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China Will help Pakistan In developing ICBM

Well thats nice of them.

Hopefully it can be launched from a submarine.
History repeats itself. Ultimately those missiles will be pointed towards China. Any person other than Indians knows the story of Indian Mythology "Bhasmasura"?
China is bluntly violating international non proliferation laws...and that too by saying it publicly.
China is bluntly violating international non proliferation laws...and that too by saying it publicly.
Unfortunately neither india or pak is right; they cannot afford to feed their masses or even give basic education and yet this folly of arms race. it is amazing that these very same politicians have no sense of what a nuclear fallout scenario would be across entire region. instead of lifting people out of poverty this lunacy is abound; population is not being controlled and soon with climate change water will be challenged - what good will these long icbms help?
my 2cents....
It was an "opinion" of a Chinese author. Learn to respect it.

When it comes from the communist party mouthpiece, it will be taken seriously. Any ICBM that China helps Pakistan design will have no security implication on India. This will only ring bells in Europe and US.
When it comes from the communist party mouthpiece, it will be taken seriously. Any ICBM that China helps Pakistan design will have no security implication on India. This will only ring bells in Europe and US.

If India denuclearize, than Pakistan should do as well. This will bring peace to S Asia.
Classic ghosting manoeuvre.

Pakistan has no desire to build an ICBM. Weapon systems are developed based on threat perception, and Pakistan only faces an existential threat from India. To target India, Pakistan does not require an ICBM. Pakistan has the required Missiles to cover all of India, and that is all that matters.

Development of ICBM's will result in sanctions from Europe and the US. This is something that Pakistan cannot afford, and this is why i strongly believe Pakistan will not develop an ICBM. One only has to look at the posturing and warfighting manoeuvres of the SPD. There are no signs of the development of an ICBM, underground ballistic missiles yes but no posturing for an ICBM. Fight as you train, and train as you fight.

When it comes from the communist party mouthpiece, it will be taken seriously. Any ICBM that China helps Pakistan design will have no security implication on India. This will only ring bells in Europe and US.

You nailed it.

I don't see Pakistan developing an ICBM. One only has to look at the posturing of SPD, and arrive at the conclusion that for now Pakistan is not interested in an ICBM.
Unfortunately neither india or pak is right; they cannot afford to feed their masses or even give basic education and yet this folly of arms race. it is amazing that these very same politicians have no sense of what a nuclear fallout scenario would be across entire region. instead of lifting people out of poverty this lunacy is abound; population is not being controlled and soon with climate change water will be challenged - what good will these long icbms help?
my 2cents....

India is a country of contrasts. It has some of the highest number of billionaires anywhere in the world and also lot of poor too. It can send missions to Mars, but at the same time has lots of farmer suicides. You cannot apply an equal brush to all of India. India has to take everything simultaneously ...its economy, its space program, technological and industrial growth, its military, and feeding the poor at the same time for overall development. And that is what India is doing, and I don't see any other way.

If India denuclearize, than Pakistan should do as well. This will bring peace to S Asia.

For that China need to denuclearize. Once China denuclearize, India will be more than happy to denuclearize
When it comes from the communist party mouthpiece, it will be taken seriously. Any ICBM that China helps Pakistan design will have no security implication on India. This will only ring bells in Europe and US.
So have your ICBMs, specially when some one says that India can hit Britain now.
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