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Chinas army gets a fashion upgrade



New Recruit

Nov 1, 2005
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China’s army gets a fashion upgrade

BEIJING: Troops of the People’s Liberation Army are to become chic symbols of national pride and sophistication - so says the commander who oversaw the latest uniform upgrade. Liao Xilong, director of the Chinese military’s logistics department, explained in loving detail the virtues of the new uniforms, which went on display in Hong Kong over the weekend. “A uniform represents the image of the military and is a country’s calling card,” Liao told the official Xinhua news agency, complaining that the previous designs “lacked colour coordination”. “This adjustment of our military’s uniforms gave more attention to functionality and a human touch, and the stress has been on fullness of the range, colour coordination, pleasant design and clear insignia.” The full rejig of troops’ clothes by 2009 will not be cheap - costing about 6 billion yuan ($787 million) for the PLA force of 2.3 million, Xinhua reported on Monday. Photos of the new outfits on news Web sites showed soldiers, sailors and pilots in tight-fitting jackets and - in ceremonial versions - in riding breeches with leather boots.

that is so american,

I love the japanese camo better, especially on their tanks
that is fashion down-grade in military world

Love the new german uniform.
i think they have tried the to copy the new american camo that has pixel like camoflauge.

Intelectuals, Inteligence, Imagination, Innovation, Innocence....I's.

Insane, Ignorant, Incoherent, Illiterate, Irrational, Irresponsible, Insensitive, Idiotic, Indian Imbeciles... All I's.

BTW. Intellectual and Intelligence are both spell with two "l"s, both of which you seem to lack. :D
Indians and Idiots !!!!!! both I's.

oh cmon dude that was not necessary was it. Now we are all friends here he was just making a point that the chinese copy stuff and that my brother is true, and there is nothing wrong with that.
But name calling was a bit to much
peace out :china: :pakistan:
if you are talking about the uniform posted, you bet your bottom dollar, that is the same the US one
oh cmon dude that was not necessary was it. Now we are all friends here he was just making a point that the chinese copy stuff and that my brother is true, and there is nothing wrong with that.
But name calling was a bit to much
peace out :china: :pakistan:

We do copy stuff, but we also innovate a lot. What Adux said is a blatant racist generalization. So I guess my generalization (judging by Adux's behavior here, and Bull who proclaims he has a master degree in Finances but can't even spell basic word "intelligence" and "intellectual" correctly) is spot on.
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