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China tells U.S. that Pakistan's security concerns must be respected


Dec 27, 2015
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China tells U.S. that Pakistan's security concerns must be respected

BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States must value Pakistan's role in Afghanistanand respect its security concerns, China's top diplomat Yang Jiechi told U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in a phone call, according to Chinese state media.

China's Foreign Ministry defended its ally Pakistan earlier this week after President Donald Trump said the United States could no longer be silent about militants using safe havens on Pakistani soil.

On Monday, Trump committed the United States to an open-ended conflict in Afghanistan, signaling he would send more troops to America's longest war and vowing "a fight to win".

He insisted that others - the Afghan government, Pakistan, India and NATO allies - step up their own commitment to resolving the 16-year conflict, but he saved his sharpest words for Pakistan.

Yang, who outranks China's foreign minister, told Tillerson on Wednesday that China was willing to coordinate with the United States on Afghanistan and make joint efforts to realize peace and stability there and in the region, according to a Chinese statement issued late that night.

"We must value Pakistan's important role on the Afghanistan issue, and respect Pakistan's sovereignty and reasonable security concerns," Yang told Tillerson.

Pakistan has been battling home-grown Islamists for years. It sees Afghanistan as a vital strategic interest and a bulwark against old rival, India. Islamabad denies harboring militants, who move across the porous border with Afghanistan.

China and Pakistan consider each other "all-weather friends" and have close diplomatic, economic and security ties.

Beijing has its own security concerns in the region, in particular any links between militants in Pakistan and Afghanistan and Islamist groups China blames for violence in its far western region of Xinjiang.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi met Pakistani Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua in Beijing on Tuesday, according to a statement on Thursday. He praised Pakistan's efforts to combat extremism and to secure the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, a development initiative central to President Xi Jinping's global Belt and Road development plan.

"Given the current complicated and changing international and regional situation, the strategic significance of China-Pakistan relations is even more prominent," Wang said.

Reporting by Michael Martina; Editing by Paul Tait

Could please tell me that why Pakistan wants to control Afghanistan thru Taliban?

Is good for Pakistan to support Taliban for longer period?
Could please tell me that why Pakistan wants to control Afghanistan thru Taliban?

Is good for Pakistan to support Taliban for longer period?

No we dont want to decide who should rule Afghan, and how Afghan should rule their country, all we want is no Indian influence westward.. China will contain you in east.
China is doing better job than our own govt. Neither the PM nor the FM gave a single statement condemning potty Trump's idiotic babbling against Pakistan. Thank you China :pakistan::china:

No we dont want to decide who should rule Pakistan, and how Afghan should rule their country, all we want is no Indian infulence in westward..
It is better you don't reply to the troll. You have fallen for the bait as he wants to derail the thread by going off topic. It would be better if you just report his idiotic post.
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No we dont want to decide who should rule Afghan, and how Afghan should rule their country, all we want is no Indian influence westward.. China will contain you in east.
Let Afgans decide who they wants to be friends with, they are a Sovereign state
No we dont want to decide who should rule Afghan, and how Afghan should rule their country, all we want is no Indian influence westward.. China will contain you in east.

But you can't say to Afghanistan because they are independent country.

If Afghanistan wants to maintain good relationship with India then they should be.

You have to care your house.

In South Asia and indian ocean, I don't see China could give great threat to India.
Let Afgans decide who they wants to be friends with, they are a Sovereign state

They can decide with rest 200 countries, its enough soverignity, anyways sovereignty only belongs to Allah according to Islamic constitutions of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan..

But you can't say to Afghanistan because they are independent country.

If Afghanistan wants to maintain good relationship with India then they should be.

In South Asia and india
They can decide with rest 200 countries, its enough soverignity, anyways sovereignty only belongs to Allah according to Islamic constitutions of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan..

Rest 200 countries??? Even you included Allah?

Sounds like stupid thinking of Pakistan politicians.
They can decide with rest 200 countries, its enough soverignity, anyways sovereignty only belongs to Allah according to Islamic constitutions of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan..
"sovereignty only belongs to Allah according to Islamic constitutions" the why are you interfering let Allah tell afgans not to be friends with India
"sovereignty only belongs to Allah according to Islamic constitutions" the why are you interfering let Allah tell afgans not to be friends with India

Allah(swt) has ordered Muslims to understand concern and difficulties of fellow Muslim and Human and help them. Afghans will do it and we will too. its upto Afghan to look for interest of 600 million Muslims in region or their nationalistic ethnic goal to weaken Pakistan.
It is better you don't reply to the troll. You have fallen for the bait as he wants to derail the thread by going off topic. It would be better if you just report his idiotic post.

Did I ask anything wrong?
You friends just said, Pakistan wants as per them Afghanistan has to decide and choose friends.

Do you think it's right? And possible?
And last how it is possible to control other country policy/interest?

I m asking very simple questions. Thanks
Did I ask anything wrong?
You friends just said, Pakistan wants as per them Afghanistan has to decide and choose friends.

Do you think it's right? And possible?
And last how it is possible to control other country policy/interest?

I m asking very simple questions. Thanks
China tells U.S. that Pakistan's security concerns must be respected
That's the topic of this thread. Anything other than that is off topic.
Let Afgans decide who they wants to be friends with, they are a Sovereign state
But India has repeatedly spoken against peace talks in Afghanistan. You and America want to keep Afghanistan on the boil for your strategic purposes.
"sovereignty only belongs to Allah according to Islamic constitutions" the why are you interfering let Allah tell afgans not to be friends with India

Which Afghans are you talking about who want to be friends with India? The Northern Alliance criminals, who were plundering Afghanistan after the Soviets withdrew and then were beaten by the Taliban to the tiny Panjshir valley, and now have formed the government as a puppet of the Americans and Indians? Or the Taliban who have faced any enemy supported by a budget of $700 Billion, fought this corrupt Northern Alliance government backed by America and India, and still have outright authority in 40% of Afghanistan?
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