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China urges Pakistani leaders to resolve issues over CPEC project

OMG you are really annoying. So everyone in that APC are suppose to have the same views ??? :hitwall:

As evident by declaration by All after APC.hit your head hard might help you to understand better.

Provinces have reservations over CPEC, says Qaim Ali Shah

10th Jan 2016

KARACHI (92 News) – Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah has on Sunday said that we do not want resentment with the federal government over Rangers special powers.

Talking to media, Qaim Ali Shah said that all provinces including Sindh have reservations over China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.

He said that the PPP government has provided facilities in Thar, adding that nothing was done during the tenure of Arbab Ghulam Raheem.

The CM said that the alliances have been constituted against them, adding that the prime minister had promised to address our reservations.

Channel 92

Provinces have reservations over CPEC, says Qaim Ali Shah - 92 News HD

As evident by declaration by All after APC.hit your head hard might help you to understand better.

Provinces have reservations over CPEC, says Qaim Ali Shah

10th Jan 2016

KARACHI (92 News) – Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah has on Sunday said that we do not want resentment with the federal government over Rangers special powers.

Talking to media, Qaim Ali Shah said that all provinces including Sindh have reservations over China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.

He said that the PPP government has provided facilities in Thar, adding that nothing was done during the tenure of Arbab Ghulam Raheem.

The CM said that the alliances have been constituted against them, adding that the prime minister had promised to address our reservations.

Channel 92

Provinces have reservations over CPEC, says Qaim Ali Shah - 92 News HD

So now Sayn Qaim Daim Ali Shah has become a good guy for PTI ? We know his record of governance and security in Sindh. :rofl:
So now Syn Qaim Daim Ali Shah has become a good guy for PTI ? We know his record of governance and security in Sindh. :rofl:

two governors kpk and Baluchistan,cm kpk,cm sindh,political parties are opposing cpec the way it is handled by n league it is not a political alliance or anything.remember league political alliance with ppp to save shame democrazy and corruption .notice the difference? never mind.
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I literally know of you only through this forum and what you write....... similarly that holds true for you knowing me, unless there is someone in the middle who knows us both................ so from what I've read, my assumptions have certain weight as you mostly follow a confrontational approach when someone, anyone, from KPK puts forward their thoughts, no matter how insane those thoughts maybe to you, those thoughts are ours, and we are part of the federation, not subservients to any other province of the federation........... so as long as we aren't satisfied with each and EVERY aspect of CPEC, we will agitate, that's our god given right, and the constitution supports us on it.............

By the way, I do have interests in CPEC, overt and covert both. @Horus, maybe you can be intermediate between us (as you know of me to a certain extent), so that, if, @Jungibaaz needs to know more of me. And yes, I, to do have an advisory role with who's who of KPK, from judiciary to people who run the province, and I'm pretty content in playing the said role, no matter how insignificant that maybe.

Now back to topic, I'm not satisfied with the handouts of CPEC being given to KPK. No way. Not a chance in hell it will become viable unless we are satisfied. After we are done with CPEC, it's time for other royalties that are owed to smaller provinces, starting with Baluchistan.

And who are you to say that? Do you even know me??

Please tell us all what the vested interest here is, I really want to hear it. Do respond asap.
@Hyperion @MastanKhan

Route alignment controversy

There simply is no one route. The maps using single routes like this one are false in every way, they are simplistic representations of the connection.


Instead, the actual list of projects, and routes, remember, there are multiple, and none of them are lone routes, they interconnect, there is no preferred route here.


Direct from the NHA. And on a closer inspection of these larger routes, again from the NHA.
This is what the various routes starting from Balochistan look like.

View attachment 286192

So, like I said, there is no eastern or western route. The route alignment controversy is wrong and damaging.
There are multiple routes and projects and for various reasons, it is a good idea to have routes connected to major population centres like Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and so on.

Now please if you have any evidence to the contrary that there is a single route. And no other route. And that this route is an eastern route, I'd like to see it. Please also disprove these maps if you can, they come direct from the NHA, so good luck.

But if you don't want to take my word for it. And suspect 'vested interests' :rolleyes:

Take a look here yourself: Project Details

And let me know if any other nonsense comes to your minds.

Lastly, CPEC as I said earlier is not just about a road, or just about transportation, it is also about upgrading infrastructure, developing gwadar, the city, port and airport, building huge energy projects too.
And if you do look at the list of these, and forget the multiple route bs for a moment.

