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China successfully launches first Mars mission

China’s Tianwen-1 mission is now orbiting Mars ahead of landing

Mars has a new visitor. The Chinese Tianwen-1 mission has entered orbit around the Red Planet, following the United Arab Emirates’ Hope orbiter by just one day and preceding the landing of NASA’s Perseverance rover by a week. This is China’s second interplanetary mission, but the first that it has attempted without any international partners.

Reaching orbit is just the first step of the Tianwen-1 mission, which launched from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan, China on 23 July last year. The spacecraft has three parts: an orbiter, a lander and a rover.

Now that the spacecraft is safely in orbit, the next step is to start the preparations for landing. Scientists have selected a landing site in Utopia Planitia, the same region where NASA’s Viking 2 lander touched down in 1976. Once Tianwen-1 is in orbit, it will take pictures of the area to make sure conditions are safe to send in the lander.

Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/articl...orbiting-mars-ahead-of-landing/#ixzz6m4d9GQVK
Enter Mars orbit is a piece of cake. Soft landing on Mars will be the difficult part. Anyway, congratulation for the successful insertion of Mars orbit.
So congrats to China on becoming the 6th country to enter mars orbit.
The countries-
European union

Ofcourse China's entry has to be confirmed from independent sources.

Also Congrats to the European space agency for the excellent control and navigation assistance given to the Chinese craft.
So congrats to China on becoming the 6th country to enter mars orbit.
The countries-
European union

Ofcourse China's entry has to be confirmed from independent sources.

Also Congrats to the European space agency for the excellent control and navigation assistance given to the Chinese craft.
LOL... ESA is only supporting role. Even without them, we can still enter Mars orbit without any problem.

Mars has a new visitor. The Chinese Tianwen-1 mission has entered orbit around the Red Planet, following the United Arab Emirates’ Hope orbiter by just one day and preceding the landing of NASA’s Perseverance rover by a week. This is China’s second interplanetary mission, but the first that it has attempted without any international partners.

Soon China will be the only second country to soft landed a rover on Mars, overtaking feat which even ESA and Russia never achieved in space. :enjoy:
So congrats to China on becoming the 6th country to enter mars orbit.
The countries-
European union

Ofcourse China's entry has to be confirmed from independent sources.

Also Congrats to the European space agency for the excellent control and navigation assistance given to the Chinese craft.
Come on, competition is good. 'independent sources'? We were just in the German dish channel tracking it live.

Imagine it, if we manage to land that rover. We would be the second nation on earth succeeding.
Come on, competition is good. 'independent sources'? We were just in the German dish channel tracking it live.

What you expect from salty Indian? We are going to land rover on Mars while India still struggling try to do it on lunar. :enjoy:

Indian space agency is not the same level with CNSA.
This is China’s second interplanetary mission, but the first that it has attempted without any international partners.
Because the 1st Failed Chinese attempt was in a Russian rocket. This time Chinese rocket was used.
The ESA has given full navigation support to the Chinese in all its moon and mars missions.
The launch rocket even had the ESA flag prominently painted on it.
Please don't be ungrateful. Even the moon sample return craft was designed by hong kong university.
What you expect from salty Indian? We are going to land rover on Mars while India still struggling try to do it on lunar. :enjoy:

Indian space agency is not the same level with CNSA.
Please don't learn this trait from Indians, boastfulness. We reach there when we reach there.

Btw, Xinhua comfirmed it.
Because the 1st Failed Chinese attempt was in a Russian rocket. This time Chinese rocket was used.
The ESA has given full navigation support to the Chinese in all its moon and mars missions.
The launch rocket even had the ESA flag prominently painted on it.
Please don't be ungrateful. Even the moon sample return craft was designed by hong kong university.
I am not ungrateful but its fact that ESA support are secondary, they are not neccesary. In fact, ESA shall be grateful, we Chinese allow their equipment to be onboard for our mission.
What you expect from salty Indian? We are going to land rover on Mars while India still struggling try to do it on lunar. :enjoy:

Indian space agency is not the same level with CNSA.
Not salty at all.
China is ahead of India in space activities without zero doubt.
But claiming to be ahead of the Europeans or Russia or even Japan is a lot of stretch.
The Japanese have returned a sample from a bloody tiny asteroid in a 7 year long mission.
The Russians had a man in space in 1961 . Pioneering ,not just a copycat effort .
The Europeans are money minded. Not interested in such space activities. Technologically 50 years ahead of China easily.
India hasn’t had a successful real space mission since modi took over. Some kind of modi curse going on
Not salty at all.
China is ahead of India in space activities without zero doubt.
But claiming to be ahead of the Europeans or Russia or even Japan is a lot of stretch.
The Japanese have returned a sample from a bloody tiny asteroid in a 7 year long mission.
The Russians had a man in space in 1961 . Pioneering ,not just a copycat effort .
The Europeans are money minded. Not interested in such space activities. Technologically 50 years ahead of China easily.
LOL... Not interested in space and mars and why did they attempt to soft land on Mars in 2016 which ended in failure? Then they are now trying again in 2022....

Cant eat the grape and claimed its soured. Of cos :enjoy:

China is definitely ahead of ESA and Russia in space if we put the rover on Mars. Rocket payload, China space capabilities current is second to US. Not even ESA and Russia new space rocket capacity cannot match China LM-5 rocket.

China just completed a very complicated lunar sample which ESA can only dream of. Russia need 2 trip and managed only 436gram of lunar soil compare to China single trip with 1736g.

Soon the space station of China will be launched and its the only independent space station in space while ISS need multi nation effort in order to achieve it.
China's Tianwen-1 probe enters orbit around Mars
Source: Xinhua | 2021-02-10 21:09:45 | Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- China's Tianwen-1 probe successfully entered the orbit around Mars on Wednesday after a nearly seven-month voyage from Earth.

A 3000N engine was ignited at 7:52 p.m. (Beijing time) to decelerate Tianwen-1, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA).

After about 15 minutes, the spacecraft, including an orbiter, a lander and a rover, had slowed enough to be captured by Mars' gravity and entered an elliptical orbit around the red planet, with its closest distance from the Martian surface at about 400 km. It will take Tianwen-1 about 10 Earth days to complete one circle.

The development marks China's completion of a key step in its current Mars exploration program, which is designed to complete orbiting, landing and roving in one mission, said the CNSA.

After entering the Mars orbit, payloads aboard the orbiter, including cameras and various particle analyzers, will next start working and carry out surveys of the planet.

Tianwen-1 was launched via a Long March-5 rocket, China's largest launch vehicle, from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on the coast of southern China's island province of Hainan on July 23, 2020.

Tianwen-1 has been traveling in space for 202 days. It has carried out four orbital corrections and a deep-space maneuver. It has flown 475 million km and was 192 million km from Earth when it reached the Mars orbit.

A steerable radio telescope with a 70-meter-diameter antenna in Wuqing District of northern China's Tianjin City is a key facility receiving scientific data sent back by the Mars probe. The one-way communication delay is about 10.7 minutes.

Tianwen-1 will now conduct multiple orbital corrections to enter a temporary Mars parking orbit, surveying potential landing sites in preparation to land in May or June.
Red men of fire like to keep poking their noses into places. UK then USA and USSR now China. Remember it was only a titan who stole fire from the Gods thus created the Red men of fire. Think the Gods don't exist? Red humans of fire nation are everywhere. How much poking around do you think the Gods are going to accept from humans before they cull/kull us?
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