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China will next bolster Pakistan Navy: Expert

Mr. Small Mind's brainless dragging of Afghanistan into Pak-China equation is really funny. Pakistan and China have no differences over Afghan issue and China supports Pakistan's role in the region.
However, I agree an economically more stable Pakistan would be beneficial for the whole region.
But his emphasis on China bolstering PNS is also flawed. It is Pakistan buying submarines from China and at no point in the deal it has been mentioned China is providing them for free or at significantly reduced cost. I see this as a normal business deal and if anyone is bolstering PNS is PNS itself and people of Pakistan.
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Who will pay for it? Even Chinese haven't built one in Pakistan which are lower in cost.
they do......... you need to take a closer look at your iron brother.

Korea had been offering assistance to build Shipyards in Pakistan... It depends entirely on Pakistan;

thats was on the condition,if pakistan chose the t-50 as the lift for pakistans needs then stx would build a shipyard at gwadar. but that aint gonna happen. besides gwadar will be suitable to building larger ships as port qasim is perfect for naval vessels as its in the mangroves. this is a good idea as pakistan can build merchant ships for itself saving money in leasing ships. which the savings will be huge...far beyond the cost of the ship. so yeah twoyards instead of one. also this will push/aid psm back into life.
they do......... you need to take a closer ook at your iron brother.

I m talking about shipyard which can built any type and size vessel not some specific ones. I have visited shipyard in Karachi.
I m talking about shipyard which can built any type and size vessel not some specific ones. I have visited shipyard in Karachi.
im talking navel vessels, as for comercail ships gwadar is perfect. port qasim is great for naval ships
PN should now concentrate on acquiring bigger & better navy ships from China to protect & enhance Gawadar port & Pakistan's security.
Not only this but Pakistan should train and breed "warrior-philosphers".
Well much needed Pakistan needs a Navy with at least 24 major ships like Frigates and Destroyers out if those 24 16 should be the one with VLS tubes which can fire both cruise and ballistic missiles
even bigger navies like royal british navy doesnt has so many ships...who is going to pay for them..
here is small line out of world major navies with billion of dollars of hard on taxation money been spent
1. British navy
one of the strongest navies just 13 major vessels
and another 3 amphbitous ships
2. french navy
4 air defence ships, 8 frigates heavy and 8 light, 3 amphibitous ships, 1 ACC

so a huge navy has around 15-20 major vessels

we should look at around 4- 8 light frigates like f-22& ada class
and 2-3 heavy air defense frigates

anything more will be stupidity
for submarines we should have atleast 10-12 subs
Pakistan need atleast 8 to 12 corrvette or smaller frigates with powerfull air defense system. Pakistan can seek assistance from South Korea to design a stealther corvette between 600 to 1500 tons.
Also Pakistan need 4 to 6heavy frigate/destroyer between 4000 to 7000 ton.
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Well much needed Pakistan needs a Navy with at least 24 major ships like Frigates and Destroyers out if those 24 16 should be the one with VLS tubes which can fire both cruise and ballistic missiles
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