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China’s Ambitions for Dedollarization Take Another Step Forward with petroyuan as oil producers rally to Beijing, Russia has 'become an Asian nation,'


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China’s Ambitions for Dedollarization Take Another Step Forward​

Thu, January 5, 2023 at 11:45 AM GMT+8

(Bloomberg) -- China’s latest efforts to broaden interest in its onshore currency market show a firm commitment to bolstering the yuan’s global appeal as Beijing works on its approach to chip away at the US dollar’s hegemony

Officials this week extended trading hours for the onshore yuan as part of its attempt to increase international use of the currency. Admittedly, it’s a small step, but it follows a push to boost its use in transactions with major energy and commodity exporters and data showing rapid growth in yuan trading activity.

The sheer strength of the dollar in the first half of last year and its weaponization to enforce sanctions on Russia has given fresh impetus to some of the world’s biggest economies to explore ways to circumvent the US currency. While no one is saying the greenback will be dethroned anytime soon from its reign as the principal medium of exchange, experimenting with de-dollarization has increased.

An opening up of markets has long been on the agenda for China’s government. But increased tensions over issues ranging from Taiwan and Russia to semi-conductor technology and trade potentially give an added sense of urgency for leaders in Beijing.

“Beijing is trying hard to keep the yuan relevant as an international currency to counter recent geopolitical tensions and hostile sentiments, especially in the US,” said Stephen Jen, chief executive officer of London-based hedge fund Eurizon SLJ Capital.

The reaffirmation of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s leadership at last year’s five-yearly Communist Party Congress also provides a firmer platform for pursuing progress in market policies, although concerns around the country’s opening up from Covid-mitigation measures could add to challenges.

China this week extended trading hours for the onshore yuan as part of its attempt to increase international use of the currency, meaning that foreign-exchange transactions are now possible until 3 a.m. Beijing time instead of the 11:30 p.m. cutoff that was previously in place. That takes trading into the European evening and much deeper into the US day.

With only a few local banks equipped to take advantage of the new times — which were only announced a few days before — the move was met with a tepid response. On Tuesday — the first day of the extension — only $128 million changed hands during the extra 3.5 hours, around 0.4% of the full day’s volume, according to China Foreign Exchange Trade System. CFETS said 16 banks participated in the extended hours, including spot and derivative markets.

But the shift could, along with other initiatives like encouraging the yuan’s use in commodity transactions, help pave the way for greater use of the currency, which remains more tightly managed than most major peers.

The longer trading hours make it “easier for foreigners” to do business with the country, according to Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.’s New York-based global head of currency strategy Win Thin, who also drew attention to the fact that investments had been flowing out of China.

Data show, for example, that global funds offloaded yuan-denominated government bonds for 10 straight months in 2022 and that the country was on track for its first net outflow since such records began in 2013.

The Chinese yuan trades in distinctly separated offshore and onshore markets — referred to respectively as CNH and CNY. For most international traders, the offshore market is the more critical one, and it has seen major growth in recent years. It trades around the clock and is not subject to the same kind of controls that exist within China itself. This latest move, meanwhile, is focused on the onshore market.

The Bank for International Settlements’ most recent triennial survey of FX trading showed that the yuan as a whole had the fastest growth among 39 currencies it covered. Average daily use jumped to around $526 billion per day, an increase of more than 70% once exchange-rate movements are factored in. That turnover increase was largely driven by trading between counterparties outside mainland China, which doubled between 2019 and 2022 to account for about 80% of all the trades in the currency.

Yuan trading volumes, however, remained low relative to the size of China’s economy - at around 3% of annual gross domestic product - compared with 30% of GDP for the US dollar and 6% for the median emerging-market currency. A separate survey by the BIS last year shows the yuan was involved in 7% of all trades in 2022 compared with the dollar’s 88% as the fifth most traded currency globally.

It also coincides with a push to boost the use of the yuan in transactions with major energy and commodity exporters. Russia, which has tilted more energy sales toward China after the fallout from the war in Ukraine saw it cut off from many of its other customers, has doubled, to 60%, the proportion of its $186.5 billion National Wellbeing Fund that can be held in yuan. And with Saudi Arabia, China last month signed some $50 billion of investment agreements as Xi reinforced ties between the two countries by making a visit to Riyadh.

