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China, Vietnam, and Indonesia among Fastest-Growing Countries for Coming Decade in New Harvard Growth Lab Projections


Jul 25, 2013
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China, Vietnam, and Indonesia among Fastest-Growing Countries for Coming Decade in New Harvard Growth Lab Projections​

New Economic Complexity Rankings Find Stability amidst Swirling Pandemic Tradewinds
Contact: Chuck McKenney
Email: chuck_mckenney@hks.harvard.edu
Phone: (617) 495-8496
Date: July 26, 2022

Cambridge, MAChina, Vietnam, Uganda, Indonesia, and India are projected to be among the fastest-growing economies to 2030. That is the conclusion of researchers at the Growth Lab at Harvard University who presented new growth projections in The Atlas of Economic Complexity. The release includes the first detailed look at 2020 trade data, including major disruptions to tourism and transport vehicle exports from the global pandemic. As the effects of the pandemic dissipate, long-term growth is projected to take-off between Asia, Eastern Europe, and East Africa. China is expected to be the fastest growing economy per capita, even if the projection finds growth to be slowing from what the country achieved over the past decade.

The research finds that countries that have diversified their production into more complex sectors, like Vietnam and China, are those who will experience the fastest growth in the coming decade.

The Growth Lab researchers released new country rankings of the Economic Complexity Index (ECI), which captures the diversity and sophistication of the productive capabilities embedded in the exports of each country. Despite the trade disruption of the pandemic, countries’ economic complexity rankings remain remarkably stable. The ECI ranking finds the most complex countries in the world held steady with, in order, Japan, Switzerland, Germany, South Korea, and Singapore at the top. Other notable countries include the United Kingdom at 10th, the United States at 12th, China at 16th, and Italy at 17th. The measure of economic complexity is able to closely explain differences in country income levels. Among the most complex countries, the greatest improvements in the rankings for the decade ending in 2020 have been made by the Philippines (ECI: 30th), China (16th), and South Korea (4th). Those developing economies that have made the greatest strides in improving their complexity include Vietnam (51st), Cambodia (72nd), Laos (89th), and Ethiopia (97th). Those countries that show the fastest declines in the complexity rankings in the past decade have become increasingly dependent on commodities or failed to diversify their exports, namely Botswana (111th), Zimbabwe (114th), Ecuador (119th), and Cuba (120th). Among the most complex countries, France (19th) fell the most, having lost 6 positions in the ranking.

Economic Complexity Index Ranking: 2000-2020, Selected Countries​


Source: Atlas of Economic Complexity

Countries with Largest Rise and Fall in Complexity Rankings: 2020 vs. 2010​


Source: Atlas of Economic Complexity

Looking at growth projections to 2030, three growth poles are identified. Several Asian economies already hold the necessary economic complexity to drive the fastest growth over the coming decade, led by China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and India. In East Africa, several economies are expected to experience rapid growth, though driven more by population growth than gains in economic complexity, which include Uganda, Tanzania, and Mozambique. On a per capita basis, Eastern Europe holds strong growth potential for its continued advances in economic complexity, with Georgia, Lithuania, Belarus, Armenia, Latvia, Bosnia, Romania, and Albania all ranking in the projected top 15 economies on a per capita basis. Outside these growth poles, the projections also show potential for Egypt to achieve more rapid growth. Other developing regions face more challenging growth prospects by making fewer gains in their economic complexity, including Latin America and the Caribbean and West Africa.

Growth Projections to 2030 (Annual Growth, %)​

China: 5.82 %
Indonesia : 5.64 %
Vietnam: 5.56 %
India : 5.19 %

Hover on a country to see its projected growth. Source: Atlas of Economic Complexity
The researchers place the diversity of tacit knowledge—or knowhow—that a society has at the heart of its economic growth story. This measure of economic complexity, as the diversity and sophistication of a country’s knowhow, is able to closely explain differences in country incomes. According to Ricardo Hausmann, director of the Growth Lab, professor at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), and the leading researcher of The Atlas of Economic Complexity, “A stylized fact of the world today is that poor countries produce few things that everyone knows how to produce, while rich countries produce many things including some things few countries know how to produce. Growth is being driven by a process of diversification to enter more, and increasingly more complex, production.”
The true value of the economic complexity measure is in its accuracy in predicting future growth, which it has been shown to do better than any other single measure in predicting growth. By identifying those countries whose economic complexity exceeds expectations based on its income level, the researchers find a strong predictor of the countries that will grow faster in the coming decade. The Atlas of Economic Complexity features data visualizations covering over 5,000 goods and services to understand the economic dynamics and growth opportunities for every country worldwide.