There is no Punjab preference in those projects. Again, ask for the evidence of that, I have posted it on this forum before.
Fair Analysis ....You define Simple-Logic in much more easy words :enjoy:
CPEC is the last thing India would have wanted. While reading this chat something which has stood out is that "India has achieved it's initial objective by creating difference and controversies among us"
I literally know of you only through this forum and what you write....... similarly that holds true for you knowing me, unless there is someone in the middle who knows us both................ so from what I've read, my assumptions have certain weight as you mostly follow a confrontational approach when someone, anyone, from KPK puts forward their thoughts, no matter how insane those thoughts maybe to you, those thoughts are ours, and we are part of the federation, not subservients to any other province of the federation........... so as long as we aren't satisfied with each and EVERY aspect of CPEC, we will agitate, that's our god given right, and the constitution supports us on it.............

Yeah, you're right, we both hardly know each other, and that is why I haven't accused you of any bias, it is simply of no concern to me.

And you know what's funny? I've here been accused of taking the side of KPK too often, at least two posters on this forum. Whose names I won't tell you even went so far as to call me a pakhtun nationalist. Citing various personal details of mine as some motivation. And now you are the first, but I suspect not the last to be accusing me of the opposite. :D

Also, you're very right, I do have a confrontational approach at times, it is sometimes subconscious, but in the end it does for me what I want to achieve out of it, when I am confrontational, it basically translates to me itching for a debate.

However, the ad hominem attack on me having some sort of vested interest is something that has nothing to do with my debating style, I'm defending myself from nonsense that isn't true.

Lastly, I do not care what people's objections are, and what sort of mind they've made up. It means literally nothing, literally nothing to me. I care in the end for what I think is best, and most importantly for what I know to be true. I have no affiliations with any party, what little I had with PTI, I severed not too long ago. And you may accuse me of bias against PTI, but the truth is, if anything I still am and have been biased in their favour, as I have been accused of before, as if political opinions are some crime to hold.

By the way, I do have interests in CPEC, overt and covert both. @Horus, maybe you can be intermediate between us (as you know of me to a certain extent), so that, if, @Jungibaaz needs to know more of me. And yes, I, to do have an advisory role with who's who of KPK, from judiciary to people who run the province, and I'm pretty content in playing the said role, no matter how insignificant that maybe.

I have nothing to gain from CPEC directly, and zero affiliation with any party, no financial incentive to say what I say beyond my concern for Pakistan and beyond my concern for what I know to be true, and saying something when I spot something.

Respectfully, I have no wish to know your own personal details, it's not why I am here or discussing this thing. Like I said I before, it's of no interest to me.

Now back to topic, I'm not satisfied with the handouts of CPEC being given to KPK. No way. Not a chance in hell it will become viable unless we are satisfied. After we are done with CPEC, it's time for other royalties that are owed to smaller provinces, starting with Baluchistan.

I agree in part, more needs to be done to help developing areas. See, this is not a black and white issue. What instead pisses me off is the nonsense about route, which is wholly false. And any protest on these false grounds are no good for any province or Pakistan.

If you fight for changes in CPEC, that is normal and something expected of the opposition in each democracy. I take issue when it is false or not productive. That's where I draw my line, and when it gets divisive to the point that people are bashing each other's background for this, I wish to take no part, except in outrage an contempt.
Meray bhai, we don't need India to divide us, Punjab is more than enough to that all by itself. Unless and until all arms of the federation are taken on board in a transparent manner, we will stay divided. Start by developing Baluchistan and giving them their due share in EVERYTHING, maybe even more for neglect of the past six decades, and forget about the population matrix, unless you develop it, it's population will never increase. In the meantime, while we are focussing on developing Baluchistan, KPK can take a back seat. After that is done, it's time for KPK to get it's dues.

CPEC is the last thing India would have wanted. While reading this chat something which has stood out is that "India has achieved it's initial objective by creating difference and controversies among us"

Dude, it's all about developing the backwater areas of neglected provinces, nothing about the route. I'm not a fanboy of PTI, trust you me, Imran is an excellent human being, however, he's not a great politician....... now try to read between these lines: why was Khattak forced to give out a statement, and you haven't heard anything from IK, out and out in the open? Well, forget it. It's all about developing Baluchistan and KPK, more than what they 'deserve' at this point in time, because they have been left neglected for far too long. Trust you me, this CPEC issue may break Pakistan in the long run, if people of KPK feel disenfranchised any longer.

