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China warns Russia to respect Ukraine

Did you make it up? Why are you so desperate?
Its another blatant lie and the usual divide and conquer scheme pushed by US regime propaganda mouthpieces and US shill armies based of quotemining a warning the FM made in respionse to a question about U.S. NATO expansion into East Europe including Ukraine. His answer also explicitely referred to U.S. NATO expansion.

The actual satement by Wang Yi about Ukraine never referred to Russia and it was never stated in any context talking about Russia. Both his answer and the journalists question were explicitely about the NATO expansion and his answre about the U.S. imposing itself on Ukraine and interfering in its domestic politics and spurring disputes with other parties. U.S. regime controlled media as so often pulled this statement deliberately out of context, turned on the usual rumor mill and step by step laundered into these complete lies against Russia, like the headline of this thread.

Its like saying "China supports U.S. massmurders in the Middle East" comitted under the U.S. terror regimes usual pretense of "peace and democracy", after quotemining some Chinese FM statement about China demanding "peace in Middle East" while he was actually condemning the U.S. terrorism.

This Apollon is a chronic liar, so its no surpise he would shill this lie as well. The supposedly German source he cited as first to obscure the origin of that U.S. regime propganda lie is actually just an outlet of an infamous media group named Axel Springer, merely officially based in Germany. The groups long and direct ties to the U.S. regime since the cold war and history cooperating with the CIA for disinformation and propaganda are a public secret. It's just parotting the provided U.S. script. He may as well have posted a Washington Post article, but the idea is that the false information comes from somewhere else because nobody trusts U.S. media propaganda.

Everyone knows U.S. regime propaganda mouthpieces frequently spin and fabricated lies what "China said" and are even low enough to dump a link as "proof" to a Global Times article that doesnt say what they claim or label some American editors South China Morning Post piece "Chinese state media".

He already knows very well its fake and a U.S. regime controlled media lie. He just doing this for the sake of gaslighting and muddying the waters with disinformation.
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Russia cant even keep the land running that it has now.
That is not why putin is there. putin is there to make the US-Chabad Kremlin last decades and even longer.

putin does not care about the suffering of the Russians. So long as putin is "hero" at home and "hero" to trump supporters, cia succeed so long as these dupes keep supporting putin.
That is not why putin is there. putin is there to make the US-Chabad Kremlin last decades and even longer.

putin does not care about the suffering of the Russians. So long as putin is "hero" at home and "hero" to trump supporters, cia succeed so long as these dupes keep supporting putin.
The liar OP gets ban. Hahaha..
They were competitors and enemies for centuries before going all the way back to 1652

Sino-Russian border conflicts
Amur Annexation

1900 Amur anti-Chinese pogroms

Sino-Soviet conflict (1929)

Deportation of Chinese in the Soviet Union

Russians eventually won Siberia

Even today in present Russian plan on using tactical nukes to keep PLA off Siberia


5. (C) Zolotarev argued that, while the chances of a large-scale war breaking out are remote, China would most likely be the target of any preemptive nuclear strike. Most serious military planners dismissed any threat from NATO long ago, he posited. China still has a mass mobilization army, he said, and the Russian Far East is thinly populated, has little infrastructure, and a small Russian military contingent. With the Russian army restructured to rapidly respond to small-scale wars, the GOR would have to rely on its nuclear deterrent to prevent a Chinese attack. He admitted, however, that by declaring the right to launch a nuclear first strike, Russia appeared to be taking a step back from the spirit, if not the letter of its Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Article VI commitments regarding nuclear disarmament.


and even now Chinese whine about Russian city Vladivostok being Chinese

So this is what the West resorts to see, when it sees being dominated by and China - Russia Alliance?

Cheap tactics, zero value on any level.
This comes realy unexpected. Chinese delegate Wang Li said in the munich security conference, that evry side must respect integrity of Ukraine. Diplomats see this as red line that Xi draws for Putin.

It appears China knows that a russian Invasion would create extreme global results.

I must admit i did not expect China to act so reasonable.

China is much more reasonable and responsible than any other great power. The only reason why you are so surprised is because your brain is stocked full of Soros neoliberal garbage propaganda.
Cool. Let's unite all Orthodox lands into a Tsardom with Constantinople as its capital.
So when do u plan to kick out catholic nato and allow orthodox russians into greece :help:
Why should we get involved in this Ukraine issue?

This is not our problem. All I know is that we got T-80UD tanks from Ukraine.

To be frank we should not care about European problems.
China and Russia are both highly pragmatic and secular.
What a joke statement. Russian history is full of autocracy, religion dogma and non-pragmatism at every level.
What's the difference between Albania and India at the most basic level? Both are traditional cultures with high emphasis on survival values, likely due to conflict and poverty.
The same can be said about most of the third world countries including even a large part of China. This statement carries no specific information about either.
Why should we get involved in this Ukraine issue?

This is not our problem. All I know is that we got T-80UD tanks from Ukraine.

To be frank we should not care about European problems.

If Russian can accomodate us with what we got from Ukraine then zero f given about Ukraine. But our libtards are dying for Ukraine
They were competitors and enemies for centuries before going all the way back to 1652
Russians are also annoyed at the growing Chinese defense exports that threaten the other major export market other than fuels and which are ironically based on the Russian exports and Soviet era tech transfer to China itself. Russia simply do not have the convenience of picking its allies otherwise..
Russians are also annoyed at the growing Chinese defense exports that threaten the other major export market other than fuels and which are ironically based on the Russian exports and Soviet era tech transfer to China itself. Russia simply do not have the convenience of picking its allies otherwise..
Russian are more annoyed of Indian picking up more western weapon and walking closer to western.
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