Having extended yuan trading hours would be supportive of efforts to boost these kinds of transactions with Russia and Saudi Arabia, according to Victor Xing, principal at Kekselias Inc., a portfolio manager and research provider in Pasadena, California.

The yuan rallied to the strongest level in four months after China announced the trading hour extension. The currency has advanced since November as global investors bet on China’s economic recovery following the nation’s Covid policy shift.

“It’s a positive signal for China reopening to the rest of the world,” said Brendan McKenna, a currency strategist at Wells Fargo & Co. in New York. The move is “a signal that China wants more integration into global financial markets than anything else.”


China looks to weaken US dollar with petroyuan as oil producers rally to Beijing, and Russia has 'become an Asian nation,' analyst says​

Brian Evans
Jan 8, 2023, 9:45 PM

  • Russia's war on Ukraine triggered a larger embrace of the yuan for oil sales which could shift the crude market.
  • Kpler lead crude analyst Viktor Katona told Insider that Russia has essentially "become an Asian nation."
  • The birth of a so-called petroyuan could spread across Asia for crude transactions, he added.
While the dollar will likely remain the dominant global currency in the near future, the rise of a so-called petroyuan will gain momentum as China leverages its status as the world's biggest oil importer, analysts say.

The greenback remains the top currency for trade and foreign reserves. But Beijing is increasingly pushing the yuan as a currency for oil deals, challenging the dollar's lead in commodity markets.

In particular, Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year was the biggest driver in the shift away from the dollar, said Viktor Katona, lead crude analyst at Kpler.

As Western countries froze Russia's currency reserves and shunned its oil, Moscow embraced Asia as an alternative crude market and surpassed Saudi Arabia last year as China's top oil supplier.

In fact, Russia has effectively become "an Asian nation that in my opinion has introduced the yuan into large-scale oil trade," Katona told Insider.

And although defenders of the dollar point to its widespread trust and liquidity, he said "it is naive to think that China will not be seeking to control the price of oil, that it would not want to conduct trade in the currency that it controls."

That's especially the case after the Federal Reserve's aggressive monetary tightening campaign sent the dollar soaring last year, he added. Because oil deals are largely priced in dollars, a rising greenback makes oil contracts more expensive.

And as yuan-based trade with Russia is rising, China is also targeting the Middle East to reorder energy markets.

During a trip to Saudi Arabia last month, Chinese President Xi Jinping urged countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to use the Shanghai Petroleum and National Gas Exchange to carry out yuan-based energy deals. China and Saudi Arabia also signed over $30 billion in trade deals during the visit.

That trip marked "the birth of the petroyuan," according to a recent note from Credit Suisse analyst Zoltan Pozsar, who said China wants to dedollarize parts of the world after the currency's dominant status was used against Russia.

Pozsar also pointed out that Russia, Iran and Venezuela account for 40% of OPEC+'s proven oil reserves, with the GCC making up another 40%.

Eventually, the petroyuan will pick up steam regionally as well, forcing many Asian countries to "reconsider their trading routines," Kpler's Katona said.

One of China's central tenets of its commodity policy, he added, is strict oversight over even the most mundane details of crude and currency trade that could aid in strengthening the country's grip over energy markets.

"It [China] tightly controls state-owned oil companies, sets directions for how much they can export. It caps the price of coal when necessary, centralizes the purchasing of iron ore when it senses that its companies are being treated differently," Katona said.


China looks to weaken US dollar with petroyuan as oil producers rally to Beijing, and Russia has 'become an Asian nation,' analyst says​

Brian Evans
Jan 8, 2023, 9:45 PM

  • Russia's war on Ukraine triggered a larger embrace of the yuan for oil sales which could shift the crude market.
  • Kpler lead crude analyst Viktor Katona told Insider that Russia has essentially "become an Asian nation."
  • The birth of a so-called petroyuan could spread across Asia for crude transactions, he added.
While the dollar will likely remain the dominant global currency in the near future, the rise of a so-called petroyuan will gain momentum as China leverages its status as the world's biggest oil importer, analysts say.

The greenback remains the top currency for trade and foreign reserves. But Beijing is increasingly pushing the yuan as a currency for oil deals, challenging the dollar's lead in commodity markets.

In particular, Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year was the biggest driver in the shift away from the dollar, said Viktor Katona, lead crude analyst at Kpler.