I agree in part, more needs to be done to help developing areas. See, this is not a black and white issue. What instead pisses me off is the nonsense about route, which is wholly false. And any protest on these false grounds are no good for any province or Pakistan.

If you fight for changes in CPEC, that is normal and something expected of the opposition in each democracy. I take issue when it is false or not productive. That's where I draw my line, and when it gets divisive to the point that people are bashing each other's background for this, I wish to take no part, except in outrage an contempt.
Dude, it's all about developing the backwater areas of neglected provinces, nothing about the route. I'm not a fanboy of PTI, trust you me, Imran is an excellent human being, however, he's not a great politician....... now try to read between these lines: why was Khattak forced to give out a statement, and you haven't heard anything from IK, out and out in the open? Well, forget it. It's all about developing Baluchistan and KPK, more than what they 'deserve' at this point in time, because they have been left neglected for far too long. Trust you me, this CPEC issue may break Pakistan in the long run, if people of KPK feel disenfranchised any longer.

Like I said, there are plenty of valid concerns when it comes to this. Is it true that the majority of this CPEC development is NOT intended for developing poorer parts or providing assistance to the people of some provinces? Sure, this is true, I took issue with the route accusations.

If you do look at CPEC, the vast majority of the proposals, have literally nothing to do with developing those areas. This may eventually be the some long term effect of these projects, that they have a net contribution to the local economy stimulate to create jobs and growth, but none of them are directed towards helping those people, you are right.

So, may I ask, what exactly do Khattak and other opposition want? Any counter proposals?
Also, I hope all people understand that CPEC is basically, making all of Pakistan a trade route with special focus on Gwadar, infastructure and multiple routes to Kashgar. There are several projects under 'CPEC' category that have nothing to do with the Chinese, and nothing to do with that trade aspect.

What exactly has been proposed in place of the current investment proposals, you know that pml is big on infastructure, what's the alternative you pitch to the government, and to investors?
I personally think issue is very clear. PTI thinks that completion of at least one route before 2018 election will give PML n an edge and will reduce their chances if any of winning. and rest is being cooked up on that thought.

its not like they donot understand the fact that most power generation projects are coal powered and they don't have much coal to offer. while thar has one of the largest coal reserve in the world. its also not difficult for them to comprehend that there is acute power shortage in Pakistan, and early completion of coal powered projects will address that. and even I can understand that this 46 billion is not the final amount. once the power shortage is done with, Chinese are happy to invest in industrial parks, that will in turn may eventually change our fate as a country..

I personally think PML n has done an excellent job so far to avoid confrontation, but khattak seems to be all geared up for one. this khattak guy was also not told about start of zarb e azb, that's how confident army was about where his loyalty lies.
about the red part you said

Hospitals Job of Provincial Gov

2 Power Plants

Hub Coal power Plants 3600 MW is not there in the map so does Dams which are under construction apart of CPEC in KPK should i name them??

Metro Bus Projects

again Job of Provincial gov whose stopping other provinces to make such projects if Punjab is making it

Last time i visited Naya KPK therad there was 1 refinery news which will be build in KPK

The problem is that Lahore is getting a Metro Train from CPEC funding. So its natural that other provinces also request equal funding so they can also develop Metro Train projects in their cities.

What was no Solar /Power project was considered for KPK or Baluchistan from funding for CPEC?

What is needed is transparency

If CPEC is,43 Billion dollar
  • What % is being invested in Punjab ?
  • What % is being invested in Sindh ?
  • What % is being invested in Baluchistan ?
  • What % is being invested in KPK ?
The projects tied to CPEC should be highlighted clearly

KPK and Baluchistan have minerals and rich elements , is there a mining project started there ?

As you can see below , apart from Road and DAM project there is no other energy / social project taking place due to CPEC

The lack of such clearance is creating confusion

The area is Yellow is vast land , you don't see many lines for projects

  • It would be fair if Peshawar can be given funds for International Airport
  • Or Quetta / Peshawar both be awarded funds for Metro Projects (Would be fair)
  • May be Power projects dealing with Wind or Solar power for Provinces would also be good balancing act , how about 1,000 MW (2 Projects)
Logical thing would be to award the funds to the KPK/ Baluchistan authority
so they can develpe some more infrastructure projects (For Peshawar/Quetta cities)

Strategically for benefit of Pakistan I would sit down with KPK and just allocate extra funding in next budget for KPK (if they are getting less in present deal for CPEC)

Give them funding for a international airport
Give them more funding for Metro/Train projects
Give them more for Refinery or Power plant

Quetta / Peshawar would also make great hubs for Energy /and Commerce these are also amazing cities and its well know that this region is been asking for funding from IMF / banks for projects for Minning for minerals and lack of airport and metro train etc
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Federal government is responsible for the blunders on the issue of CPEC : Shahid Masood

It is the choice of China Govt that which route is suitable for them, east or west?
Thank you pervaiz khattak.....