Pandemic Effects on Global Trade: Newly Released 2020 Trade Data​

Initial predictions of the pandemic’s impact on a double-digit decline in global trade did not occur, as trade volumes fell less than during the global financial crisis a decade prior. The fall in trade by mid-2020 occurred more rapidly than previous shocks, but so too did trade recover more quickly, mitigating the overall effect for the year. These global patterns mask major divergence across specific countries, goods, and services. Remarkably, China increased its export volumes in 2020, year-on-year, despite being the initial epicenter of the pandemic. Those economies dependent on service exports, particularly tourism and passenger travel, such as Jamaica and Kenya, experienced double-digit losses in export volumes.

“The pandemic marks the first time since service exports became a significant share of global trade that a shock falls more directly on services like travel and tourism,” said Hausmann. Countries with a more diversified and complex export base, such as Thailand, have been able to sustain a new shock to their tourism sector, as compared to countries where tourism is the dominant export sector.

Global Exports: 2000-2020, by Volume of Goods and Services​


Source: Atlas of Economic Complexity
Service exports fell by double-digits globally in 2020, and by more than twice the decline of goods. Within services, travel and tourism lost nearly two-thirds of its export volume, a decline of $900 billion. By contrast, ICT service exports remained stable at its pre-pandemic total. Goods exports performed better than services, although several major product segments experienced sharp declines in trade in 2020, including oil, cars, aircraft, military arms, and steel. Other segments increased their trade, particularly pharmaceutical products, masks, household appliances, and computers. This divergence in trade volumes across specific segments shows greater variance than during the global financial crisis.


The Growth Lab pushes the frontiers of economic growth and development policy research, collaborates with policymakers to design actions, and shares our insights through teaching, tools and publications, in the pursuit of inclusive prosperity.

Economic Growth of Indonesia Better-Than-Expected in Q2-2022​

09 August 2022 |
In our July 2022 report we asked ourselves the question: ‘should we become more optimistic about Indonesia’s economic growth?’ since our outlook for the Indonesian economy in Q2-2022 fell out of tune with the general consensus held by a selection of international and domestic institutions. While our pessimistic stance served us well in 2020 and 2021 (when our projections also fell out of tune with the general consensus), this time it is our side that needs to revise its stance

The above-mentioned question was answered by Indonesia’s Statistical Agency (in Indonesian: Badan Pusat Statistik, or BPS) when it released the latest Q2-2022 gross domestic product (GDP) of Indonesia on 5 August 2022. The Indonesian economy expanded by 5.44 percent year-on-year (y/y) in the second quarter of the year, well above our forecast of 4.5 percent (y/y) and even above the general consensus (that we estimate averaged around 5.3 percent y/y). This makes it all the more interesting to take a look at where exactly the better-than-expected growth originates from.

With economic activity coming in better-than-expected in Q2-2022 it also allows for a more optimistic attitude toward economic expansion in the remainder of the year, although a number of significant challenges persist that could undermine growth.

Table 1 (above) shows the annual GDP growth rates of Indonesia, per quarter. The 5.44 percent (y/y) growth rate in Q2-2022 is an improvement from the 5.01 percent (y/y) growth rate set in the preceding quarter – despite the higher base as growth had rebounded 7.07 percent (y/y) in Q2-2021. A key advantage of Q2 in both 2021 and 2022 (compared to Q1) was that the Ramadan and Idul Fitri celebrations took place in April/May, and so consumption peaked (implying more goods and services needed to be produced or provided, and transported, or – in other words – a boost in economic activity).


Before we delve into the data, we can reveal that there are two factors that especially supported Indonesia’s economic growth in Q2-2022:

(1) Solid growth of household consumption on the back of easing concerns over the COVID-19 virus as well as loser social and corporate restrictions; and
(2) Very impressive export growth thanks to high commodity prices (although palm oil exports experienced a hiccup amid a temporary government palm oil export ban, while imports rose at a much slower pace (allowing a comfortable trade surplus).

What is also interesting to mention here is that government spending continued to contract – quite understandably as the government needs to cut spending in order to safeguard a healthy government budget balance. Moreover, the need for social and corporate assistance spending is waning as restrictions are eased. Interestingly enough though, the government’s budget balance showed a rare surplus of IDR 73.6 trillion (approx. USD $5 billion, or 0.39 percent of GDP) in the first half of 2022. This implies that there certainly is room for more government spending.

However, a drop in global commodity prices can rapidly turn the tables (making the energy subsidies – funded through windfall revenue from coal and palm oil exports – a major financial burden), and so we can understand it if policymakers are hesitant to engage in new long-term, capital-intensive public assistance spending programs at this point.

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