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China has right to develop military

Apr 15, 2011
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On August 24, the Pentagon released its annual report on China's military capability, harping on the same tone as usual that China's military is a threat.

China is the most populous nation in the world with the third largest territory. As a victim of Western as well as the Japanese imperialism for almost one hundred years, China has every legitimate reason to strengthen its military in order to prevent the horrific events like the rape of Peking in 1900 and the rape of Nanjing in 1937 from happening again.

China does not spend more on its military than some Western nations like France and Britain on a per capita basis. China does not borrow money from others to spend on its military like the US, which has a national debt of over $14 trillion, and whose military budget accounts for more than forty percent of total military spending in the world.

However, the US, which has military basis in more than one hundred and thirty countries in the world, and outspends the next ten biggest military spenders combined, always points fingers at China's military spending and military capabilities.

People will wonder why the US, which has fought more wars than any other country in the world and currently involved in three overseas military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, has the guts to talk about China's military threat, which is one of the most peaceful nations in world history. Well, that is how bullies behave in this world. The Chinese has a very good term for this kind of bully mentality. It is zhixu zhouguan fanghuo, buxu baixingdiandong. (They can set fire, but they do not allow others to light a lamp)

Every time the US and others talk about China's military spending and its military threat, Chinese military authorities would reiterate China's intention of peaceful development and rise in the world. It has become a pattern of interaction between China and the US. The US uses its annual report on China's military to put China on the defensive, and China has to make apologetic explanations about its military spending and its peaceful intentions.

I do not believe that is the right way to deal with military bullies like the United States. China should categorically tell the US to look itself in the mirror, and stopping harping on about China's military threat in the world. China should also make it known that its military intends to threaten its enemies. Otherwise why should China spend money on its military? China wants to develop peacefully, but what if others do not want China to develop peacefully? What if others impose war on China? Can China still stick to its intention of peaceful development if others impose war on China? I do not think that will be the case.

China is the only permanent member on the UN Security Council which still has unresolved territorial integrity issues. As a permanent member of UN Security Council China has the right to unify its territory. The US Chief of Staff stated in his recent visit to China, that the US military has the military obligation to defend Taiwan. Why the US military has the legal obligation to defend China’s territory? How could the US government pass laws to extend its legal jurisdictions over other nations? Has the US turn itself into a kind of world government? Well, again that is how bullies do things in this world.

The Chinese government and Chinese military should categorically declare that its military has the legal obligation to safeguard China's territorial integrity. As long as China's territorial integrity issues remain unresolved, China intends to increase its military spending and intends to threaten those who try to prevent China from achieving its legitimate goal of territorial integrity.

Because of China's military weakness it suffered horrendous injustice at the hands of Western and Japanese imperialism.

The Western nations and Japan imposed numerous unequal treaties on China, and Chinese people as a result suffered great losses of lives and property. The Chinese government and Chinese military has every legal and moral obligation to make sure that the past injustice and past human rights violations happened to the Chinese people never happen again.

Chinese government and Chinese military do not need to apologize for its military spending and its military capability, because unlike other countries in the world, China does not use its military capability and strength to bully others. It only uses it to defend what is justly China.

Countries, big or small in this world, do not need to feel threatened by China's military spending and military capability as long as they do not encroach on China territorial integrity. China has the longest history to prove its peaceful intentions in this world.

China has right to develop military|Web Comments|chinadaily.com.cn
They simply cant accept they are no longer "top dog". Cina is clearly putting them in thier place and its brilliant to see. USA stop spending what you dont have.STOP BULLYING OTHERS!!
Whaddaya mean 'no longer'? :lol:
china should stop apologizing for anything.

china should do what is in the best interest of china only.

chinese territorial integrity should NEVER be compromised under any circumstances.

how can we? CPC is already being hijacked by traitors. they will keep sending tribute to their american and japanese masters in the form of money and their daughters. dark 10 years ahead for China.
China has right to develop military|Web Comments|chinadaily.com.cn
On August 24, the Pentagon released its annual report on China's military capability, harping on the same tone as usual that China's military is a threat.

...always points fingers at China's military spending and military capabilities.
Hey, Mr. Han, news for ya: EVERY RESPONSIBLE MILITARY is supposed to compose an assessment on potential adversaries. The PLA is no different.

China should also make it known that its military intends to threaten its enemies.
Senor Han...Yes, that is what a military is supposed to do. We do it. The Russians does it. The French does it. Every military does it. So China should do it. Militaries do not threaten allies. Only enemies.