I think this shud trend now rather than thank you raheel sharif
there reservation is from all provinces . All parties are against the Punjab centeric policy of nawaz sharif

Well why not Bark a bit more in Public. That way we can be sure that project is shelved and we continue to live as cavemen with any electricity or gas.
We are our own biggest enemy. I just cant understnd why when this project when completed will tickle down all the money to provinces as NFC award. We dont deserve any progress bcz as long as morons like khatak exist there will be no progress. CPEC will be another Kala bagh and this will be legacy of PTI. Congratz to all Youthias.

Jab project ki maa behan Eik ho jaye gi phir sarey suboon kay dangar raat kay ulluoon ki tarah eik doosray ka manhoos chehra deikh rahey hoongay bcz iss mulk ki kismat mein yehi likha reh gaya hai.
be trasnperant everythng is fine. give the clear route and how PM is thinking of spending the money. State bank is also concerned about it. Nawaz sharif pun jab concentric policy is destroying this project not khattak. btw hazara , Baluchistan, sindh also have reservations

It is the choice of China Govt that which route is suitable for them, east or west?
in plan there was only eastern route. western route is now added bcoz of PM punjab centeric policy

I personally think issue is very clear. PTI thinks that completion of at least one route before 2018 election will give PML n an edge and will reduce their chances if any of winning. and rest is being cooked up on that thought.

its not like they donot understand the fact that most power generation projects are coal powered and they don't have much coal to offer. while thar has one of the largest coal reserve in the world. its also not difficult for them to comprehend that there is acute power shortage in Pakistan, and early completion of coal powered projects will address that. and even I can understand that this 46 billion is not the final amount. once the power shortage is done with, Chinese are happy to invest in industrial parks, that will in turn may eventually change our fate as a country..

I personally think PML n has done an excellent job so far to avoid confrontation, but khattak seems to be all geared up for one. this khattak guy was also not told about start of zarb e azb, that's how confident army was about where his loyalty lies.
even nawaz didnt know about it. they owned it up later. secondly army is aunder federal government not provisional institution. it is the same army nawaz keep attacking and kept promoting geo when army banned it for its attack on military

Protesting for what ?

CPEC Projects in KPK: Where has it gone wrong ?

Apparently Mushaid Hussain is the head of CPEC committee and he is NOT in PML-N. What is stopping you and others to approach him to solve the matter without going on the streets ?

In that case CM Punjab should protest about Wheat and Agriculture supply, CM Sindh regarding Karachi Port, and Baluchistan about Gas. Look everyone has issues. But right now its seems only PTI and KPK are making things worse. Stop playing your fricken politics and let things work democratically in parliament.
Ex pmln, he is waiting for next election to contest on PMLN seat /.
I think KPK should be given a bigger share, however i also think that PTI is playing cock block here.

I literally know of you only through this forum and what you write....... similarly that holds true for you knowing me, unless there is someone in the middle who knows us both................ so from what I've read, my assumptions have certain weight as you mostly follow a confrontational approach when someone, anyone, from KPK puts forward their thoughts, no matter how insane those thoughts maybe to you, those thoughts are ours, and we are part of the federation, not subservients to any other province of the federation........... so as long as we aren't satisfied with each and EVERY aspect of CPEC, we will agitate, that's our god given right, and the constitution supports us on it.............

By the way, I do have interests in CPEC, overt and covert both. @Horus, maybe you can be intermediate between us (as you know of me to a certain extent), so that, if, @Jungibaaz needs to know more of me. And yes, I, to do have an advisory role with who's who of KPK, from judiciary to people who run the province, and I'm pretty content in playing the said role, no matter how insignificant that maybe.

Now back to topic, I'm not satisfied with the handouts of CPEC being given to KPK. No way. Not a chance in hell it will become viable unless we are satisfied. After we are done with CPEC, it's time for other royalties that are owed to smaller provinces, starting with Baluchistan.
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