bunch of thieves and russians know it.theres something called TRUST which doesnt seem to exist in chinese dictionary.

I am not saying chinese weapon are World NO.1 because we have to copy other sometimes to improve ourself. That shows we have some problem in R&D.

R&D?? stealing doesnt amount to R&D.:D

If you got half our copy-capabilty, we chinese would watch in awe and fear to see rows and rows re-designed and indigenous produced leopardII A6
and Akula flooding down your stream line and leave entire india ocean to you for our own good.

But you just cant do it, despite of both western and estern power feed you the technology, you just cant do it.

And we just can do it with some parts and conners from here and there. That speaks volumes of our differenceBut you should also aware that, reverse engineering and re-design is a feat you indians dont command. Because your whole industrial chain and R&D complex is suck, you cant produce a certain screw properly let along copy the whole stuff or even design.

You get hold of russia's nuclear sub for sometime, you have free access to F-16, Euro-fighter and leopard and they even feed you blue print and parts. The best answer you have come up all these years is a floating coffin withour proper reactor. A flying ham overweight and overtime. A white elephant your army per se dont give damn.

my my...i smell something burning....really bad!:lol:. jealousy at its best! its not our fault that entire europe and USA dont find you trustworthy enough to even export a bullet!:lol: whereas we're being pampared by everyone! :D. as far as our manufacturing capabilites is concerned, again go read up before ranting like some teenager on an anger trip.

cant learn run before you can walk-- my advice to you :flame:

when you point a finger at someone,three of your own point at yourself-- my advice to you:coffee:
GREEN PINE is ofcourse israeli,we bought it and worked together in JV with israel to develop LRTR which resulted in increased range and tracking abilities.

its called ......STEALING.:lol: which is why russians wont sell you any latest equipments!

because we're not bunch of thieves and russians know it.theres something called TRUST which doesnt seem to exist in chinese dictionary.

my my...i smell something burning....really bad!:lol:. jealousy at its best! its not our fault that entire europe and USA dont find you trustworthy enough to even export a bullet!:lol: whereas we're being pampared by everyone! :D. as far as our manufacturing capabilites is concerned, again go read up before ranting like some teenager on an anger trip.
No time for your shooting war. just a simple question:

Given a F-16A(30 year old technology), without external help(parts, blue prints ), can you copy it with all your domestic industrial capability?

You can or you cannot

just two words
whatever be the ways behind their progress...the truth is that the Chinese defense industry is robust and better than ours.
We need to show respect where it is required....
Russia partners China in a lot of areas...they had years of animosity but power garners respect.
I always used to think that China is bad because it helps Pakistan arm against us...it might be true..but someday they might play a role in unifying India and Pakistan....Indo-chine relations are really not that bad to plan for military preparations....we common-folk like our daily dosage of masala...I guess.
patriot has a pitiful kill percentage in ABM role. HQ9 is just a pathetic copy of S300 bought from russia and blatantly reverse engineered ( read stolen) like all chinese products.we all know how J10 was developed on a scrapped lavi design,how all your SAMs, missiles, artilery ..everything are just cheap low quality copies of russian or european products. atleast we try to develop stuff rather than just copying! :rolleyes:

as far as AAD's concerned, do some reading on it before uttering nonsense.the LRTR, an advanced version of GREEN PINE radar system.it has a range of more than 600kms and can track targets travelling excess of 3m/s which is the speed of most IRBMs during reentry. for ICBMs we are already working on an advanced version.:coffee:

Atleast learn how pathetic you Indians are before trying to critisize

others; When you Indians couldn't make a simple decent rifle for

your army till now.

Thats call joke of the year for a so call future super power.

Saddled with Insas Army wants new AK-47s
Shishir Arya, TNN 7 September 2009, 12:53am IST

NAGPUR: The indigenous 5.56x45mm Insas (Indian National Small Arms System) rifle has been the standard assault weapon for the Indian Army since the
late 1990s. However, the jawans using it in counter-insurgency operations find it ineffective.

As part of the new Army doctrine, the gun is meant to incapacitate the enemy, rather than kill. Insas has a smaller calibre, which means it has less power. This is because — and it’s the official view — injuring an enemy can lead to enemy soldiers getting engaged in tending the wounded, thus yielding a tactical battlefield advantage.

The technocrats who interacted with soldiers in the forward areas were told that this theory does not work with terrorists who, apart from attacking in small numbers, are never bothered about evacuating their injured. Hence, the soldiers say, they want to shoot to kill, rather than maim.

The soldiers also spoke about practical difficulties in using Insas. It’s accurate but not as rugged as the AK-47 used by terrorists, they say. Also, its sling often snaps while firing, making it fall during manoeuvres. The sling also obstructs the rifle’s sight. But most of all, the size of the sling never took into account the bullet proof jacket worn by jawans. As a result, it falls short and is uncomfortable to hold. This hampers quick reaction. Insas also does not have a rapid fire feature; it shoots only three rounds in a single burst.

