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China Planning for An Aircraft carrier

if india can buy ac when it economy is low than chinese economy china is the biggest country of the world chinese economy is on rise and by buying ac it will open more jobs for chinese people and if americans french and indians can have ac why not china

Purchase of aircraft carrier isn't like a purchase of fighter jet which can be delivered in couple of years after deal get finalize. To construct an aircraft carrier, it takes years, may be I should call decade from stone laying to operationlization. China can only get carrier from Russia, but it has also got a lessons from India's Gorky debacle in which russia is resorting to cost increasing consistantly.
i have seen the pics its almost completed i will post the pics soon
Guys the carrier is probably the Varyag that has been in Dalian for some time now.......:disagree:

No. That aircraft carrier will be named as "Chenggong" and be used for training purpose.

Two 60000 tons aircraft carriers will be built in Shanghai's Changxing shipyard and they will be named as "Beijing" and "Shanghai".
Purchase of aircraft carrier isn't like a purchase of fighter jet which can be delivered in couple of years after deal get finalize. To construct an aircraft carrier, it takes years, may be I should call decade from stone laying to operationlization. China can only get carrier from Russia, but it has also got a lessons from India's Gorky debacle in which russia is resorting to cost increasing consistantly.

please check our history of military, we NEVER pay for anything major that can't be reproduced in China.

actually, in the 1980s, the west even offered an aircraft carrier at damn low price, almost like free, we said "No, thanks" because a toy you can't build yourself in your backyard is just a toy on hand.
please check our history of military, we NEVER pay for anything major that can't be reproduced in China.

actually, in the 1980s, the west even offered an aircraft carrier at damn low price, almost like free, we said "No, thanks" because a toy you can't build yourself in your backyard is just a toy on hand.

totally agree, we shouldn't pay so much money for something we know nothing about,there's no time to make a deal when it comes to war.
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China to Buy Su-33 Carrier-Based Fighters from Russia?
04-Jan-2009 11:46 EST

Near the end of October 2006, Russia’s Kommersant newspaper revealed that Russian state-run weapon exporter Rosoboronexport is completing negotiations with China to deliver up to 48 Sukhoi SU-33 (NATO codename: Flanker-D) carrier-capable fighter aircraft in a purchase deal reportedly worth $2.5 billion. The SU-33 is a variant of Sukhoi’s SU-27 Flanker with forward canards, foldings wings, an arrester hook, a reinforced structure, and other modifications that help it deal with carrier operations and landings.

At present, reports regarding the sale and China’s aircraft carrier intentions both remain somewhat murky. What is not in doubt, however, is that China has expressed interest and is presently in negotiations to acquire these aircraft. Now a number of data points and public statements are adding more fuel to that boiler, as China’s plan takes shape…

The PLA Navy has made contradictory statements regarding its wish to have an operational aircraft carrier, but most expert observers believe they are working on a program to do so. Assurances that the Varyag is destined to be a floating hotel do appear somewhat at variance with the PLAN paint job – the question is whether the Chinese believe they can bring it up to operational status, or are simply using the ship as a learning platform in preparation for their own construction efforts later.

In October 2006, SinoDefence.com reported that China will spend $100 million to buy 2 Su-33 fighters from Komsomolsk-on-Amur Production Association for ‘trial and evaluations,’ with delivery expected in 2007-08. Reports claim there is also an agreed option for another 12 Su-33 fighters, with the potential for the deal to grow to 48 SU-33s and $2.5 billion. They add that China’s Dalian Shipyard is currently refitting the ex-Soviet Navy aircraft carrier Varyag, acquired in extremely poor condition from the Ukraine in 1999.

“China will begin construction of the country’s first domestically produced aircraft carriers in Shanghai next year, with an eye to completing two mid-sized carriers by 2015, military and shipbuilding sources said. Beijing is also expected to complete work on a never-finished former Soviet aircraft carrier moored in the northeastern port of Dalian, to provide training for carrier-based pilots and crew. The two 50,000- to 60,000-ton carriers will rely on conventional propulsion systems, not nuclear power…..

According to sources close to Shanghai municipal authorities, one of the world’s largest shipbuilding facilities was completed this fall on Changxingdao island at the mouth of the Changjiang river near Shanghai. One of the four docks there is for construction of the aircraft carriers, they said.”

Dec 23/08: China’s defence ministry spokesman Huang Xueping discusses that country’s carrier plans during a rare press conference, called to announce the dispatch of Chinese warships to the Somali coast on anti-piracy patrols. When asked about rumors of a Chinese aircraft carrier, he said that:

“An aircraft carrier is a symbol of overall national strength and a symbol of the competitiveness of the nation’s naval force… The Chinese government will take into overall account the relevant factors and seriously consider the relevant issue.”

