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"China is the next great country in the world" - Jim Rogers

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I've watched this news in BBC yesterday, Chinese authorities claimed its fake and propgenda by Dlai Lama.

I've asked some of Chinese friends about it they are not aware of it. You tube is banned and and none of national/ loacal tv channel has mentioned any thing about this incident.

Obviously they say it is fake.

Your statement in the bold say lot of things by itself about what kind of freedom chinese(tibetans) and media have in china.

And your communist government get succeeded in their objective to ban youtube.

Now it is upto you and chinese people that in which way they take this event and raise their voice against voilence in tibet, if you have any right to do so.

By the way, please tell me some logical reason which make this video fake.
LCA - Correction, I'm an Indian working in China
No worries ..cheers :cheers:
Stories China's media could not write

When journalists at China's national broadcaster CCTV log on, one of the first things that pops up on screen is a notice about what not to report. These notices are often short and seldom say who has authorised them, but they all contain strict instructions about how to report a story.

Journalists were recently warned off a health scandal, told how to report the death of Benazir Bhutto and had to steer clear of a Hollywood film story. Censorship has been an everyday feature of news reporting in China for as long as the Chinese Communist Party has been in power. But this wide range of so-called sensitive stories shows that, in China, any story on any subject at any time can still fall foul of the censor's red pen.
No explanation
As 2007 came to a close, it was three very different stories that received particular attention from censors working at China Central Television (CCTV). On 19 December, journalists received a notice banning them from carrying reports about the death of a pregnant migrant worker. The news had previously been widely reported in the Chinese media.
The saga began when the woman was rushed to a Beijing hospital with what her husband said was a simple cold. But doctors said she was suffering from pneumonia and needed an emergency caesarean. Her husband, believing the hospital wanted to charge him for an expensive and unnecessary operation, refused. Three hours later his wife was dead.
The terse notice banning CCTV journalists from reporting this story did not say why it was sensitive, but health is a hot topic for ordinary Chinese people
Many suspect doctors prescribe expensive drugs and order unnecessary tests and treatment to boost their salaries. Two days later, the CCTV censors were worried about another story - reports that China had banned some Hollywood films from Chinese cinemas. Censors decided this story could not be reported at all.
Again, the notice did not say why, but there has been trade friction between China and the US for some time. Perhaps the government did not want to add to the tension by talking about another potential trade dispute between the two sides.

'Avoid drawing fire'
The third story that caused problems was the death of Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto two days after Christmas. China and Pakistan are close allies, and the government presumably did not want to cause a friend unnecessary trouble. Of course, it would have been hard to simply ignore the assassination, so on 28 December CCTV journalists received explicit instructions on how to report the killing. Reporters were told to stick to the facts and not connect the incident with Pakistan's internal turmoil or mention the possibility of terrorism. "Avoid drawing fire against ourselves. Avoid being drawn into Pakistan's internal contradictions," the notice read. And this time journalists were told exactly who had authorised this order - the party's Central Propaganda Department.
These three stories are just the tip of the iceberg, according to David Bandurski, a researcher with the Hong Kong-based China Media Project, which monitors the media in China. "There are all kinds of bans and missives against all kinds of stories for different reasons," he says. Certain subjects are always out of bounds in China, such as speculation about China's national leaders.
Other issues, such as health, education and inflation, are closely monitored because they are potentially controversial. CCTV journalists were recently told to follow the lead of Xinhua, China's national news agency, when writing reports about fuel price rises. Sometimes even innocent stories can become sensitive, such as a recent debate about digital TV, because it touched on the issue of consumer rights
'Wriggle room'
Despite the obstacles, Mr Bandurski says many Chinese journalists are keen to push the boundaries of what is allowed. "The media is becoming savvy about which stories are completely taboo and which stories have some wriggle room, even for a short time," he says. The media was not always so strictly controlled in China. Zhan Jiang, a journalism professor at Beijing's China Youth University for Political Science, says there was more freedom to report political issues in the 1980s. But that relatively relaxed period came to an abrupt end in 1989 with the crackdown on the Tiananmen Square protesters. The professor is not optimistic that things will improve in the short term for Chinese journalists.

On one hand, (Chinese President) Hu Jintao suggests goals to aim for, such as democracy and the rule of law," says Mr Zhan. "But, on the other hand, the forces that oppose democracy, the rule of law and particularly freedom of speech are powerful.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Stories China's media could not write
Guess you first have to define what a "great nation" is. Is its pure GDP, military might, standard of living? There would be a heap of factors to consider.
In my opinion, yes by the end of this century, China will be a be big influence on the world. As far as standard of living, China would not caught up to the west even in 100 years.
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tks a lot! brother!