‘‘The barrel overheats with continuous firing. The magazine cracks even on falling, which is common during action. Oil spillage while firing is also major trouble,’’ said a source quoting soldiers. ‘‘Zeroing (adjusting the sight for aim) has to be done each time the rifle is opened to clean or for any other reason. Lack of proper zeroing hampers the working of night vision device,’’ said the same source.

The total additional weight — around 40 kg with bulletproof jacket and signalling equipment — that a soldier carries is also a matter of concern, as is the colour of the rifle: they want it in brown which offers better camouflaging. On the positive side, Insas’s transparent magazine helps soldiers keep a count of bullets.

Former director general of infantry, Lt General Shanker Prasad, said Insas is antiquated and the Infantry needs a modern rifle. The Army has repeatedly asked for new assault weapons, but nothing has moved. It’s learnt that forces are now expecting new indigenously developed AK-47 rifle said to be an improvement on the original.

Saddled with Insas, Army wants new AK-47s - India - NEWS - The Times of India :smitten:

Atleast learn how pathetic you Indians are before trying to critisize

others; When you Indians couldn't make a simple decent rifle for

your army till now.

Thats call joke of the year for a so call future super power.

Saddled with Insas Army wants new AK-47s
Shishir Arya, TNN 7 September 2009, 12:53am IST

NAGPUR: The indigenous 5.56x45mm Insas (Indian National Small Arms System) rifle has been the standard assault weapon for the Indian Army since the
late 1990s. However, the jawans using it in counter-insurgency operations find it ineffective.

As part of the new Army doctrine, the gun is meant to incapacitate the enemy, rather than kill. Insas has a smaller calibre, which means it has less power. This is because — and it’s the official view — injuring an enemy can lead to enemy soldiers getting engaged in tending the wounded, thus yielding a tactical battlefield advantage.

The technocrats who interacted with soldiers in the forward areas were told that this theory does not work with terrorists who, apart from attacking in small numbers, are never bothered about evacuating their injured. Hence, the soldiers say, they want to shoot to kill, rather than maim.

The soldiers also spoke about practical difficulties in using Insas. It’s accurate but not as rugged as the AK-47 used by terrorists, they say. Also, its sling often snaps while firing, making it fall during manoeuvres. The sling also obstructs the rifle’s sight. But most of all, the size of the sling never took into account the bullet proof jacket worn by jawans. As a result, it falls short and is uncomfortable to hold. This hampers quick reaction. Insas also does not have a rapid fire feature; it shoots only three rounds in a single burst.

‘‘The barrel overheats with continuous firing. The magazine cracks even on falling, which is common during action. Oil spillage while firing is also major trouble,’’ said a source quoting soldiers. ‘‘Zeroing (adjusting the sight for aim) has to be done each time the rifle is opened to clean or for any other reason. Lack of proper zeroing hampers the working of night vision device,’’ said the same source.

The total additional weight — around 40 kg with bulletproof jacket and signalling equipment — that a soldier carries is also a matter of concern, as is the colour of the rifle: they want it in brown which offers better camouflaging. On the positive side, Insas’s transparent magazine helps soldiers keep a count of bullets.

Former director general of infantry, Lt General Shanker Prasad, said Insas is antiquated and the Infantry needs a modern rifle. The Army has repeatedly asked for new assault weapons, but nothing has moved. It’s learnt that forces are now expecting new indigenously developed AK-47 rifle said to be an improvement on the original.

Saddled with Insas, Army wants new AK-47s - India - NEWS - The Times of India :smitten:


ooops sir i forgot to add. After agni-V Test what will china have to say against? Answer is poverty, bollywood and yes RIFLE hehe. Am watching u been posting about Rifles that india cant produce. Sir we dont believe in cheap low level products. We want original. Can china have liver to give tough fight against original products? Just bring it on then sir hehe
let me tell you why:
2.orbital transfer

the current technology have no good answer for these

Sir your lovely china invested alot in submarines and said we aint fool to invest in AIRCRAFT CARRIER. now what happened? Why did your navy chief visited our OLD aircraft carrier? Hehe didn't u get it? Just because china makes missiles doesn't mean anti-missiles useless. We proved u wrong and we will prove u wrong again. Better go to russia and ask them why did they shade tears on patriotic-3 shield in europe. When obama drope that idea then russia celebrated. Do u know who russia is? Would u like me to compare russia to china? i dont wanna make fun of china by doing that hehe. China lil baby infront of russia sir. When russia cry'd over anti-missile shield then atleast think about it why. Just because ur country produces missiles doesn't mean anti-missile systems are useless sir hehe
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