As Western countries froze Russia's currency reserves and shunned its oil, Moscow embraced Asia as an alternative crude market and surpassed Saudi Arabia last year as China's top oil supplier.

In fact, Russia has effectively become "an Asian nation that in my opinion has introduced the yuan into large-scale oil trade," Katona told Insider.

And although defenders of the dollar point to its widespread trust and liquidity, he said "it is naive to think that China will not be seeking to control the price of oil, that it would not want to conduct trade in the currency that it controls."

That's especially the case after the Federal Reserve's aggressive monetary tightening campaign sent the dollar soaring last year, he added. Because oil deals are largely priced in dollars, a rising greenback makes oil contracts more expensive.

And as yuan-based trade with Russia is rising, China is also targeting the Middle East to reorder energy markets.

During a trip to Saudi Arabia last month, Chinese President Xi Jinping urged countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to use the Shanghai Petroleum and National Gas Exchange to carry out yuan-based energy deals. China and Saudi Arabia also signed over $30 billion in trade deals during the visit.

That trip marked "the birth of the petroyuan," according to a recent note from Credit Suisse analyst Zoltan Pozsar, who said China wants to dedollarize parts of the world after the currency's dominant status was used against Russia.

Pozsar also pointed out that Russia, Iran and Venezuela account for 40% of OPEC+'s proven oil reserves, with the GCC making up another 40%.

Eventually, the petroyuan will pick up steam regionally as well, forcing many Asian countries to "reconsider their trading routines," Kpler's Katona said.

One of China's central tenets of its commodity policy, he added, is strict oversight over even the most mundane details of crude and currency trade that could aid in strengthening the country's grip over energy markets.

"It [China] tightly controls state-owned oil companies, sets directions for how much they can export. It caps the price of coal when necessary, centralizes the purchasing of iron ore when it senses that its companies are being treated differently," Katona said.

Anyone challeging the primacy of US Dollar will meet the same fate as Saddam and Gaddafi.

Putin's days are numbered and Russia will be balkanized soon.
Anyone challeging the primacy of US Dollar will meet the same fate as Saddam and Gaddafi.

Putin's days are numbered and Russia will be balkanized soon.
China is not anyone



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Anyone challeging the primacy of US Dollar will meet the same fate as Saddam and Gaddafi.

Putin's days are numbered and Russia will be balkanized soon.
LOL... Days of US able to invade any countries they want is over. US is much weaker than 20 years ago. China will declare war on US if US invade Saudi.

China supports the US Dollars.

US and China have always been allies.
Yes,,, and China dumping US bond is called support US dollar. LOL.. Try harder.
How? US-China trade is still happening in US dollars and not in gold.
It's becoming smaller, China is shifting trade focus on emerging markets, dollar dominance won't disappear overnight, but China is working on alternatives with other friendly countries now.
China will declare war on US if US invade Saudi.

US and Saudi Arabia are allies just like US and China are.

Both Saudi Arabia and China support the US and trade in the US Dollars.

Saudi Arabia sells their Oil in the US dollars.

China trades with the US in the US Dollars.

It's becoming smaller, China is shifting trade focus on emerging markets, dollar dominance won't disappear overnight, but China is working on alternatives with other friendly countries now.

Wake me when China sells her goods to the US in Chinese Yuan.
People have been saying that since I was invited here back in '09. It seems we got extremely tough feet. :lol:

China, Pakistan, Turkiye and Saudi Arabia, UK & Australia are close allies of the US who are helping to keep the US enemies like France, Germany, Taiwan, India and Japan in check.
Comparing China the second most powerful nation on earth to Gaddafi and Saddam. We are a nuclear armed country with technology and economy rivalling the US, Russia used to be powerful but trusted the West too much and now is push3d towards China. Without China, Russia would have been dead long ago.

People have been saying that since I was invited here back in '09. It seems we got extremely tough feet. :lol:

Oil was only sold in Dalian in Yuan as recent as 2 years ago. China was bailing out US in 2008 to preserve the very US system we wanted to depend on. Now we are creating an alternative system. Lololol. Interesting times ahead.
China is not dumping rather buying stuff it needs using the US dollars.
other countries accept rmb, we dont need so much USD. I guess u are still dreaming.

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