Above video is the reason behind they banned the you tube , so that world can't saw their greatness.


what can i say to u this guy? a fool or a smart guy who only is brainwahsed by the west, and just losing your own judgement "temporarily"
I am in Chengdu city, Sichuan province, China. my province is next to tibet.

we have no right to watch youtube? I even can visit USA's military.com!

what can i say to u this guy? a fool or a smart guy who only is brainwahsed by the west, and just losing your own judgement "temporarily"
I am in Chengdu city, Sichuan province, China. my province is next to tibet.

we have no right to watch youtube? I even can visit USA's military.com!
Your not watcing youtube ...first and second thats the beauty of i'Net....replication of so fast that nobody can hide even the fact...I remember during Olympics there was controversy regarding age of Chinese Gymnast..there were 2 docs on CHinese site according to which 2 gymnast were of quite young...and before Chinese gove and take them off...ppl took screnshot and it was replicated everywhere.....

ANd for youtube...the owner company Google has made a statement that traffic from china has dropped suddenly...

I've watched this news in BBC yesterday, Chinese authorities claimed its fake and propgenda by Dlai Lama.

I've asked some of Chinese friends about it they are not aware of it. You tube is banned and and none of national/ loacal tv channel has mentioned any thing about this incident.

I'm not sure what the purpose of that video is. The rioters burned, pillaged, and murdered. They had it coming. So whether the video is authentic or not is irrelevant. The Tibetan claims of unfair treatment is simply ridiculous. They lack education and other opportunities, sure, but so do hundreds of MILLIONS of ethnic Chinese people. The common thread is that they're all poor, not their ethnicity. As a developing country, China certainly cannot guarantee equal opportunities to all citizens yet, the entire western China, which contains many millions of ethnic Chinese, is generally poor and have far less opportunities than people from eastern China in for example Beijing.
Well, yesterday or day before yesterday i was seeing an interview of hongkong media mogul Jimmy Lai. In it he aptly said in response to the current ecnomic crises and its effect in china. He says the entire society of china is build on economic development and what it lacks is a strong moral system. And if econmy fails there is nothing else to support it, and people dont have anyting else to go back to.. be it religion..spirutality etc. I was completly in agreement with that. Inspite of all these economic development, i geniunley felt that somthng is amiss with chinese. Well i am not talking prejudistically and i would like to get a response on this point raised by Jimmy Lai from my chinese counter parts.

The great Hindu morality sure kept India in the forefront of the world for thousands of years.... Sorry, but arguing on the basis of morality is just plain naive. If the economy fails, morality goes out of the window and the ugly and instinctive human nature takes over--ironically oftentimes under the pretense of moral high ground ala the Christian crusaders of hundreds of years ago and the Islamic fundamentalists of today.
I'm not sure what the purpose of that video is. The rioters burned, pillaged, and murdered. They had it coming. So whether the video is authentic or not is irrelevant. The Tibetan claims of unfair treatment is simply ridiculous. They lack education and other opportunities, sure, but so do hundreds of MILLIONS of ethnic Chinese people. The common thread is that they're all poor, not their ethnicity. As a developing country, China certainly cannot guarantee equal opportunities to all citizens yet, the entire western China, which contains many millions of ethnic Chinese, is generally poor and have far less opportunities than people from eastern China in for example Beijing.

Unlike others on forum I'm not indulged in judging that this treatment is fair or video is authentic. Every country has its own fare share of issue and problem. World is name of harsh realities and when it comes to problem every one have to face it alone. If China has problem she has to face and find the solution.

Human right violation happens every where (It should not happen), most of the time these can be avoided. But keeping people of the country blind and deprived from reality isn’t the trait of responsible powers. We expect China (would be super power) to openly accept or neglect these claim and let the people of county know that it true or not.
China might have opted to keep silent to unnecessary attention but its makes things more suspicious. :undecided:
Unlike others on forum I'm not indulged in judging that this treatment is fair or video is authentic. Every country has its own fare share of issue and problem. World is name of harsh realities and when it comes to problem every one have to face it alone. If China has problem she has to face and find the solution.

Human right violation happens every where (It should not happen), most of the time these can be avoided. But keeping people of the country blind and deprived from reality isn’t the trait of responsible powers. We expect China (would be super power) to openly accept or neglect these claim and let the people of county know that it true or not.
China might have opted to keep silent to unnecessary attention but its makes things more suspicious. :undecided:

And why is that? Why is it that China, or any country for that matter, has to be open? Is there some sort of divine law that I'm unaware of? Every country hides the truth to some extent. The WMD-in-Iraq stunt the Bush administration pulled sure stunk of some serious truth-hiding. Each country simply hides the truth to a different extent due to each country's needs.
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