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China not budging, Indian Army commanders inform Rajnath Singh

Indian Media have been shouting from the top of their voice about Pearl of dragons and other conspiracy theories for almost entire decade. Then the Chinese came and indians started saying they wont be able to fight because they have no will and they all want to go back home, they miss their parent and all this stuff.
My Question is that if Indians knew and they had before hand knowledge and expertise. Whats happening in Laddakh? how come it happened? Were Indian armed forces sleeping? and why would China Budge? Indians are losing ground and soldiers while Chinese are expanding and showing their presence in the area.
To be honest, it's very hard to reason with Hindian, otherwise Hindia won't be like what it is today.

Hindia screw up relationship with all the neighbors, including Pakistan because of their ignorance and arrogance.
To be honest, it's very hard to reason with Hindian, otherwise Hindia won't be like what it is today.

Hindia screw up relationship with all the neighbors, including Pakistan because of their ignorance and arrogance.

This is because of their caste system. White westerners are treated as gods. Chinese and East Asians are equivalent to their Dalits. They are proud and thankful of British colonialism in India.
But they can’t handle beaten by China for a day. 1962 war was India’s most shameful moment. Hundredsof years of British colonialism is a sense of pride as their master gifted them a political system and a language to unify their country. They are fully aware that Brits created India.
On the other hand, Chinese soldiers, being compared to their Dalits, was not supposed to decimated India. These Brahmin keyboard warriors do not take that loss as being beaten by a equal, but by a Dalit nation that should be Indian servants.
This is because of their caste system. White westerners are treated as gods. Chinese and East Asians are equivalent to their Dalits. They are proud and thankful of British colonialism in India.
But they can’t handle beaten by China for a day. 1962 war was India’s most shameful moment. Hundredsof years of British colonialism is a sense of pride as their master gifted them a political system and a language to unify their country. They are fully aware that Brits created India.
On the other hand, Chinese soldiers, being compared to their Dalits, was not supposed to decimated India. These Brahmin keyboard warriors do not take that loss as being beaten by a equal, but by a Dalit nation that should be Indian servants.

This is because of their caste system. White westerners are treated as gods. Chinese and East Asians are equivalent to their Dalits. They are proud and thankful of British colonialism in India.
But they can’t handle beaten by China for a day. 1962 war was India’s most shameful moment. Hundredsof years of British colonialism is a sense of pride as their master gifted them a political system and a language to unify their country. They are fully aware that Brits created India.
On the other hand, Chinese soldiers, being compared to their Dalits, was not supposed to decimated India. These Brahmin keyboard warriors do not take that loss as being beaten by a equal, but by a Dalit nation that should be Indian servants.

Slavery blood is still running in their veins, and it will take a few centuries to purge it out, if ever.
This is because of their caste system. White westerners are treated as gods. Chinese and East Asians are equivalent to their Dalits.
no, no and no. they do not consider China as a dalit. it is up there at god level, only a lesser god than the supreme god the USA (once it held a joint position with the USSR). any power that can hurt or benefit them is accorded that status. turks, afghans, iranis, mughals, anyone who ever occupied the dilli throne had that status.

I've tried to explain this a number of times in the past in detail but someone keeps deleting it as a religious insult, so no point in typing a whole page which will vanish as soon as noticed or reported. so look it up your ownself.
no, no and no. they do not consider China as a dalit. it is up there at god level, only a lesser god than the supreme god the USA (once it held a joint position with the USSR). any power that can hurt or benefit them is accorded that status. turks, afghans, iranis, mughals, anyone who ever occupied the dilli throne had that status.

I've tried to explain this a number of times in the past in detail but someone keeps deleting it as a religious insult, so no point in typing a whole page which will vanish as soon as noticed or reported. so look it up your ownself.

Not true. Their gods are white Aryan gods. East Asians are equivalent to the NE tribals. We do not get the god treatment in India.

House slaves are even more cruel than their master against fellow field slaves. They need to be that way to please their master as well as intimidating other slaves to signal that he is above them. Indians today have the household slave mindset and treat other non whites as field slaves.

At the end of this movie, Django kneecapped this household slave and left him to die. That is the treatment the any household slave deserves.
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Fake newj

Not an inch of Indian territory lost to China, and not a single Chinese soldier on Indian land. Modi ji said it.

in reality India took over some of the Chinese posts, peaks, land.

Maha Veer Chakras are being awarded to Bharti Veer Jawans for holding their ears and doing uthak baithak to please Chinki foujis.
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