China wants to develop peacefully, but what if others do not want China to develop peacefully?
Certainly not US. Sorry, Professor Han, but assessing a military's capability to wage a war, small or large, is NORMAL for a military.
china should never give up its nuclear arsenal.

if the chinese economy collapses in the distant future for whatever reason and the conventional military does not get the funding and falls behind, then china still has the nuclear arsenal to wipe any nation or group of nations off the map that threaten chinese sovreignty.

this is the reason russia was never colonized after the soviet union collapsed because the western imperialists know russia still has its massive nuclear arsenal even though the russian conventional military fell behind as the russian economy collapsed. now that the russian economy is rising, russia can afford to rebuilt its conventional military and all the while russia was never colonized because they still had their nuclear arsenal.

when a country's economy collapses and thus the conventional military collapses, thats when the foreign vultures start to rape the collapsed country and humiliate its people.

there are 5 things that are essential for national security:

1) Military security
2) Food & Water security
3) Energy security
4) Financial security
5) Raw Material security

if any country depends on foreigners for any of these 5, then that country is in a vulnerable situation regarding its security.
china should never give up its nuclear arsenal.

if the chinese economy collapses in the distant future for whatever reason and the conventional military does not get the funding and falls behind, then china still has the nuclear arsenal to wipe any nation or group of nations off the map that threaten chinese sovreignty.

this is the reason russia was never colonized after the soviet union collapsed because the western imperialists know russia still has its massive nuclear arsenal even though the russian conventional military fell behind as the russian economy collapsed. now that the russian economy is rising, russia can afford to rebuilt its conventional military and all the while russia was never colonized because they still had their nuclear arsenal.

when a country's economy collapses and thus the conventional military collapses, thats when the foreign vultures start to rape the collapsed country and humiliate its people.

there are 5 things that are essential for national security:

1) Military security
2) Food & Water security
3) Energy security
4) Financial security
5) Raw Material security

if any country depends on foreigners for any of these 5, then that country is in a vulnerable situation regarding its security.
No. The reason why Russia was left alone after the Soviets collapsed was because no one wanted anything to do with Russia. The collapse was unexpected and quite rapid when it happened. So no one had preparation to 'colonize' Russia. Stop talking nonsense.
China has more enemies then allies in asia and its the western world looking after they interest
China has more enemies then allies in asia and its the western world looking after they interest

only chinese enemies are the ones that is trying to steal chinese territory.
western world is hyping up the 'china threat' to scare foolish asian nations to accept western imperilism.

a strong china is a safer asia.
only chinese enemies are the ones that is trying to steal chinese territory.
western world is hyping up the 'china threat' to scare foolish asian nations to accept western imperilism.

a strong china is a safer asia.

But what if China steal lands from "chinese enemies" and use "superb propaganda" skill to accuse "chinese enemies" for "stealing lands" :rofl: :rofl:
So, as the result, with a lot of nations in the known world, we don't need China for a safer world :rofl: :rofl:
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;2065643 said:
But what if China steal lands from "chinese enemies" and use "superb propaganda" skill to accuse "chinese enemies" for "stealing lands" :rofl: :rofl:
So, as the result, with a lot of nations in the known world, we don't need China for a safer world :rofl: :rofl:

Agree, they are trying to take Indian land and disputed territory away with force and intimidation, China is also funding Pakistan to buy planes and weapons, so that Pakistan can help China to make India spend more on military and less on economy.

China is playing a smart game and Indians, east asia and western world know what China is trying to achieve.
Agree, they are trying to take Indian land and disputed territory away with force and intimidation, China is also funding Pakistan to buy planes and weapons, so that Pakistan can help China to make India spend more on military and less on economy.

China is playing a smart game and Indians, east asia and western world know what China is trying to achieve.

Wow you indians are so clever. Of course the west want to be nice to you and intoduce their way of life to you and take the mick out of you by saying that slumdog is the real face of india
Wow you indians are so clever. Of course the west want to be nice to you and intoduce their way of life to you and take the mick out of you by saying that slumdog is the real face of india

No, you should watch all the BBC documnetary and read Financial Times and Guardian.

They are all recognising India potential economy and economic growth. But you being anti-indian, you will only remember the bad stuff that is written by tabloid newspaper.
how can we? CPC is already being hijacked by traitors. they will keep sending tribute to their american and japanese masters in the form of money and their daughters. dark 10 years ahead for China.

I'm gonna hold you to your words ten years later. ;)
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