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China targets illegal foreigners with stringent law

thats exactly the reason the white race must be put in their place by asians over the course of this century.

Ain't gonna happen. Besides, you need us. Who you going to copy everything from buildings, electronics, culture, from with out us?
Asians living in the west made all of our innovations? Put down the paint chips....the lead is making you loopy.
All those things were done by Asians living in the west.
Whites are only good at killing.
Vast majority of the innovation in the west are done by non-whites.

The whites contribute nothing and uses up everything, so when the white race becomes irrelevant, the world will have a higher standard of living.

Asians will put an end to the domination of the white race in the 21st century.

Hate only brings more hate, my chinese friend.
Chinese police force have the problem that they usually let go of petty crimes from foreigners. And some foreigners take advantage of this and frequently violate laws, sometimes beating up locals without any consequence. A few days back this UK dude was trying to rape a Beijing girl he followed from metro on the street under public eye, which rarely happens in China and shocks the entire nation. Thus come with this this cleaning illegal foreigners campaign. And this could back fire, Africans in Guangzhou already have two riots, blaming police actions on checking their visas. A big headache.

WOOT that UK guy dares trying to rape a girl under public eye? Did the public beat the sh!t out of him?
i hate the west esp. whites.
i hate the way they look, talk, dress, eat, behave, breed.
i hate white culture, white history, white economic systems, white political systems, white laws, white religion, etc
i despise the whites that look down on others and think that they are the superior race.

there, i was specific. is that enough for you?

Thank you for banning this, it sets somewhat of an example that defence.pk is not Asiasfinest or some other asian version of stormfront.
I will respond to this anyways though.

Your terms are still subjective, and you never explained why you hate how whites look, dress, eat, behave, breed, why you hate white culture (never defined it in fact, as there is a significant difference in culture between the US and Russia), why you hate white economic systems (again you have not defined what you mean, large percievable difference between US economy and Russian economy or US economy and European economy), etc...

So ultimately, no, thats not specific enough for me, under this you are saying you hate the very concept of human rights or free speech or rule of law or tolerance or the ability to get ahead through hard work (all of which are cherished ideals in large parts of western culture).

Despising whites that are racist is perfectly understandable, but than why do you act somewhat like they do? Racism is large parts hate and fear and ignorance. With understanding, fear declines, and with a decline in fear can come a decline in hate.
So the "Korean" in this forum is not worth according, he make others think Skorean hate China, sometimes he made me used to think he came from N-Korea, if we see Skorea main media
The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea
Korea Joongang Daily
we will find the general SKorea thinking if you search China in the two main Skorea media
Exports to China, which gobbles up 24 percent of Korea’s exports;


In fact I belive our "Korean" in this forum is an Indian bred with his both parents Indians. :lol:

Many, if not majority, S Koreans I meet love Chinese stuff, including, but not limited to, Chinese calligraphy.

He could be an illegal immigrant in China, being kicked in @ss many times by Chinese law enforcement. Who knows...
Better get this problem taken care of before it gets out of hand.

Also, especially look out for the Westerners that come with the NGO's. They are nothing but spies sent by CIA to foment trouble in China. Every country that let in these NGO's has regretted it because these people use the IMPRESSIONABLE YOUTH to make trouble for the home country.

This is what happened in Egypt and Pakistan.

That is true but CCP is too corrupt and too greedy to do much about it. By allowing foreign news outlet, they are inviting spies. Seems like CCP members dont know Chinese history as they end up like every other dynasties.
Should kill them. Taliban has done it before. Very effective deterrence.

And you are carpet bombing them since last 1 years!
Apparently not so effective..... even, if we believe you.
the foreigners in china think they are above the law and they have special priviledges. this makes them disrespect chinese laws, systems, values, culture and history. this causes them to do crimes and spew anti-china hate while living in our country.
those whites are the worst, utter scum they are. especially the americans, british, canadians, french and australians.
the whites think they are superior to local chinese and that we should worship them.
i say insert an RFID chip in every white living in china.

the chinese police ignores the crimes done by foreigners.
there are useless africans living in guangzhou that hate chinese while living in china.

chinese government and chinese police have been far too soft on these foreigners.
now when the foreigners are brought into line, they start to protest like the scum they are, because they are now so used to haing special priviledges, they are not used to living within chinese laws, systems, values, culture and history.
eg. africans, whites.

we have given the foreigners an inch and now they have taken it a mile.

What you say is true. CHINESE have a short memory and too forgiving. The CCP is only good at oppressing Chinese and let foreigners get away with things.

I think there will be internal strife in the near future for China. Foreigners, especially Africans and Westerners will cause more trouble internally than external conflict. All thanks to the CCP and weak Chinese inferiority complex.
That is true but CCP is too corrupt and too greedy to do much about it. By allowing foreign news outlet, they are inviting spies. Seems like CCP members dont know Chinese history as they end up like every other dynasties.

CPC is corrupt, that's for sure. They favour foreigners over Chinese people.
A lot of Chinese move to foreign countries illegally, I have to admit this...

That may or may not be true, but the Chinese who come to Canada have a lot of money. Even if Chinese are going to other countries illegally, most are hardworking wanting to better themselves economically and NOT cause problems.

On the other hand, these spoiled foreigners who go to China are mostly lowlifes teaching English, mongering and causing trouble for the locals. Chinese authorities are too scared to deal with them for the most part, which is sad. If a Chinese commit a minor felony while visiting USA, they will get a good taste of American justice.

I'm just saying that most Chinese people need to grow some 'balls'. I saw a video where two drunk blacks were causing trouble in Russia. One Russian guy tripped the one black guy and pinned him down, the other black guy got angry and shouted at the camera man threatening to beat him up. The Russian camera guy said,"Hey I don't want to have to beat you. I just want to know why are you causing trouble in my homeland? You are a guess in my country so you should act accordingly." Now I thought, wow, that was awesome. The black guy's face looked so shocked and he backed down and picked up his friend and left. That statement had more effect than actually beating up the uncivilized negro.

I don't see this happening in China even if it was just one foreigner causing trouble in the presence of a handful Chinese people. No one would dare to say anything. :hitwall:
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