Oct 24/08:

“Russian sources have now told Jane’s that under the current proposal the Russian in-service Su-33 would be put back into production and the PLAN would acquire 14 of this type to be used for the training phase of the programme….

“The next step will be to modernise the Su-33, which was first designed in the late 1980s, with a new set of state-of-the-art onboard systems,” a KnAAPO representative told Jane’s on the eve of the biennial Air Show China in late October. “What this new aeroplane is most likely to be is a combination Su-33 airframe with a radar, avionics and cockpit instrumentation that is a ‘developed’ configuration based on the Su-30MK2, and this will be the PLAN’s operational version.”

Sept 19/08:
Indian Express cites a small article in a recent issue of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Daily, which announced that the first batch of 50 pilots cadets have been inducted at the Dalian Naval Academy to undergo training on ‘ship borne aircraft flight.’ The first batch of pilots undergoing training on ‘basic theories of surface ship and flight’ will reportedly graduate from the academy in 4 years.

Nov 1/06: Russian news agency RIA Novosti describes the negotiations as “at a preliminary stage.” That same article also noted that Alexander Denisov, who headed Russia’s delegation at Airshow China 2006, said that Russia is ready to help China design an aircraft carrier if asked.

China to Buy Su-33 Carrier-Based Fighters from Russia?
China may build up to six aircraft carriers

At the Chinese Navy’s coming out party this week in the northern port of Qingdao, the buzz is all about aircraft carriers. Everyone wants to know if the People’s Liberation Army will soon confirm a decision on building carriers.

China’s debate on aircraft carriers is not new. For some years now there has been an open debate within the strategic community on the benefits and costs of acquiring carriers. The debate has in fact been about the kind of naval power that Beijing should become.

For the nationalists, building aircraft carriers is all about underlining China’s rise in the international system. Pointing to history, they argue that all great powers build strong navies. And nothing demonstrates the maritime power of a nation than an aircraft carrier.

The enthusiasts of sea-power in China insist that without aircraft carriers, China will be unable to secure its growing interests far from the national shores and in defending against threats to its massive sea-borne trade. They highlight the fact that China is the only major power in the world today without a carrier capability.

The more prudent among the Chinese strategists caution against building aircraft carriers. They argue that blind pursuit of maritime ambitions might put Beijing on a premature collision course with the world’s dominant naval power, the United States.

Those advocating that China should bide its time propose that Beijing must concentrate instead on defensive naval capabilities that will deny ocean spaces near its teritory to the United States.

The indication in the last couple of years has been that the nationalists might be winning the argument. When China announced its decision last December to dispatch a flotilla to the Gulf of Aden, the first Chinese naval mission away from its shores, it dropped a hint that major decisions may have already been made on the carriers.

At that time the PLA top guns declared that "China has the right and capacity to develop aircraft carriers. It should not come as a surprise if one day China decides to do so."

That day might not be too far off. Chinese and international media have been speculating that China is building two aircraft carriers with plans to commission the first in 2015.

More recent reports suggest that Chinese leadership has taken a political decision to build not just two, but four to six aircraft carriers. For many aircraft carriers are a mere political symbol and a costly one at that.

You might agree with that proposition when a country has just one carrier. When a rising power plans to build six of them, we must recognise the arrival of a great new maritime power.

By the time PLA’s naval party ends at Qingdao this week, there will be no doubt about China’s maritime intentions. It is all set to project military power very far from its shores in the not too distant future.
C. Raja Mohan is a Professor at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
We need U boats in large numbers to the extend to harass................ ...
reverse engineering, sea trial's before it's commissioning, the training & to equip six carrier... lol .... I guess the sixth carrier would be seen about 45 years from now?
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The next 5-10 years the world would witness the first wave of ship building of Chinese blue water fleet. Two aircraft carriers and their accompanying combatants. I say that China won't buy Su-33 as the carrier fighters but develop J-15 (or J-11BJ) and J-10C in housevariant. The ship borne AWACS is being built on Y-7 platform.
Allright, some information about the Chinese aircraft carriers:

Displacement: 60000+ tones
Length: 317 meters
Beam: 71 meters
Power: conventional
Numbers to be built: 2 (2009 - 2012)
Total no. of aircraft to be hosted on board: 55-60 including:
Twin engine fighters: J-15 (Prototype revealed a few days ago)
Light fighters: J-10C
AWACS: Y-7 based platform (Picture revealed)
Anti-sub helicopters: Z-9?
The Varyag will not be China's first true operational carrier. China's domestic carrier construction has just begun at Changxing shipyards.

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