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China, Japan, S.Korea agree to further strengthen trilateral cooperation


Dec 28, 2008
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China, Japan, S.Korea agree to further strengthen trilateral cooperation
08:39, May 16, 2010


Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi (R), Foreign Minister of Republic of Korea (ROK) Yu Myung-hwan (C) and Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada exchage toasts during a banquet in Gyeongju of ROK, May 15, 2010. The fourth trilateral foreign ministers' meeting of China, Japan and ROK is held in Gyeongju Saturday. (Xinhua/He Lulu)

China, Japan and South Korea on Saturday agreed to make joint efforts to promote their all-round cooperative partnership.

The three nations reached the agreement at the end of the fourth trilateral foreign ministers' meeting in South Korea's southeast city of Gyeongju, involving Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada and South Korean Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Yu Myung-hwan.

The three nations expressed their satisfaction about the progress achieved through the trilateral cooperation, and shared the will to further strengthen the trilateral cooperation with the common understanding that the trilateral cooperation contributes not only to the common development of the three countries but also the regional as well as international peace, prosperity and stability, said a statement issued after the meeting.

The ministers engaged in an in-depth discussion on the progress and future direction of the trilateral cooperation, and the preparation for the third trilateral leaders' meeting due in late May in Jeju, South Korea, and also exchanged views on regional and international issues of common concern, such as the current situation in Northeast Asia, East Asia cooperation, the G20, post- economic crisis and climate change, according to the statement.

They said "they noted with satisfaction that more than 50 trilateral consultative mechanisms, including 17 ministerial meetings are in full operation and over 100 trilateral cooperation projects in the political, economic and social fields, people-to- people exchanges, and disaster management are actively promoted."

The ministers also decided to explore new cooperation projects in the new fields.

They valued the international community's recent efforts to strengthen the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regimes, and decided to mutually cooperate for the successful holding of the Nuclear Security Summit, which will be held in South Korea in 2012.

The ministers also expressed their condolences for the loss of many lives due to the sinking of the South Korean navy ship " Cheonan" on March 26, and exchanged views on the incident.

They agreed to hold the fifth trilateral foreign ministers' meeting in Japan next year.

Source: Xinhua

China, Japan, S.Korea agree to further strengthen trilateral cooperation - People's Daily Online
I want to see one Korea in my life time.

Long live Asian brotherhood.

You're being stupid. You'd want American soldiers by your border? If I were in your position, I'd split vietnam apart.
You're being stupid. You'd want American soldiers by your border? If I were in your position, I'd split vietnam apart.

American soldiers are already standing by the borders in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and in Taiwan.
You're being stupid. You'd want American soldiers by your border? If I were in your position, I'd split vietnam apart.

i frankly dont like the north at all, much rather the south took over,i have said before integration costs alone will ensure no threat from them in ages to come and without north area will be much more peaceful
i frankly dont like the north at all, much rather the south took over,i have said before integration costs alone will ensure no threat from them in ages to come and without north area will be much more peaceful

south korea also claims half of manchuria as their territory. be careful what you wish for.
What? Is Yellow Peril becoming a reality?

<I want to see one Korea in my life time. >

But you're flying the NK flag. This is not gonna fly with the SK. I think the united flag of Korea should be half NK flag and half SK flag (where the half NK flag is at the top).

As long as the US soldiers in SK and Japan the alliance can never be strong.
south korea also claims half of manchuria as their territory. be careful what you wish for.

they can try but like i said integration with the north will mean they cant do anything for a while, plus south Korea invading china will only lead to a government change for them.
again why risk it, north korea isn't going to aim its nuke at us.

lets put it this way: north korea existing means we hired 1 million soldiers, 5000 tanks, 600 planes, and 10000 artillery, for a few billion dollars per year.

if north korea disappeared, we'd have to 1.) replace those losses and 2.) south korea gains those. it takes a hell of alot more than a few billion dollars per year to replace 1 million soldiers, 5000 tanks, 600 planes and 10000 artillery.
again why risk it, north korea isn't going to aim its nuke at us.

lets put it this way: north korea existing means we hired 1 million soldiers, 5000 tanks, 600 planes, and 10000 artillery, for a few billion dollars per year.

if north korea disappeared, we'd have to 1.) replace those losses and 2.) south korea gains those. it takes a hell of alot more than a few billion dollars per year to replace 1 million soldiers, 5000 tanks, 600 planes and 10000 artillery.

Never saw it that way...
Never saw it that way...

Neither did I. I never saw that coming. I better work on my long-term strategic thinking skills. Can't be a neo-Clausewitz if I can't see something important like that.

The revelation is that North Korea is arguably an asset to China, instead of being a pain-in-the-neck Stalinist liability that soaks up billions of dollars.
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its the best deal anyone can ever get. a 1 million strong border guard in one of the most volatile regions of the world, with NUKES and TANKS, for a few billion dollars a year (less than the price of 2 nuke subs)
again why risk it, north korea isn't going to aim its nuke at us.

lets put it this way: north korea existing means we hired 1 million soldiers, 5000 tanks, 600 planes, and 10000 artillery, for a few billion dollars per year.

if north korea disappeared, we'd have to 1.) replace those losses and 2.) south korea gains those. it takes a hell of alot more than a few billion dollars per year to replace 1 million soldiers, 5000 tanks, 600 planes and 10000 artillery.

that army would last all of one week against the us.(longer if only against the south)
also they are the cause of the volatility
a united korea may be stronger than south korea EVENTUALLY but so long as china doesnt self destruct a united korea can never hope to pose a threat to china infact their size and being connected to china by land with easy transportation would mean they would have to be careful not to displease china.
and i am against nuclear proliferation.

i am all for waiting till kim dies though and hopefully the next guy is easier to work with
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